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The Pattern Seekers

A New Theory of Human Invention | Paperback
Simon Baron-Cohen 저자(글)
Penguin Books Ltd (UK) · 2022년 03월 31일
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    The Pattern Seekers 사이즈 비교 197x129
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이 책이 속한 분야

'Celebrates human cognitive diversity, and is rich with empathy and psychological insight' Steven Pinker

'Bold, intriguing, profound' Jay Elwes, Spectator

Why can humans alone invent? In this book, psychologist and world renowned autism expert Simon Baron-Cohen puts forward a bold new theory: because we can identify patterns, specifically if-and-then patterns. Baron-Cohen argues that the genes for this unique ability overlap with the genes for autism and have driven human progress for 70,000 years.

From the first musical instruments to the agricultural, industrial, and digital revolutions, Pattern Seekers links one of our greatest human strengths with a condition that is so often misunderstood and challenges us to think differently about those who think differently.

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인공지능으로 문명의 대전환기를 맞이하기까지, 호모사피엔스는 어떻게 지구 전체를 압도하는 존재로 도약할 수 있었을까? 과학의 눈으로 본 인류 진보의 두 날개는 공감과 체계화다. ‘공감’은 협력과 다양한 형태의 사회적 관계를 잘 설명하지만, 이 능력만으로 인류가 지금에 이른 것은 아니다. 사물과 자연을 일정한 기준과 규칙에 따라 치밀하게 분석하는 ‘체계화’ 능력이 뛰어난 사람들은 도구, 언어, 제도, 법 등 문명의 거의 모든 것을 만들어낼 수 있었다. 그리고 체계화 능력이 높은 수준으로 발달한 사람과 자폐인의 마음은 서로 매우 닮았다는 사실이 저자가 밝혀낸 인류 진보의 비밀이다. 요컨대 이 책은 ‘자폐는 어떻게 인간의 발명을 촉진했는가?’라는 신선한 질문에 대한 명쾌한 해답이다.


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저자(글) Simon Baron-Cohen

Simon Baron-Cohen is Professor at Cambridge University in the fields of psychology and psychiatry. He is also the Director of the Autism Research Centre there. He has carried out research into social neuroscience over a 20 year career. His popular science book entitled The Essential Difference (Penguin 2003) has been translated in over a dozen languages, and has been widely reviewed.

출판사 서평

Ambitious and provocative...goes beyond the usual discussion of 'special gifts' in autism to propose that the diversity of human operating systems has accelerated the advancement of human civilization and culture in ways we can barely imagine. -- Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes

It's rare to come across a surprising new idea that explains important phenomena, but Simon Baron-Cohen's exploration of abstract pattern-seeking in human affairs is one of them. This book sheds light on one of humanity's most distinctive traits, celebrates human cognitive diversity, and is rich with empathy and psychological insight. -- Steven Pinker, author of How the Mind Works

A game-changing book, a passport into exploring the world of innovation and creativity. Most importantly, it celebrates autistic people and is a call for action, to welcome neurodiversity. -- David Joseph, Chairman and CEO Universal Music UK

A fascinating account of the mechanisms underlying the related capacities of both autistic individuals and innovators. -- Brian Josephson, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics

Erudite, illuminating...His bold new idea, that the genes for autism drove the evolution of human invention, places this disability centre stage in the story of humans. -- Jools Holland

Based on massive research, Simon Baron-Cohen argues that most of us are specialized in how we perceive the world around us. There are those who focus on people and those who focus on things. The author makes a compelling case that the second kind of mind-the pattern seeker-is at the root of modern human civilization. -- Frans de Waal, author of The Age of Empathy

Destined to become a classic...In an age of increasing specialization, Baron-Cohen's book comes as a breath of fresh air. -- VS Ramachandran ― author of the Tell Tale Brain

Bold, intriguing, profound. -- Jay Elwes ― Spectator

A wonderful, lyrical celebration of the autistic mind. -- Alice Thomson ― Times


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780141982397 ( 014198239X )
발행(출시)일자 2022년 03월 31일
쪽수 256쪽
197 * 129 * 18 mm / 192 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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