Diary of a Wimpy Kid #1
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15,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
20,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
15,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
1Box 기준 : 도서 10권
로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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해외주문/바로드림/제휴사주문/업체배송건의 경우 1+1 증정상품이 발송되지 않습니다.

The launch of an exciting and innovatively illustrated new series narrated by an unforgettable kid every family can relate to
It's a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you're ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary.
In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley's star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend's newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion.
Author/illustrator Jeff Kinney recalls the growing pains of school life and introduces a new kind of hero who epitomizes the challenges of being a kid. As Greg says in his diary, "Just don't expect me to be all 'Dear Diary' this and 'Dear Diary' that." Luckily for us, what Greg Heffley says he won't do and what he actually does are two very different things.
Since its launch in May 2004 on Funbrain.com, the Web version of Diary of a Wimpy Kid has been viewed by 20 million unique online readers. This year, it is averaging 70,000 readers a day.
원서번역서 내용 엿보기
2007년 1권 출간과 동시에 전 세계적인 열풍을 일으킨 〈윔피 키드〉 시리즈. 500주간 뉴욕 타임스 베스트셀러, 전 세계 67개 언어로 번역되어 지금까지 2억 7천만 부 판매라는 전례 없는 대기록을 세웠고, ‘워싱턴 포스트 선정 역사상 가장 성공적인 어린이책’, ‘아마존 선정 태어나서 꼭 한번 읽어야 할 책 100’, ‘세계에서 가장 많은 인세를 벌어들인 책’이라는 찬사를 받았습니다. 전 세계 초등학생을 사로잡은 마성의 일기장, 《윔피 키드 1. 학교생활 일기》가 디즈니플러스에서 3D 애니메이션으로 다시 태어났습니다.
중학생이 된 그레그는 학교에서 전해 내려오는 무시무시한 전설을 듣게 됩니다. 바로 ‘치즈 터치’의 저주! 과연 그레그는 치즈 터치의 저주를 풀고 순조로운 학교생활을 이어 나갈 수 있을까요? 그레그의 열렬한 팬이든 이 시리즈를 처음 만나는 어린이든, 한번 빠지면 헤어 나올 수 없는 윔피 키드의 세계관으로 풍덩 들어가 봅시다!
저자(글) Jeff Kinney

All his life, Jeff Kinney wanted to be a cartoonist. As a student at the University of Maryland in the 1990s, he published his comic strip "Igdoof" in the college newspaper, but he soon discovered that succeeding in the real world as a syndicated cartoonist is no easy task. So, after school, he supported himself as a newspaper designer and computer programmer, while working out ideas for a children's book that combined cartoons with conventional storytelling.
Once he conceived the concept for Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Kinney devoted nearly six years to developing the storyline and artwork. Fashioned as a journal with appealing, expressive stick figure drawings on every page, Diary is narrated in the pitch-perfect (and hilariously deadpan) voice of a not-always-likeable but totally believable tweener named Greg Haffley. Poised to make the painful transition from elementary to middle school, Gregg struggles with the usual preteen angst: bullies and cliques, annoying siblings and clueless parents, faithful friends and cute, unattainable girls.
Although Kinney never intended to publish his book online, when the opportunity arose to serialize Greg's adventures on Funbrain.com, he knew he'd found the perfect way to reach his target audience. In 2004, the comic strip began appearing in daily installments on the website. The feature was a huge hit, attracting thousands of hits a day. Moreover, the online version paved the way to Kinney's five-book deal with the publisher Harry N. Abrams.
Armed with fresh, new story lines, Kinney launched the print sequence in 2007. From the very first installment, entitled simply Diary of a Wimpy Kid, the series was a success -- especially with reluctant readers who found the diary-with-doodles format far more accessible than conventional books. Gregg, with his hilarious antics, backfiring schemes, and totally unfiltered thoughts (his mom has agreed not to read what he writes!), has struck a responsive chord -- both with kids who identify with his growing pains and with grownups who vividly recall their own.
ISBN | 9780810987586 ( 0810987589 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2009년 08월 01일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품(악세서리 포함) 등
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예) 음반/DVD/비디오, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
4) 소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우 ((1)해외주문도서)
5) 디지털 컨텐츠인 ebook, 오디오북 등을 1회이상 ‘다운로드’를 받았거나 '바로보기'로 열람한 경우
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