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Success Strategies for Parenting Gifted Kids

Routledge · 2019년 12월 01일
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    Success Strategies for Parenting Gifted Kids 사이즈 비교 150x226
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저자(글) Nilles, Kathleen


  • Foreword Part I Characteristics, Identification, and Talent Development Chapter 1: Intelligence, IQ, Tests, and Assessments: What Do Parents Need to Know? Chapter 2: Bend or Break: Your IQ Is Not Your Identity Chapter 3: The Academically and Musically Gifted Student: The Challenge of Maintaining Identity and Making Difficult Choices Chapter 4: Seven Ways Parents Help Children Unleash Their Talents Part II Early Childhood Chapter 5: The Pivotal Role of Parents in Expanding the World of Young Gifted Children Chapter 6: The Importance of Parent Intuition and Observation in Recognizing Highly Creative Young Children Chapter 7: Developing the Young Gifted Child?s Mathematical Mind Chapter 8: Social-Emotional Characteristics of Young Gifted Children Chapter 9: What Every Parent and Early Childhood Educator Should Know About Young High-Ability Learners Chapter 10: Developmentally Appropriate Practice and Gifted Students Part III Social-Emotional Learning Chapter 11: 30 Things Gifted Kids and Their Parents Need to Know Chapter 12: Making Happiness and Health a Priority Chapter 13: Teaching Your Child to Fail Chapter 14: The It Factor: Finding a Therapist for Your Gifted Child Chapter 15: Does and Don?ts for Motivating Your High-Ability Child Chapter 16: Management of Anxiety in Young People Begins at Home Chapter 17: Perfectionism: Helping Gifted Children Learn Healthy Strategies and Create Realistic Expectations Chapter 18: Top 10 Psychosocial Skills to Cultivate in Your Gifted Child Part IV Creativity Chapter 19: Discovering Creative Thinking Process Skills: A Win-Win for Children Chapter 20: May the Creative Forces Be With You: Uncovering Creative Genius Chapter 21: Creative Thinking Skills for All Seasons: A Reflection Chapter 22: Creative Underachievers: Children Who Are Too Out of the Box Chapter 23: Advocating For Your Child?s Creativity in Schools: Your Right, Your Responsibility Chapter 24: Full STEAM Ahead! Chapter 25: How Parents Can Nurture a Lifelong Love of the Arts Chapter 26: Parenting Artistically Gifted Children: Advice From the NAGC Arts Network Part V Educational Programming Options and Strategies Chapter 27: Academic Acceleration: Is It Right for My Child? Chapter 28: Advocating for Grade-Based Acceleration Chapter 29: Supporting Social and Emotional Learning for Gifted Learners With the Common Core State Standards Chapter 30: Factors to Consider in Choosing a Middle School: Is Academic Growth One of Them? Chapter 31: Finding Your Voice: Talent Development Centers and the Academic Talent Search Chapter 32: High-Quality Curriculum: A Lesson in Collaboration Chapter 33: Gifted Homeschooling: Our Journey With a Square Peg: A Mother?s Perspective Chapter 34: Navigating Educational Choices: Finding the Best Fit for Your Gifted Child Part VI Nurturing Gifted Children at Home Chapter 35: Beyond School Walls: What Parents Can Do to Widen the Horizons of Their Gifted Learners Chapter 36: Recognizing and Nurturing Math Talent in Your Child Chapter 37: Summer Enrichment or Just Hanging Out?: What Parents Should Know About Extended Learning Opportunities Chapter 38: Sports That Work for Gifted Children Chapter 39: Getting Gifted Kids Outdoors: Tips for a Summer of Play Chapter 40: CReaTE Excellence: Using a Teacher Framework to Maximize STEM Learning With Your Child Chapter 41: How to Discuss Books With Your Kids (Even When You Haven?t Read Them!) Chapter 42: Centennials: The World Is Waiting! Part VII Advocacy Chapter 43: Roles in Gifted Education: A Parent?s Guide Chapter 44: Communicating Effectively With Your Gifted Child?s School Chapter 45: How to Start the School Year on a Positive Note With Your Gifted Child?s Teacher Chapter 46: Parents Need Support, Too!: How to Start and Sustain a Parent Group Chapter 47: How to Start an Academic Competition in Your Child?s School Chapter 48: The Importance of Teaching Children Self-Advocacy Chapter 49: It?s Time to Revamp the Parent-Teacher Conference Process: Let?s Include the Child Part VIII Diversity of Special Populations Chapter 50: Parenting Gifted African American Children... Chapter 51: Gifted and Learning Disabled: Advocating for the Needs of Your 2e Child Chapter 52: What Parents Should Know About ADHD Chapter 53: Bully Proofing Your Twice-Exceptional Child Chapter 54: Why Is There a Gay Pride Flag on My 9-Year-Old?s Backpack? About the Editors About the Authors List of Article Publication Dates


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781618219039 ( 1618219030 )
발행(출시)일자 2019년 12월 01일
쪽수 432쪽
150 * 226 * 30 mm / 562 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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