일반 | 서양도서 - 교보문고
- 1Hodkinson, Kenneth · Educators Pub Service · 2018.08.1325%24,500원정가
33,000원|250pMore Activities and More Engagement to Reach More Students! More Activities New engaging, research-based activities align with current state and national standards and assessments and provide a greater variety for students. More Engagement Peer sharing and interaction allows students to apply and extend their learning while also providing motivation, engagement, and additional support. Students engage with their peers during "Turn and Talk" activities by discussing and acting out word knowledge. Reach More Students Additional features such as differentiated reading passages, and instructional support allow teachers to work with students performing below-grade-level. Wordly Wise 3000 Partners with Quizlet Students can practice and master their vocabulary with Quizlet - a fun and engaging learning application that can be used anywhere at any time, providing added value for both teachers and students. These study and game activities offer additional reinforcement for vocabulary words.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 2Hodkinson, Kenneth · Educators Pub Service · 2018.08.1331%22,500원정가
33,000원|230p『Wordly Wise 3000: Book 4 (4/E)』는 어휘를 체계적으로 학습할 수 있도록 고안된 단계별 어휘력 집중 향상 프로그램으로 실생활 속 어휘력, 이해력, 독해력, 비평적 사고를 발달시켜 줄 수 있는 학습서로서 미국 대학입학 자격시험 SAT를 비롯한 미국 공식 시험 표준 단어가 수록되어 있다.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 3Hodkinson, Kenneth · Educators Pub Service · 2018.08.1321%26,000원정가
33,000원|260p『Wordly Wise 3000: Book 3』은 미국 대학입학 자격시험 SAT를 비롯한 미국 공식 시험 표준 단어가 수록된 책이다.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
출고예정- 5Kaj Schwermer 외 · Oxford University Press · 2012.08.3015%6,380원정가
7,500원|200p1권에서 배웠던 26개의 알파벳을 바탕으로, 단모음으로 구성된 단어들이 어떻게 다양한 사운드의 알파벳과 조합을 이뤄 단어를 만들어 내는지 인지하고 응용할 수 있도록 이끌어 줍니다.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 6Hodkinson, Kenneth · Educators Pub Service · 2018.08.1325%24,700원정가
33,000원|250p『Wordly Wise 3000: Book 5』는 어휘를 체계적으로 학습할 수 있도록 고안된 단계별 어휘력 집중 향상 프로그램으로 실생활 속의 어휘력, 이해력, 독해력, 비평적 사고를 발달 시켜 줄 수 있는 스테디셀러 학습서다.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 7Monica Garcia-Vino Sanchez · Edelsa · 2013.11.0110%7,110원정가
7,900원|220pClaves del libro de preparaci?n al DELE B1. Contiene: Las transcripciones de la prueba 3, Interpretacion de textos orales. Las claves de todas las pruebas. Las soluciones comentadas: en la prueba 1, Interpretaci?n de textos escritos, y en la prueba 3, Interpretacion de textos orales, se justifica la respuesta correcta en la frase correspondiente del texto.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 8Arline Burgmeier · OXFORD · 2013.07.0115%19,550원정가
23,000원|590p▶ 이 책은 영어로 구성되어 있습니다. 실제 영어 생활을 가르쳐 주는데 유용한 영어 교재 『Inside Reading Intro』. 영어 읽기 실력을 키울 수 있다.
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 9Molinsky · Prentice-Hall · 2011.01.1815%15,300원정가
18,000원|460pNew to the Third Edition are Vocabulary Preview sections in every chapter which introduce key words in a lively picture dictionary format, How to Say It! lessons, Side by Side Gazettes magazine-style pages that offer feature articles, vocabulary expansion, and cross-cultural topics, and all-new illustrations.
출고예정 - 당일배송
오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 당일배송
오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 12David Bohlke · Cengage Learning · 2017.03.0110%31,500원정가
35,000원|950pTED Talks의 열정적이고 설득력 있는 연사들이 전하는 영감을 주는 Idea와 “진짜” 영어를 만나다! Keynote 시리즈는 TED Talks의 삶을 변화시킬 수 있는 감동적인 이야기를 통해 주제에 대한 학습자의 더 깊은 이해를 돕고, 영어로 유창하게 자신을 표현하는 연습의 기회를 제공합니다. Inspiring Communication Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language. Keynote invites learners to explore life-changing stories for a deeper understanding of the world, developing the confidence and skills needed to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English. # 특징 매력적인 주제와 진짜 영어를 담는 TED Talks를 중심으로 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의 4-skill 학습 의사소통능력, 협동능력, 창의력과 비판적 사고 능력 등 21세기에 꼭 필요한 스킬 학습 지문, infographic(정보그래픽), 인터뷰 등 다양한 형식을 통한 주제 학습 TED 연사들을 통한 유창하고 자신감 있는 프레젠테이션 스킬 학습 Engaging and authentic TED Talks drive an integrated-skills syllabus alongside 21st century outcomes like communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Real-world content presented through readings, infographics, and interviews motivates learners to engage with language meaningfully. Unique presentation sections based on best practices demonstrated by TED speakers teach transferable strategies that develop fluency, confidence and compelling delivery. # Online My Keynote Online provides personalized instruction and practice through : A customized learning path with integrated TED TALKS An interactive student eBook Access to all audio for student book and Workbook www.NGL.Cengage.com/keynote # Component Student Book (with online workbook) Teacher’s Guide Classroom Presentation Tool Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView Combo Spilt A (SB+WB) Combo Spilt B (SB+WB)
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 13Bruce Rubin · OXFORD · 2013.07.0115%19,550원정가
23,000원|590p▶ 이 책은 영어로 구성되어 있습니다. 실제 영어 생활을 가르쳐 주는데 유용한 영어 교재 『Inside Reading』 제3권. 영어 읽기 실력을 키울 수 있다.
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- 당일배송
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출고예정- 당일배송
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- 당일배송
오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 18McGraw Hill Education · McGraw-Hill Education · 2017.04.0720%81,600원정가
102,000원|2,450pThis Power Pack includes three Official Guides: - The Official Guide to the GRE, 3rd edition - Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Questions, Volume 1, Second Edition - Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Questions, Volume 1, Second Edition This Official GRE(R) Super Power Pack 2017 Edition provides key information and the practice you need to do your best on the GRE General Test. For less than what you would pay for each book separately, the bundle packages The Official Guide to the GRE(R) General Test, 3rd Edition; Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions, Volume 1; and Official Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions, Volume 1. This essential resource features four, complete, real GRE tests, hundreds of authentic GRE practice questions with answers and explanations, descriptions of every question type, with valuable question-answering tips and test-taking strategies to use in your GRE test preparation. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the test. So for in-depth GRE test preparation and intensive practice at a money-saving price, this bundle is your best choice! The Official GRE(R) Super Power Pack offers: - Significant savings over purchasing each book separately - Everything you need to know about the test, direct from the test maker - 4 complete, real GRE tests - 2 in the book and 2 online - 600 real practice exam questions, many with detailed answer explanations - The test maker's own tips for answering each question type - Scored sample Analytical Writing essay responses and reader commentary - Access to GRE POWERPREP(R) Online - eBook content that is fully accessible for individuals with disabilities
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 19Educational Testing Service (COR) · McGraw-Hill Education · 2017.03.0820%38,400원정가
48,000원|1,160pThis bundle includes two Official Guides: -Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Questions, Volume 1, Second Edition -Official GRE Verbal Reasoning Questions, Volume 1, Second Edition In this Official GRE(R) Value Combo you get all of the in-depth practice you need to do your best on the GRE test. For less than you would pay separately, the bundle packages two books of authentic GRE questions, specially created for GRE takers by Educational Testing Service, the company that makes the actual test. This two-book bundle is your ideal source for practice questions to use in your GRE preparation. With Official GRE(R) Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions and Official GRE(R) Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions you get real GRE test questions, arranged by type and difficulty level for the Verbal Reasoning questions, and by content and type for the Quantitative Reasoning questions. Both guides have been completely updated to reflect the latest tests. The Official GRE(R) Value Combo offers: - Significant savings over purchasing each book separately - 300 real GRE test questions for the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning measures of the test, arranged by question type and difficulty level - An overview of the GRE Analytical Writing measure with writing strategies, sample writing tasks, and sample scored essays - Answers and explanations for every question - ETS's own test-taking strategies to help you do your best on the test - Interactive content that is fully accessible for individuals with disabilities
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착
- 20Paul Dummett 외 · Cengage Learning · 2017.03.0110%31,500원정가
35,000원|950pTED Talks의 열정적이고 설득력 있는 연사들이 전하는 영감을 주는 Idea와 “진짜” 영어를 만나다! Keynote 시리즈는 TED Talks의 삶을 변화시킬 수 있는 감동적인 이야기를 통해 주제에 대한 학습자의 더 깊은 이해를 돕고, 영어로 유창하게 자신을 표현하는 연습의 기회를 제공합니다. Inspiring Communication Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language. Keynote invites learners to explore life-changing stories for a deeper understanding of the world, developing the confidence and skills needed to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English. # 특징 매력적인 주제와 진짜 영어를 담는 TED Talks를 중심으로 말하기, 듣기, 읽기, 쓰기의 4-skill 학습 의사소통능력, 협동능력, 창의력과 비판적 사고 능력 등 21세기에 꼭 필요한 스킬 학습 지문, infographic(정보그래픽), 인터뷰 등 다양한 형식을 통한 주제 학습 TED 연사들을 통한 유창하고 자신감 있는 프레젠테이션 스킬 학습 Engaging and authentic TED Talks drive an integrated-skills syllabus alongside 21st century outcomes like communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Real-world content presented through readings, infographics, and interviews motivates learners to engage with language meaningfully. Unique presentation sections based on best practices demonstrated by TED speakers teach transferable strategies that develop fluency, confidence and compelling delivery. # Online My Keynote Online provides personalized instruction and practice through : A customized learning path with integrated TED TALKS An interactive student eBook Access to all audio for student book and Workbook www.NGL.Cengage.com/keynote # Component Student Book (with online workbook) Teacher’s Guide Classroom Presentation Tool Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView Combo Spilt A (SB+WB) Combo Spilt B (SB+WB)
당일배송오늘(3/24,월) 도착