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Greek Lessons

From the International Booker Prize-winning author of The Vegetarian | 양장본 Hardcover
Han Kang 저자(글)
Penguin UK · 2023년 04월 13일
10점 중 10점
(4개의 리뷰)
최고예요 (100%의 구매자)
  • Greek Lessons 대표 이미지
    Greek Lessons 대표 이미지
  • A4
    사이즈 비교
    Greek Lessons 사이즈 비교 138x222
    단위 : mm
01 / 02
MD의 선택 무료배송 이벤트 소득공제 정가제Free
25% 18,000 24,000


1% 적립 180P


  • 5만원 이상 구매 시 추가 2,000P
  • 3만원 이상 구매 시, 등급별 2~4% 추가 최대 180P
  • 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 추가 최대 300원

알림 신청하시면 원하시는 정보를
받아 보실 수 있습니다.


이 책의 이벤트

해외주문/바로드림/제휴사주문/업체배송건의 경우 1+1 증정상품이 발송되지 않습니다.

Greek Lessons 상세 이미지

책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야


A powerful novel of the saving grace of language and human connection, from the celebrated author of The Vegetarian

In a classroom in Seoul, a young woman watches her Greek language teacher at the blackboard. She tries to speak but has lost her voice. Her teacher finds himself drawn to the silent woman, for day by day he is losing his sight.

Soon they discover a deeper pain binds them together. For her, in the space of just a few months, she has lost both her mother and the custody battle for her nine-year-old son. For him, it's the pain of growing up between Korea and Germany, being torn between two cultures and languages.

Greek Lessons tells the story of two ordinary people brought together at a moment of private anguish - the fading light of a man losing his vision meeting the silence of a woman who has lost her language. Yet these are the very things that draw them to one another. Slowly the two discover a profound sense of unity - their voices intersecting with startling beauty, as they move from darkness to light, from silence to expression.

Greek Lessons is a tender love letter to human intimacy and connection, a novel to awaken the senses, vividly conjuring the essence of what it means to be alive.


'Sensual, provocative and violent, ripe with potent images, startling colours and disturbing questions. Sentence by sentence, The Vegetarian is an extraordinary experience' Guardian

'A startling new novel... It is written in cool, still, poetic but matter-of-fact short sentences, translated luminously by Deborah Smith, who is obviously a genius' Deborah Levy

'Enthralling... It has a surreal and spellbinding quality, especially in its passage on nature and the physical landscape, so beautiful and so magnificently impervious to the human suffering around it' Independent
A powerful novel of the saving grace of language and human connection, from the celebrated author of The Vegetarian

In a classroom in Seoul, a young woman watches her Greek language teacher at the blackboard. She tries to speak but has lost her voice. Her teacher finds himself drawn to the silent woman, for day by day he is losing his sight.

Soon they discover a deeper pain binds them together. For her, in the space of just a few months, she has lost both her mother and the custody battle for her nine-year-old son. For him, it's the pain of growing up between Korea and Germany, being torn between two cultures and languages.

Greek Lessons tells the story of two ordinary people brought together at a moment of private anguish - the fading light of a man losing his vision meeting the silence of a woman who has lost her language. Yet these are the very things that draw them to one another. Slowly the two discover a profound sense of unity - their voices intersecting with startling beauty, as they move from darkness to light, from silence to expression.

Greek Lessons is a tender love letter to human intimacy and connection, a novel to awaken the senses, vividly conjuring the essence of what it means to be alive.

Translated by Deborah Smith and Emily Yae Won.

원서번역서 내용 엿보기



저자(글) Han Kang

Han Kang

1970년 겨울에 태어났다. 1993년 『문학과사회』 겨울호에 시 「서울의 겨울」 외 4편을 발표하고 이듬해 서울신문 신춘문예에 단편소설 「붉은 닻」이 당선되면서 작품활동을 시작했다.
대표 작품으로는 장편소설 『검은 사슴』 『그대의 차가운 손』 『채식주의자』 『바람이 분다, 가라』 『희랍어 시간』 『소년이 온다』 『흰』 『작별하지 않는다』, 소설집 『여수의 사랑』 『내 여자의 열매』 『노랑무늬영원』, 시집 『서랍에 저녁을 넣어 두었다』 등이 있다.
대산문학상, 오늘의 젊은 예술가상, 이상문학상, 동리문학상, 만해문학상, 황순원문학상, 말라파르테 문학상, 김유정문학상, 산클레멘테 문학상, 오늘의젊은예술가상, 한국소설문학상 등을 수상했다.
한국 작가 최초로 2016년에는 『채식주의자』로 인터내셔널 부커상을, 2023년에는 『작별하지 않는다』로 메디치상 외국문학상을 수상했다.
2019년에는 세계 100명의 작가가 작품을 제공해 2114년에 공개하는 노르웨이 ‘미래 도서관’ 프로젝트의 참여 작가로 선정되어 원고를 전달했다.
2024년 한국 작가 최초로 노벨문학상의 주인공이 되었다.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780241600276 ( 0241600278 )
발행(출시)일자 2023년 04월 13일
쪽수 160쪽
138 * 222 * 13 mm / 400 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립

10점 중 10점
우리말로는 이미 읽었는데 번역이 궁금해서 구매했습니다. 표지가 예뻐서 탐나기도 했고요. 먼저 읽어서인지 모르겠지만 외국어로도 섬세한 느낌이 고스란히 느껴졌습니다.
10점 중 7.5점
영문으로도 읽어보고 싶었어요

문장수집 (2)

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Greek Lessons
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Greek Lessons

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