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We Do Not Part * Exclusive Edition *

작별하지 않는다 영국판 | 양장본 Hardcover
한강 저자(글) · e. yaewon , Paige Aniyah Morris 번역
Penguin Books Ltd (UK) · 2025년 01월 21일
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    We Do Not Part * Exclusive Edition * 사이즈 비교 138x222
    단위 : mm
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We Do Not Part * Exclusive Edition * 상세 이미지

책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야

기존 영국판과 표지 및 내용 동일하며 도서 옆면 노란색 sprayed edge 추가된 Exclusive 버전입니다.

Like a long winter’s dream, this haunting and visionary new novel from 2024 Nobel Prize winner Han Kang takes us on a journey from contemporary South Korea into its painful history

‘One of the most profound and skilled writers working on the contemporary world stage’ Deborah Levy

Beginning one morning in December, We Do Not Part traces the path of Kyungha as she travels from the city of Seoul into the forests of Jeju Island, to the home of her old friend Inseon. Hospitalized following an accident, Inseon has begged Kyungha to hasten there to feed her beloved pet bird, who will otherwise die.

Kyungha takes the first plane to Jeju, but a snowstorm hits the island the moment she arrives, plunging her into a world of white. Beset by icy wind and snow squalls, she wonders if she will arrive in time to save the bird – or even survive the terrible cold which envelops her with every step. As night falls, she struggles her way to Inseon’s house, unaware as yet of the descent into darkness which awaits her.

There, the long-buried story of Inseon’s family surges into light, in dreams and memories passed from mother to daughter, and in a painstakingly assembled archive documenting a terrible massacre on the island seventy years before.

We Do Not Part is a hymn to friendship, a eulogy to the imagination and above all an indictment against forgetting.

Translated by e. yaewon and Paige Aniyah Morris

‘A vital voice and a writer of extraordinary humanity. Her work is a gift to us all’ Max Porter

원서번역서 내용 엿보기



저자(글) 한강


Han Kang was born in 1970 in South Korea. In 1993 she made her literary debut as a poet and published her first short story in 1994. She won the Man Booker International Prize for The Vegetarian and was shortlisted for The White Book. In 2024, Han Kang was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature ‘for her intense poetic prose that confronts historical traumas and exposes the fragility of human life’.

Among other major awards and prizes she is the winner of the Prix Medicis Etranger 2023 for the French edition of We Do Not Part. She taught in the department of creative writing at the Seoul Institute of the Arts for eleven years before leaving in 2018 to focus on writing. She is the fifth writer to contribute to the ongoing Future Library project in Oslo, Norway.

e. yaewon translates from and into Korean. Most recently, she translated Hwang Jungeun's dd's Umbrella and Maggie Nelson's The Argonauts and co-translated Han Kang's Greek Lessons and Samuel Beckett's Selected Shorter Plays.

Paige Aniyah Morris divides her time between the United States and Korea. Recent translations include works by Pak Kyongni, Ji-min Lee, and Chang Kang-myoung.

출판사 서평

[Han Kang’s] empathy for vulnerable, often female, lives is palpable, and reinforced by her metaphorically charged prose . . . She has a unique awareness of the connections between body and soul, the living and the dead, and in a poetic and experimental style has become an innovator in contemporary prose -- Nobel Prize in Literature Committee

Han Kang offers a devastating indictment of her country’s past . . . The novel conjures a dreamlike feel amid its potent tales of suffering and cruelty, all leading to a final section that is simply stunning. Han pulls off a masterful meditation on what it’s like to be assaulted by an “endless spew of blood-soaked memories”. In that finale, I was stopped short by the grace of one dazzling page, with its cascade of memorable images. These include a description of mental collapse as hundreds of fuses in one’s head blowing one by one, and a woman sleeping all day in a hospice, who reminds Khungha of “a sea where the high tide lasts forever”. Han ends her magnificent novel on a beautifully beguiling note ― Independent, ‘Novel of the month’

One of the greatest living writers . . . She is a voice for women, for truth and, above all, for the power of what literature can be -- Eimear McBride

A courageous and gifted writer whose work has truly global resonance . . . [Han Kang’s] writing is nuanced, supple and precise ― Irish Times

Bold and revelatory, disquieting and subversive, Han’s style is both spare and lyrical ― Guardian

A chilling reminder of the terrible invisibility of people and events that are removed from us in space and time ― The New York Times

Exquisite. Han’s radiant intensity, her singular ability to find connections between body and soul, and to experiment with form and style, are what make her one of the world’s most important writers ― Los Angeles Times

A novelist and poet of tremendous feeling and precision . . . We Do Not Part [is] a beautiful, mysterious story built around . . . a pogrom on Jeju Island after the Korean War, told from the perspective of three women characters ― The New Yorker

A haunting exploration of friendship amid historical trauma ― TIME

A visionary novel about history, trauma, art and its tremendous costs. Han Kang is one of the most powerfully gifted writers in the world. With each work, she transforms her readers, and rewrites the possibilities of the novel as a form -- Katie Kitamura


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780241766842 ( 0241766842 )
발행(출시)일자 2025년 01월 21일
쪽수 384쪽
138 * 222 * 25 mm
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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