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101 Dressage Exercises for Horse & Rider

SPI | 스프링
Storey Publishing · 2005년 09월 01일
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책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야

Dressage, the equestrian practice in which a horse makes precise movements in response to signals from the rider, has boomed over the past 20 years. This book offers a selection of exercises, each one contaning a full arena diagram and step-by-step instructions.
Trainer and author Jec A. Ballou's teaching and training articles have been featured in every major equestrian publication. She has worked with over 20 different breeds of horses and continues to enjoy the day-to-day journey of training-- and learning from-- horses.For most of her life, Jec has immersed herself in the study of classical training, including seven intensive training residencies in Portugal, two training residencies in Holland, and one training residency in Germany with the late Egon von Neindorff. Additionally, she has studied horse behavior and communication with many masters in this field. Most recently, she traveled to Melbourne, Australia to train with her mentor, Manolo Mendez, original head rider of the Royal School of Equestrian Arts in Spain.Jec's initial passion for the proper gymnastic development of horses arose at age 13, when she became the youngest rider in history to win the coveted Vermont 100 Mile Competitive Trail Ride. She followed that up with three back-to-back national long distance championships. Since then, she has continued to study every aspect of classical training and conditioning with an undying commitment. She has prepared multiple champions for disciplines as varied as endurance, hunt seat, and carriage driving.Jec has collaborated with reknown trainers for articles in national magazines. Her book, 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse and Rider (Storey Publishing), was on the best-seller list for eight consecutive weeks in the spring of 2006. Currently, Jec specializes in helping horses obtain healthy, optimal movement, regardless of their discipline. She works most often with dressage horses, but also assists a number of FEI endurance riders/horses. Jec collaborates willingly with trainers from various backgrounds and disciplines, believing that more is accomplished for the horse when experts work together.
Dressage, the equestrian practice in which a horse makes highly precise movements in response to barely perceptible signals from the rider, has taken hold of America's equestrians. Participation rates have risen by 200 percent over the past twenty years, as baby-boomer riders have discovered dressage to be less strenuous and dangerous than jumping, yet offering the satisfaction of mastering techniques and the opportunity to compete and advance to higher levels of achievement. 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse & Rider , presented in Storey's highly visual "Read & Ride" format, features a full arena diagram and stepby- step instructions for each exercise. The exercises address all levels of riders, starting with the basics and moving up to maneuvers developed by members of the U.S. Olympic team. Training tips and masterly guidance make this an indispensable reference for all dressage riders. Even Western riders interested in enhancing their performance will find these foundational exercises useful. Dressage riders are information-hungry readers, often referred to as "the thinking horsemen." This book's sturdy format, combbound and drilled so it can be hung on a ringside post, will appeal to these reading riders, whether in or out of the saddle.
Dressage, the equestrian practice in which a horse makes highly precise movements in response to barely perceptible signals from the rider, has taken hold of America's equestrians. Participation rates have risen by 200 percent over the past twenty years, as baby-boomer riders have discovered dressage to be less strenuous and dangerous than jumping, yet offering the satisfaction of mastering techniques and the opportunity to compete and advance to higher levels of achievement. 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse & Rider, presented in Storey's highly visual "Read & Ride" format, features a full arena diagram and stepby- step instructions for each exercise. The exercises address all levels of riders, starting with the basics and moving up to maneuvers developed by members of the U.S. Olympic team. Training tips and masterly guidance make this an indispensable reference for all dressage riders. Even Western riders interested in enhancing their performance will find these foundational exercises useful. Dressage riders are information-hungry readers, often referred to as "the thinking horsemen." This book's sturdy format, combbound and drilled so it can be hung on a ringside post, will appeal to these reading riders, whether in or out of the saddle.
Dressage, the equestrian practice in which a horse makes highly precise movements in response to barely perceptible signals from the rider, has taken hold of Americas equestrians. Participation rates have risen by 200 percent over the past twenty years, as baby-boomer riders have discovered dressage to be less strenuous and dangerous than jumping, yet offering the satisfaction of mastering techniques and the opportunity to compete and advance to higher levels of achievement. 101 Dressage Exercises for Horse Rider, presented in Storeys highly visual Read Ride format, features a full arena diagram and stepby- step instructions for each exercise. The exercises address all levels of riders, starting with the basics and moving up to maneuvers developed by members of the U.S. Olympic team. Training tips and masterly guidance make this an indispensable reference for all dressage riders. Even Western riders interested in enhancing their performance will find these foundational exercises useful. Dressage riders are information-hungry readers, often referred to as the thinking horsemen. This books sturdy format, combbound and drilled so it can be hung on a ringside post, will appeal to these reading riders, whether in or out of the saddle.
Dressage, the equestrian practice in which a horse makes highly precise movements in response to barely perceptible signals from the rider, has taken hold of America's equestrians.

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『마장마술 Training manual』에서 제시하는 마장마술 조련법은 모든 승마기술을 위한 표준화된 조련법이다. 마장마술은 그 자체가 말의 운동기능에 필요한 근육과 골격을 만드는 조련방식을 체계화한 것이다. 이 책은 마장마술은 물론 장애물 비월, 크로스 컨트리경기에 필요한 말의 근육과 골격의 발달 그리고 심리적인 부분까지 조련할수 있도록 이론적 원리와 실습방법을 수록하였다.


마장마술 Training manual

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  • Foreword v
    Introduction vii
    Why Warm Up? 1(16)
    The Oval
    Go and Whoa
    Turns and Forward Movement
    In-hand Turn on the Forehand
    In-hand Rein-back
    In-hand Flexion
    Looseness 17(24)
    Little Trot Transitions
    Bending the Neck
    Walking Ground Poles
    Walking Ground Poles with Bending
    Moving around a Point
    Turns on the Square A
    Turns on the Square B
    Flex, Counter-flex
    The Ackerman Square
    Leg-yield to Canter
    Rein-back Figure Eights
    Straightness 41(24)
    Serpentines without Walls
    Holding the Line
    Transitions with a Bend
    Serpentines with a Bend
    Changing Frames
    Circle and Canter
    Moving the Shoulders
    Shoulder-in on Quarter Line
    Threading Lateral Work
    Shoulder-in to Counter-shoulder-in
    Rider Position 65(26)
    The Pendulum
    Carrying a Tray
    Hip Slides
    Strong Legs
    Work without Stirrups
    Leg Flippers A
    Leg Flippers B
    Leg Flippers C
    Pulling Your Knees Up
    Passing Overhead
    Lateral Work 91(32)
    Keeping One Bend
    Leg-yield to Counter Circles
    Leg-yield to Counter Circles Variation
    Leg-yield Staircase
    Changing Angles
    Leg-yield to Canter Depart
    Leg-yield to Canter Depart with Circle
    Leg-yield to Canter Depart, Inside Track
    Leg-yield to Canter Depart with Direction Changes
    Leg-yield Pinwheels
    Half-pass Staircase
    Half-pass to Leg-yield on a Straight Line
    Half-pass to Counter-shoulder-in
    Half-pass on a Circle
    Half-pass to Renvers
    Improving the Canter 123(20)
    Cowboy Figure Eight
    Transitions on a Serpentine
    Transitions on a Square
    Canter Leg-yields
    Miles of Counter-canter
    Leg-yield from Outside Leg
    Leg-yield to Smaller Circle
    True Canter to Counter-canter
    Pirouettes and Counter-canter
    Building Suspension 143(18)
    Trotting Ground Poles
    Trotting Ground Poles on an Oval
    Trotting Ground Poles with Transitions
    Trotting Ground Poles with Reverse
    Opening the Topline
    Fore and Aft
    One-stride Transitions
    Cantering Ground Poles
    Flying Changes 161(10)
    Diagonal to Haunches-in
    Using the Voice A
    Using the Voice B
    Canter/Counter-canter Transition
    Developing Lightness 171(16)
    Walk/Halt Transitions
    Transitions with a Sidestep
    Rein-back with Lateral Steps
    Walk/Halt/Rein-back Transitions
    Collecting off the Leg
    Inside and Outside
    Lengthening the Strides 187(8)
    Building Power
    Counter-shoulder-in to Lengthening
    Short Canter Lengthening
    The Importance of Fitness 195(29)
    Belly Lifts
    Neck Loosening
    Carrot Stretch A
    Carrot Stretch B
    Carrot Stretch C
    Tail Pulls
    Hind Leg Stretches
    Trail Riding
    Free Jumping a Cross Rail
    Free Jumping Two Cross Rails
    Sloping Terrain
    Straight Hills
    Hill with Transitions
    Glossary 224(1)
    Index 225


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781580175951 ( 1580175953 )
발행(출시)일자 2005년 09월 01일
쪽수 240쪽
293 * 217 * 19 mm / 689 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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