Adult Learning
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원서번역서 내용 엿보기
『성인학습 이론과 실천』은 독자 친화적 문체로 쓰였으며, 형식 및 무형식적 맥락에서 실질적으로 활용될 수 있도록 고안되었다. 주요 참고자료를 통하여 성인학습자들을 둘러싸고 있는 오늘날의 세계화 현상, 지식 사회, 테크놀러지, 인구학적 변화 등의 제반 영향요인을 검토한다. 또한 종합적 관점에서 다섯 가지 기본 학습이론들을 정리하면서 안드라고지나 전환학습과 같은 최신 이론들도 함께 제시한다.
저자(글) Sharan B. Merriam
Sharan B. Merriam is professor emeritus of adult education and qualitative research at the University of Georgia, Athens. She is a four-time winner of the prestigious Cyril O. Houle Award for Outstanding Literature in Adult Education and is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than 26 books, including Learning in Adulthood , The Profession and Practice of Adult Education , The New Update on Adult Learning Theory , and Qualitative Research , all from Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand. Laura L. Bierema is professor of adult education and human resource and organizational development at the University of Georgia, Athens. She is the author of several books including Critical Issues in Human Resource Development and Implementing a Critical Approach to Organizational Development .
- List of Tables, Figures, and Exhibits ixPreface xiThe Authors xvii1 Adult Learning in Today's World 1The Social Context of Adult Learning 1The Adult Learner and Learning in Adulthood 11Settings Where Learning Occurs 15Chapter Summary 21Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 21Chapter Highlights 222 Traditional Learning Theories 24What Is Learning? 24Learning Theories 25Chapter Summary 38Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 38Chapter Highlights 413 Andragogy: The Art and Science of Helping Adults Learn 42Before Andragogy 44Assumptions About Adult Learners 46Andragogy Today 56Chapter Summary 58Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 59Chapter Highlights 604 Self-Directed Learning 61The Nature of Self-Directed Learning 62The Process of Self-Directed Learning 66Self-Directed Learning in Various Contexts 71Assessing Self-Directed Learning 74Critiques of Self-Directed Learning 76Chapter Summary 78Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 78Chapter Highlights 79Exhibit 4.1: Independent Study Learning Contract 815 Transformative Learning 82What Is Transformative Learning? 83Sites of Transformative Learning 90Promoting and Evaluating Transformative Learning 94Concluding Thoughts, Unresolved Issues 98Chapter Summary 101Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 101Chapter Highlights 1026 Experience and Learning 104On the Relationship Between Experience and Learning 104Models of Experiential Learning 108Reflective Practice and Situated Cognition 115Chapter Summary 123Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 124Chapter Highlights 1257 Body and Spirit in Learning 127Embodied Learning 128The Spirit in Learning 136Chapter Summary 142Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 143Chapter Highlights 1458 Motivation and Learning 146Motivation Defi ned 147Motivation Theory 148Motivation in Adult Education 151Chapter Summary 162Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 163Chapter Highlights 1669 The Brain and Cognitive Functioning 168Brain Basics 168Memory 172Intelligence 175Cognitive Development and Wisdom 182Chapter Summary 187Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 187Chapter Highlights 18810 Adult Learning in the Digital Age 190The Technology Context 191Adult Learners in the Digital Age 195The Teaching-Learning Context of the Digital Age 201Chapter Summary 208Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 209Chapter Highlights 21111 Critical Thinking and Critical Perspectives 212Being Critical 213Critical Theory 214Critical Perspectives 217Critical Thinking 221Critical Action--Mindful and Timely Intervention 226Creating a Critical Classroom 228Chapter Summary 234Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 234Chapter Highlights 23612 Culture and Context, Theory and Practice in Adult Learning 238Culture and Context 238Culture and Learning 242Culturally Relevant Teaching 245The Relationship Between Theory and Practice 247A Framework for Adult Learning 251Chapter Summary 254Linking Theory and Practice: Activities and Resources 255Chapter Highlights 257References 259Name Index 287Subject Index 293
ISBN | 9781118130575 ( 111813057X ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2013년 10월 21일 |
쪽수 | 320쪽 |
크기 |
178 * 236
* 20
/ 680 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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(1) 해외주문도서 : 이용자의 요청에 의한 개인주문상품으로 단순변심 및 착오로 인한 취소/교환/반품 시 ‘해외주문 반품/취소 수수료’ 고객 부담 (해외주문 반품/취소 수수료 : ①서양도서-판매정가의 12%, ②일본도서-판매정가의 7%를 적용) -
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