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We Do Not Part (미국판)

작별하지 않는다 | Winner of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature | 양장본 Hardcover
Hogarth Press · 2025년 01월 21일
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  • We Do Not Part (미국판) 대표 이미지
    We Do Not Part (미국판) 대표 이미지
  • A4
    사이즈 비교
    We Do Not Part (미국판) 사이즈 비교 149x217
    단위 : mm
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기본배송지 기준
배송일자 기준 안내
로그인 : 회원정보에 등록된 기본배송지
로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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We Do Not Part (미국판) 상세 이미지
“[Han Kang’s] intense poetic prose . . . confronts historical traumas and exposes the fragility of human life.”—The Nobel Committee for Literature, in the citation for the Nobel Prize

“Unforgettable.”—Hernan Diaz

Han Kang’s most revelatory book since The Vegetarian, We Do Not Part tells the story of a friendship between two women while powerfully reckoning with a hidden chapter in Korean history.

One winter morning, Kyungha receives an urgent message from her friend Inseon to visit her at a hospital in Seoul. Inseon has injured herself in an accident, and she begs Kyungha to return to Jeju Island, where she lives, to save her beloved pet—a white bird called Ama. A snowstorm hits the island when Kyungha arrives. She must reach Inseon’s house at all costs, but the icy wind and squalls slow her down as night begins to fall. She wonders if she will arrive in time to save the animal—or even survive the terrible cold that envelops her with every step. Lost in a world of snow, she doesn’t yet suspect the vertiginous plunge into the darkness that awaits her at her friend’s house.

Blurring the boundaries between dream and reality, We Do Not Part powerfully illuminates a forgotten chapter in Korean history, buried for decades—bringing to light the lost voices of the past to save them from oblivion. Both a hymn to an enduring friendship and an argument for remembering, it is the story of profound love in the face of unspeakable violence—and a celebration of life, however fragile it might be.

원서번역서 내용 엿보기



저자(글) Yaewon, E.

e. yaewon is based in Korea and translates from and into Korean, including titles by Hwang Jungeun, Deborah Levy, and Samuel Beckett.

저자(글) Morris, Paige Aniyah

Paige Aniyah Morris divides her time between the United States and Korea. Recent translations include works by Pak Kyongni, Ji-min Lee, and Chang Kang-myoung.

출판사 서평

“A visionary novel about history, trauma, art and its tremendous costs. Han Kang is one of the most powerfully gifted writers in the world. With each work, she transforms her readers, and rewrites the possibilities of the novel as a form.”—Katie Kitamura, author of Intimacies

“A disquietingly beautiful novel about the impossibility of waking up from the nightmare of history . . . . Han Kang’s prose, as delicate as footprints in the snow or a palimpsest of shadows, conjures up the specters haunting a nation, a family, a friendship. . . . Unforgettable.”—Hernan Diaz, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Trust

“Indelible. . . a meticulously rendered portrait of friendship, mother-daughter love, and hope in the face of profound loss. Kang is at the top of her game.”—Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Haunting and dreamlike, this is a novel of secrets and silences.”—Silvia Moreno-Garcia, New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic and The Seventh Veil of Salome


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780593595459 ( 0593595459 )
발행(출시)일자 2025년 01월 21일
쪽수 272쪽
149 * 217 * 27 mm / 390 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립

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