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Human Acts (미국판)

소년이 온다 | Winner of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature | Paperback
Han Kang 저자(글) · 데보라 스미스 번역
Hogarth Press · 2017년 10월 17일
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    Human Acts (미국판) 대표 이미지
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    Human Acts (미국판) 사이즈 비교 129x200
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Human Acts (미국판) 상세 이미지

책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야

From the internationally bestselling author of The Vegetarian, a "rare and astonishing" (The Observer) portrait of political unrest and the universal struggle for justice.
In the midst of a violent student uprising in South Korea, a young boy named Dong-ho is shockingly killed.
The story of this tragic episode unfolds in a sequence of interconnected chapters as the victims and the bereaved encounter suppression, denial, and the echoing agony of the massacre. From Dong-ho's best friend who meets his own fateful end; to an editor struggling against censorship; to a prisoner and a factory worker, each suffering from traumatic memories; and to Dong-ho's own grief-stricken mother; and through their collective heartbreak and acts of hope is the tale of a brutalized people in search of a voice.
An award-winning, controversial bestseller, Human Acts is a timeless, pointillist portrait of an historic event with reverberations still being felt today, by turns tracing the harsh reality of oppression and the resounding, extraordinary poetry of humanity.
Shortlisted for the International Dublin Literary Award
Amazon, 100 Best Books of 2017
The Atlantic, "The Best Books We Read in 2017"
San Francisco Chronicle, "Best of 2017: 100 Recommended Books"
NPR Book Concierge, 2017's Great Reads
Library Journal, "Best Books of 2017"
Huffington Post, "Best Fiction Books of 2017"
Medium, Kong Tsung-gan's "Best Human Rights Books of 2017"

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저자(글) Han Kang

Han Kang

Han Kang was born in 1970 in South Korea. In 1993 she made her literary debut as a poet, and was first published as a novelist in 1994. A participant in the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, Han has won the Man Booker International Prize, the Yi Sang Literary Prize, the Today's Young Artist Award, and the Manhae Prize for Literature. She currently works as a professor in the department of creative writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts.

번역 데보라 스미스

1987년 영국 북부 사우스 요크셔(South Yorkshire)에서 태어났다. 그녀는 22살에 한국어를 배우기 시작했고, 주로 한강(Han Kang )과 배수아(Bae Suah)의 책을 번역해 왔다. 2015년 아시아 전역에서 번역본을 출판하기 위해 그녀가 설립한 회사인 틸트 액시스 프레스(Tilted Axis Press)는 황정근(Han June), 한유주(Han Yujoo), 이혜미(Lee Hyemi), 그리고 일본어로 글을 쓰는 한국 시민 유미리(Yu Miri)의 책을 출판했다.

출판사 서평

"Compulsively readable, universally relevant and deeply resonant... It lacerates, it haunts, it dreams, it mourns... ‘Human Acts’ is, in equal parts, beautiful and urgent."-New York Times Book Review

”Human Acts is unique in the intensity and scale of this brutality… [T]he novel details a bloody history that was deliberately forgotten and is only now being recovered.”-The Nation

"[Han Kang's] new novel, Human Acts, showcases the same talent for writing about corporeal horrors, this time in the context of the 1980 Gwangju uprising.”-TIME Magazine

“Han Kang’s Human Acts speak the unspeakable.” -Vanity Fair

“The long wake of the killings plays out across the testimonies of survivors as well as the dead, in scenarios both gorily real and beautifully surreal.”-Vulture

"Human Acts is stunning. Book reviews evaluate how well a book does what it sets out to do, and so we sometimes write nice things about books that perfectly fulfill trivial aims. Otherwise, we'd always be complaining that romance novels or political thrillers fail to justify the ways of God to men. But Han Kang has an ambition as large as Milton's struggle with God: She wants to reconcile the ways of humanity to itself.”-NPR.org

“Engrossing… The result is torturously compelling, a relentless portrait of death and agony that never lets you look away. Han’s prose-as translated by Deborah Smith-is both spare and dreamy, full of haunting images and echoing language. She mesmerizes, drawing you into the horrors of Gwangju; questioning humanity, implicating everyone… Unnerving and painfully immediate.”-Los Angeles Times

“Revelatory … nothing short of breathtaking… In the end, what Han has re-created is not just an extraordinary record of human suffering during one particularly contentious period in Korean history, but also a written testament to our willingness to risk discomfort, capture, even death in order to fight for a cause or help others in times of need.”-San Francisco Chronicle


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781101906743 ( 110190674X )
발행(출시)일자 2017년 10월 17일
쪽수 240쪽
129 * 200 * 20 mm / 200 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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