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"In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself." The first of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks, Reborn(1947-1963) reveals one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century, fully engaged in the act of self-invention. Beginning with a voracious and prodigious fourteen-year-old, Rebornends as Sontag, age thirty, is finally living in New York as a published writer.
"In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself." The first of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks,Reborn(1947-1963) reveals one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century, fully engaged in the act of self-invention. Beginning with a voracious and prodigious fourteen-year-old,Rebornends as Sontag, age thirty, is finally living in New York as a published writer.
"In the journal I do not just express myself more openly than I could to any person; I create myself." The first of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks,Reborn(1947-1963) reveals one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century, fully engaged in the act of self-invention. Beginning with a voracious and prodigious fourteen-year-old,Rebornends as Sontag, age thirty, is finally living in New York as a published writer. Susan Sontag immediately became a major figure of our culture with the publication in 1966 of the pathbreaking collection of essaysAgainst Interpretation. She went on to write four novels, including the National Book Award-winningIn America, as well as a collection of stories, several plays, and seven works of nonfiction. She died in New York City on December 28, 2004.David Rieff, the only child of Susan Sontag, is a nonfiction writer and a policy analyst. He has written numerous books and has been published inThe New York Times, The Lost Angeles Times, The Washington Post,andThe Wall Street Journal. The first of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks, Rebornpresents a constantly surprising record of a great mind in incubation. It begins with journal entries and early attempts at fiction from her years as a university and graduate student, and ends in 1963, when she was becoming a participant in and observer of the artistic and intellectual life in New York City. Rebornis a kaleidoscopic self-portrait of one of America's greatest writers and thinkers, teeming with Sontag's voracious curiosity and appetite for life. We watch the young Sontag's complex self-awareness, share in her encounters with the writers who informed her thinking, and engage with profound challenge of writing itself--all filtered through the inimitable detail of everyday circumstances. "Sontag'sReborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963, edited by her son, David Rieff, is a fascinating document of her apprenticeship, charting her earnest quest for education, identity, and voice. The volume takes us from her last days at North Hollywood High School to the year that, now living in New York, she published her first novel, The Benefactor."--Darryl Pinckney,The New Yorker "Sontag'sReborn: Journals and Notebooks, 1947-1963, edited by her son, David Rieff, is a fascinating document of her apprenticeship, charting her earnest quest for education, identity, and voice. The volume takes us from her last days at North Hollywood High School to the year that, now living in New York, she published her first novel,The Benefactor."--Darryl Pinckney,The New Yorker "Susan Sontag's presence, in essays, interviews, fiction, film, and theater, wove itself so firmly into our culture that when it vanished upon her death in late 2004, one became abruptly aware of the delicacy of the fabric. She was for many a focal point--someone whom readers and commentators enjoyed revering, dismissing, complaining about, being exasperated, or infuriated, or amused, or electrified by--and she was a focusing consciousness; her stature a writer and the value of her work have been, and no doubt will continue to be, debated, but what is beyond dispute is that she suggested, monitored, and even, to an extent, determined what was to be under discussion. She seemed to be at least twice as alive as most of us--to know everything, to do everything, to be inexhaustibly engaged. Her arresting appearance was familiar even to many nonreaders from the photographs that recorded it over several decades and registered the glamou
The first volume of Sontag'sJournals and Notebooksis a landmark, opening up new and exciting perspective on one of the great minds of our time The first of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks, this book presents a constantly surprising record of a great mind in incubation. It begins with journal entries and early attempts at fiction from her years as a university and graduate student, and ends in 1963, when she was becoming a participant in and observer of the artistic and intellectual life of New York City. We watch the young Sontag's complex self-awareness, share in her encounters with the writers who informed her thinking, and engage with the profound challenge of writing itself--all filtered through the inimitable detail of everyday circumstances.Rebornis a kaleidoscopic self-portrait of one of America's greatest writers and thinkers.
This first of three volumes of Susan Sontag's journals and notebooks presents a constantly and utterly surprising record of a great mind in incubation. "Reborn" is a kaleidoscopic self-portrait of one of America's greatest writers and intellectuals.
"A fascinating document of Sontag's apprenticeship, charting her earnest quest for education, identity, and voice . . . What slowly emerges . . . is a sense of Sontag's ferocious will. . . . She wanted to be a writer and would do almost anything to make that happen."--Darryl Pinckney, The New Yorker "A portrait of the artist as a young omnivore, an earnest, tirelessly self-inspecting thinker fashioning herself into the phenomenon she will be . . . Her journal is her true first book, the story of a woman struggling with her consciousness."--Richard Lacayo, Timemagazine "A revelation . . . As do all the best critics, Sontag gave us new metaphors for how to read and see. Fabulously, surprisingly, Rebornshows she used that skill to understand her own pell-mell life."--John Freeman, "What's fascinating . . . is that the journal reveals and adolescent and, later, a young woman, in whom 'ambition'--in this case, an overpowering yearning to be surrounded by and immersed in literature and culture--vastly outeweighed, and seems to have overpowered, 'sexuality.' As she herself puts it in the last entry of this journal, 'intellectual wanting' was the equal of 'sexual wanting' "--Daniel Mendelsohn, The New Republic
"A fascinating document of Sontag's apprenticeship, charting her earnest quest for education, identity, and voice . . . What slowly emerges . . . is a sense of Sontag's ferocious will. . . . She wanted to be a writer and would do almost anything to make that happen."--Darryl Pinckney,The New Yorker "A portrait of the artist as a young omnivore, an earnest, tirelessly self-inspecting thinker fashioning herself into the phenomenon she will be . . . Her journal is her true first book, the story of a woman struggling with her consciousness."--Richard Lacayo,Timemagazine "A revelation . . . As do all the best critics, Sontag gave us new metaphors for how to read and see. Fabulously, surprisingly,Rebornshows she used that skill to understand her own pell-mell life."--John Freeman, "What's fascinating . . . is that the journal reveals and adolescent and, later, a young woman, in whom 'ambition'--in this case, an overpowering yearning to be surrounded by and immersed in literature and culture--vastly outeweighed, and seems to have overpowered, 'sexuality.' As she herself puts it in the last entry of this journal, 'intellectual wanting' was the equal of 'sexual wanting' "--Daniel Mendelsohn,The New Republic
"Susan Sontag's compulsively readable early private notebooks have it all--sex, scandal, and scintillation. . . . Her arch self-awareness will make you laugh aloud."--Miranda Purves,Elle"A portrait of the artist as a young omnivore, an earnest, tirelessly self-inspecting thinker fashioning herself into the phenomenon she will be. . . . Her journal is her true first book, the story of a woman struggling with her consciousness."--Richard Lacayo,Time "The assurance and skill with which Sontag expresses herself is also truly striking. . . . One can recognize, in the earliest entries, the author of her essays, which are remarkable for their clarity, poise, liveliness, unexpectedness, and confidence--to say nothing of the range of fact and references that inform and anchor their arguments."--Deborah Eisenberg,The New York Review of Books"A fascinating document of Sontag's apprenticeship, charting her earnest quest for education, identity and voice."--Darryl Pinckney,The New Yorker"An evolutionary history of an insatiable mind."--O, The Oprah Magazine"An electrifying record of Sontag striving to become Sontag."--Donna Seaman,Booklist
저자(글) Sontag, Susan

1933년 1월 28일 뉴욕에서 태어난 수전 손택은 자타가 공인하는 미국 최고의 에세이 작가이자 뛰어난 소설가이며 예술평론가다. 손택은 15세가 되던 1948년 버클리의 캘리포니아에 입학해 일찍부터 대학 생활을 시작했다. 1955년 하버드 대학의 철학 박사학위 과정에 들어간 뒤 1957년 학위를 수여하고, 이듬해 파리 대학, 옥스퍼드 대학, 소르본 대학에서 수학하며 다시 학계로 돌아 왔다. 이때 첫 번째 저서가 될 뻔한 '프로이트 Freud: The Mind of the Moralist'를 남편인 리프와 공저하나, 이 책은 얼마 뒤에 겪은 이혼으로 인해 상호합의 아래 리프의 단독 저서로 출간된다. 그 뒤 1959년부터 뉴욕시립대학, 사라 로렌스 대학, 컬럼비아 대학 등에서 철학 강의를 맡게 된 손택은 1960년부터 각종 신문과 잡지에 활발한 기고 활동을 펼치게 되는데, 이때 첫 번째 소설 '은인'(1963)을 발표하면서 서서히 문단과 학계의 주목을 받게 된다. 1964년에 발표한 '해석에 반대한다'와 ' "캠프"에 관한 단상'은 '은인'을 쓰면서 체계화한 자신의 예술론을 자신 있게 드러낸 글이자, 자신을 1960년대 미국의 '새로운 지식인' 대열에 들게 한 중요한 글이었다
저자(글) Rieff, David
David Rieff<P>David Rieff is a contributing writer to "The New York Times Magazine." He is the author of seven previous books, including the acclaimed "At the Point of a Gun: Democratic Dreams and Armed Intervention; A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis;" and "Slaughterhouse: Bosnia and the Failure of the West." He lives in New York City.
ISBN | 9780312428501 ( 0312428502 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2009년 10월 27일 |
쪽수 | 336쪽 |
크기 |
160 * 210
* 23
/ 304 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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