Discrimination Testing in Sensory Evaluation
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- List of Contributors xv Preface to the Series xvii Preface xxi Editor Biographies xxiii Section 1 Introduction 1 1 Introduction 3 Sarah E. Kemp, Tracey Hollowood, Joanne Hort and Lauren Rogers 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Developments of Discrimination Testing 4 1.3 Discrimination as a Technique in Sensory Science 11 1.4 Applications 15 1.5 Overview of Book 16 References 19 2 General Considerations in Discrimination Testing 25 Harry T. Lawless 2.1 Introduction: Goals of Discrimination Tests 25 2.2 Types of Tests 27 2.3 General Test Considerations 32 2.4 Basic Statistical Analysis 35 2.5 Test Power and Sample Size; Equivalence and Similarity 38 2.6 Psychological Factors 42 2.7 Summary and Conclusions 43 References 44 3 An Overview of Sensory Discrimination Tests 49 Stella Lignou and Victoria Norton References 65 4 Determining Individual Variation in Ability to Discriminate: Factors Affecting Responsiveness and Performance 67 Sara Spinelli, Caterina Dinnella and Erminio Monteleone 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 Overview of the Factors Affecting Individual Differences in Oral and Olfactory Responsiveness 67 4.3 Factors Affecting Consumer and Trained Panelists Ability to Discriminate 74 4.4 Future Developments 76 4.5 Summary 77 Acknowledgments 77 References 77 5 Similarity or Equivalence Testing 85 Linda Lopez 5.1 Introduction 85 5.2 Practical and Common-sense Approach for Similarity Testing 87 5.3 Evolution of Similarity Testing Methodology 92 5.4 Example of Similarity Test Application in Claim and Recipe Change 98 5.5 Conclusion 102 References 102 6 Thurstonian Modeling and Signal Detection Theory 105 Michael J. Hautus 105 6.1 Signal Detection Theory and Thurstonian Modeling 105 6.2 SDT and Two Stimulus Alternatives 106 6.3 The A-Not A Task 108 6.4 The 2AFC (Paired Comparison) Task 120 6.5 Test Sensitivity 124 6.6 Closing Comments 127 References 127 7 Sureness Judgements and R-Index Calculations and Their Applications 131 Danielle van Hout and Hye-Seong Lee 7.1 Quantifications of Sensory Differences 131 7.2 R-Index 132 7.3 Sureness Judgements 133 7.4 Designing an R-Index Study, Using an A-Not A Task 133 7.5 R-Index Data Analysis 136 7.6 Applications 140 7.7 Future Developments 142 Appendix 144 References 148 8 Replicated Discrimination Testing 151 Michael Meyners and Bernard Thomas Carr 8.1 Introduction 151 8.2 General Considerations and Study Design 152 8.3 Notation 154 8.4 Statistical Testing to Show Product Differences 157 8.5 Descriptive Analysis and Parameter Estimation 165 8.6 Tests for Equivalence/Similarity 170 8.7 Replicated Preference Tests 171 8.8 Examples 174 8.9 Conclusions 185 8.10 Recommendations 186 8.11 Glossary and Notation 188 Acknowledgements 191 References 191 Section 2 Applications 197 9 Sensory Quality Measurement Based on SDT Discrimination 199 Hye-Seong Lee, Min-A Kim and Danielle van Hout 9.1 Introduction 199 9.2 A New Classification of Sensory Discrimination Tests and Their Relative Performance 200 9.3 Reference-based Discrimination Test Methodology: SDT Sensory Quality Measurements 209 9.4 Further Development 226 References 228 10 Discrimination Testing in Flavors and Fragrances: A Practical View 233 Karine Miot, Carlos Gomez-Corona and Isabelle Cayeux 10.1 Introduction to Discrimination Testing for Flavors and Fragrances 233 10.2 Discrimination Testing for Flavors 238 10.3 Discrimination Testing for Fragrances 248 10.4 Bringing Social Responsibility into Discrimination Testing for Flavors and Fragrances 256 10.5 What the Future Might Be in the Flavor and Fragrance Industries 259 10.6 Conclusions and Final Considerations 261 References 262 11 Kids as Sensory Detectives: Application of Discrimination Testing with Children to Identify If Differences Exist Between Two or More Products 265 Cindy Beeren 11.1 Introduction: Sensory Testing by Kids 265 11.2 Kids' vs. Adults' Sensitivities 266 11.3 Kids vs. Adults' Preferences 268 11.4 Food Neophobia 269 11.5 So Why Use Kids? 270 11.6 Ethical Considerations 272 11.7 Environment for Testing with Kids 274 11.8 Sensory Screening 276 11.9 Training Session 279 11.10 Test Methods 281 11.11 Final Thoughts 285 References 287 12 Expanding Attribute-Specific Difference Tests with Multisample Paired Comparison Paradigms 291 Curtis R. Luckett 12.1 Introduction 291 12.2 Practical Considerations 299 12.3 Mosteller's Extension of Thurstone 300 12.4 Bradley-Terry Models 301 12.5 Elo and mElo 302 12.6 Friedman-Style Rank Analysis 302 12.7 Considerations on Choosing an Appropriate Method 303 12.8 Future Developments 313 References 314 13 Summary 317 Sarah E. Kemp, Tracey Hollowood, Joanne Hort and Lauren Rogers 13.1 Introduction 317 13.2 Overall Comparison of Methods 317 13.3 Current/Recent Developments 320 13.4 Future 324 13.5 Conclusions 327 References 327 Index 331
ISBN | 9780470671405 ( 0470671408 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2024년 08월 07일 |
쪽수 | 368쪽 |
크기 |
170 * 244
* 21
/ 785 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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