I Love You Through and Through
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Your giggles and cries...
A toddler and his teddy bear illustrate a young child's happy side, sad side, silly side, mad side, and more! Babies and toddlers will feel loved all over when they hear this declaration of adoration and affection. A perfect first book for toddlers.
Bernadette Rossetti Shustak/Bio
In July of 1999, the author spent two weeks in New Jersey with her two children, husband, sisters-in-law, and six nieces and nephew. They had all been brought together by the death of Rossetti-Shustak’s father-in-law. During that time she had conversations with her children and their cousins about how their grandfather always made each of them feel as if they were “the favorite” grandchild and “the most loved.” Those conversations evolved into this book.
“To me, “I Love You Through and Through” is about unconditional love and total acceptance. I think it is very important for children to be assured of their parents love and support. You can never say, “I love you” too many times.” On another level, the book teaches opposites and rhyming. The illustrations, by Caroline Jayne Church, pull the message and lessons of the book together.
It took almost four years from start to finish for “I Love You Through and Through” to come to fruition. A copy of the manuscript was sent to 15 literary agencies in New York. Within 5 months all had responded with a “no thank you,” except for Dystel, Godrich & Bourret Literary Management. After signing with them, three major publishers were interested, but in November 2003, contracts were negotiated and Scholastic Books bought the rights. Almost one year later, announcement of publication and a release date for “I Love You Through and Through” was made.
Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak is a former newspaper editor and journalist. In 1995 she was the recipient of a New York Press Association’s first place award for her humorous newspaper columns. She has written articles on numerous subjects for websites, and is a freelance writer and editor. In 2006 Rossetti-Shustak was awarded an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award for “I Love You Through and Through”.
Her second book, I Love You Through and Through, at Christmas Too! was released September 25, 2018.
She and her husband have two grown children, and one grandchild. They live with their two cats, Mickey and Mattingly, in upstate New York.
For more information or to leave a message, visit www.bernadetterossettishustak.com.
저자(글) Church, Caroline Jayne
Caroline Jayne Church was a bestselling author and illustrator. Some of her bestselling titles include I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak, How Do I Love You? (Je t'aime comme...) by Marion Dane Bauer, You Are My Sunshine by Jimmie Davis, and Good Night, I Love You (Bonne nuit, je t'aime!).
ISBN | 9781339023120 ( 1339023121 ) | ||
발행(출시)일자 | 2023년 12월 05일 | ||
쪽수 | 24쪽 | ||
크기 |
152 * 191
* 16
/ 259 g
총권수 | 1권 | ||
언어 | 영어 | ||
시리즈명 |
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