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Vibrational Medicine

0003/EEdition, Third | Paperback
Gerber, Richard, Md. 저자(글)
Bear & Company · 2001년 03월 01일
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The original comprehensive guide to energetic healing with a new preface by the author and updated resources.

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11개국에서 번역 출판된 베스셀러
“기존의 기계론적 의학을 넘어
영적 수준에서의 미세에너지의 조화를 다루는 놀라운 에너지 치료법”

이 책은 파동의학 전반에 대해 알기 쉽게 설명한 백과사전이자 해설서이다. 저자는 인간이라는 생명체를 물질 수준(육체)에서 에테르 수준에 이르는 명쾌한 모델을 만들어주었다. 게다가 영적 수준에서의 미세에너지의 조화라는 측면까지 다루었다. 우리는 이 책을 읽음으로써 인간이라는 생명체가 상호 작용하는 일련의 다차원의 에너지장임을 이해하게 될 것이다. 이 모델을 더 과학적으로 발전시켜 최근의 눈부신 임상적, 기초적 연구 성과를 보강한다면, 지금 통합의학 분야에서 발전하고 있는 몸, 마음, 영성을 이어주는 언어를 한층 더 깊게 이해할 수 있을 것이다.

이 책은 미국 전역에 있는 학교 및 의료 기관에서 대체의학 연구를 위한 교과서로 널리 채택되고 있다. 기존의 서양 의학뿐만 아니라 다양한 대체요법으로 훈련된 거버 박사는 미세에너지 분야, 침술, 배치꽃요법, 동종요법, 방사선요법, 크리스털 치료, 전기요법, 방사선학, 차크라 등 다양한 에너지 치료법을 소개하고 있다. 그밖에도 명상, 사이킥 힐링 등 다양한 에너지 요법이 작동하는 방식에 대한 최근 이론을 설명하여 독자들에게 건강과 질병의 신체적, 영적 관점에 대한 새로운 통찰력을 제시하고 있다.



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  • Acknowledgmentsp. 10
    Forewordp. 12
    Introductionp. 17
    Prefacep. 21
    Preface to the Third Editionp. 27
    Of Holograms, Energy and Vibrational Medicine: An Einsteinian View of Living Systemsp. 39
    The Marvels of Laser Light: Holography as a New Model of Realityp. 45
    "As Above, So Below": The Holographic Principle in Naturep. 48
    The Scientific Evidence: A Search for the Etheric Bodyp. 51
    Clues from the Phantom Leaf: The Etheric Body as a Hologramp. 54
    News from the World of Particle Physics: Matter as Frozen Light and Its Implications for Medicinep. 56
    "As Below, So Above": The Universe as a Cosmic Hologramp. 60
    Chapter Summary: New Energetic Principles for a New Agep. 65
    Newtonian vs. Einsteinian Medicine: Historical Perspectives on the Art and Science of Healingp. 71
    Herbal Medicine: Drug Therapy's Earliest Beginningsp. 72
    Homeopathic Medicine: A Radical Step Beyond Herbsp. 73
    The Wonders of Water: What Makes It All Possiblep. 77
    A Subtle Energy Model for Healing with Homeopathyp. 80
    The Earliest Beginnings of Medical Energetic Approaches: The Birth of Vibrational Medicinep. 91
    The Discovery and Development of X-Rays: Early Medical Models of Using Energy for Diagnosis and Treatmentp. 92
    Electrotherapy: From Suppressing Pain to Healing Fracturesp. 93
    X-Rays Revisited: The Development of the CAT Scannerp. 101
    Beyond the CAT Scanner: The Body According to MRIp. 103
    A Step Beyond--EMR Scanning and Electrography: On the Threshold of the Ethericp. 106
    Frequency Domains and the Subtle Planes of Matter: An Introduction to Human Multidimensional Anatomyp. 119
    The Physical-Etheric Interface: The Next Greatest Discovery in the Development of Vibrational Medicinep. 121
    The Chakras and the Nadis: An Indian Subtle Energetic Anatomy Lessonp. 128
    The Astral Body: The Seat of Our Emotions and a Mechanism for Disembodied Consciousnessp. 135
    A Scientific Model of Frequency Domains: The Tiller-Einstein Model of Positive-Negative Space/Timep. 143
    The Mental Body, the Causal Body, and the Higher Spiritual Bodiesp. 153
    A Frequency Model of Our Extended Subtle Energetic Anatomy: A Framework for Understanding the Multidimensional Human Beingp. 155
    Reincarnation and Human Transformation: A Multidimensional Model of the Evolution of Consciousnessp. 161
    Subtle-Energy Systems and Their Relevance to Ancient Approaches toward Healingp. 173
    Acupuncture and the Chinese Philosophy of Healing: Modern Approaches to an Ancient Method of Diagnosis and Treatmentp. 173
    Yin/Yang and the Five Elements: The Chinese View of Naturep. 175
    Chronobiology and the Acupuncture Meridian Systemp. 182
    The Acupuncture Meridian System as a Diagnostic Interfacep. 185
    The Meridian-Glial Cell Network: An Electrical Interface with the Human Nervous Systemp. 189
    The Acupuncture Meridian System as a Therapeutic Interface: A Return to the Concept of Healing with Energyp. 198
    New Windows on an Unseen World: The Development of Subtle Energetic Technologiesp. 203
    Meridian-Based Diagnostic Systems: Hahnemann Updated with New Age Technologiesp. 203
    EAV and Environment Illnesses: A New Look at Clinical Ecologyp. 215
    From EAV to Radionics: A Pure Frequency Model of Diagnosis and Therapyp. 222
    Mechanisms of Action in Radionics and Radiesthesia: A Further Look into the Chakra-Nervous System Linkp. 226
    The Evolution of Vibrational Medicine: Learning to Heal with the Wisdom of Naturep. 241
    Learning to Heal with Flower Remedies: Dr Bach Discovers the Hidden Gifts of Naturep. 242
    A Revolution in Healing with Flower Essences: Gurudas' Contribution toward a Synthesis of Vibrational Medicinep. 248
    Karma, Consciousness and the Crystalline Network: The Pineal Gland's Link with the Right Cerebral Hemispherep. 255
    The Problem of Miasms: Our Energetic Tendencies toward Illnessp. 259
    A Closer Look at Some of the Newer Flower Essences: Revolutionary Methods of Healing at the Physical and Ethereal Levelsp. 264
    Gem Elixirs and Chromotherapy: Further Explorations into Healing with Vibrationp. 271
    The Healing Power of Sunlight and Water: New Revelations in Understanding the Vibrational Gifts of Naturep. 279
    The Phenomenon of Psychic Healing: Exploring the Evidence for an Undiscovered Human Potentialp. 285
    Psychic Healing as an Aspect of Human Potential: An Historical Look at Its Evolution through the Agesp. 286
    Modern Investigations into Psychic Healing: Scientists Examine the Biological Effects of Healersp. 289
    Energetic Similarities Between Healers and Magnetic Fields: Science Takes a Closer Look at Animal Magnetismp. 295
    Healing Energies and Negative Entropy: The Drive toward Increased Order and Cellular Organizationp. 301
    Dr. Krieger Looks at Healers and Hemoglobin: The Evolution of Therapeutic Touchp. 306
    From Magnetic Passes to Spiritual Healing: A Multidimensional Model of Healing Energiesp. 313
    Crystals and the Human Subtle Energetic System: The Rediscovery of an Ancient Healing Artp. 325
    An Esoteric History of Crystalline Technologies: The Roots of Silicon Valley in the Lost Continent of Atlantisp. 328
    Healing with Quartz Crystals: The Rediscovery of Ancient Tools for the Transformation of Illnessp. 337
    New Perspectives on the Mineral Kingdom: The Energies of Nature and the Seven Crystal Systemsp. 349
    Hidden Gifts from within the Earth: The Spiritual and Healing Qualities of Gems and Stonesp. 357
    The Interconnecting Web of Life: Our Relationship with the Chakrasp. 369
    A New Model of Illness and Wellness: Disease as a Manifestation of Chakra Dysfunctionp. 370
    Chakra Dynamics and the Spiritual Lessons of Personal Evolutionp. 391
    The Energies of Kundalini and the Search for Enlightenment: How the Chakras Function in the Development of Higher Consciousnessp. 393
    Meditation, Reincarnation and Human Illness: The Chakras as Repositories of Karmic Energyp. 399
    Physiologic Concepts of Meditation and Enlightenment: Bentov's Model of Heart-Brain Resonance and the Physio-Kundalini Syndromep. 401
    Holistic Healing and Paradigm Shifts: The Emergence of Medicine for the New Agep. 415
    Vibrational Healing and Holistic Medicine: The Gradual Shift from Reductionism to Holismp. 422
    Stress, Illness and Wellness: Creating New Definitions of Health and Wholenessp. 436
    Personal and Planetary Evolution: Vibrational Healing and Its Implications for an Evolving Humanityp. 467
    Personal Responsibility and Spiritual Growth: Our Innate Potential for Self-Healingp. 468
    The Cosmic Cycle of Regeneration and Rebirth: Ancient Philosophies for a New Agep. 482
    Vibrational Medicine as the Spiritual Science of the Future: The Next Evolutionary Step in Personal and Planetary Transformationp. 495
    Recent Developments in Vibrational Medicinep. 503
    The Comeback of Homeopathyp. 503
    Flower Essences and Vibrational Elixirsp. 510
    Electromagnetic Healing Devices and the Cure for Cancer: An Update and the Past Revisitedp. 512
    Vibrational Healing with Soundp. 519
    Healers, the Human Heart, and the Earthfield Hypothesis: A Healing Connectionp. 525
    The Tiller-Einstein Model of Positive-Negative Space/Timep. 534
    Notesp. 539
    Glossaryp. 554
    Recommended Readingp. 566
    Resource Guidep. 577
    List of Diagramsp. 584
    Indexp. 585
    Permissionsp. 606
    About the Authorp. 607
    Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781879181588 ( 1879181584 )
발행(출시)일자 2001년 03월 01일
쪽수 608쪽
154 * 229 * 35 mm / 825 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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