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The Divine Conspiracy

양장본 Hardcover
HarperOne · 1998년 03월 24일
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책 소개

이 책이 속한 분야

Theologian and scholar DALLAS WILLARD has long been an eloquent voice for the relevance of God in our daily lives. His groundbreaking books In Search of Guidance and The Spirit of the Disciplines forever changed the way thousands of Christians experience their faith. He is a professor at the University of Southern California's School of Philosophy and has held visiting appointments at UCLA and the University of Colorado. He lives in southern California.
A Powerful, Thought-Provoking Guide To Living The Life Jesus Intends For us I am struck by many things in The Divine Conspiracy.... First, I am struck by the comprehensive nature of this book ... It provides me with a conceptual philosophy for understanding the meaning and purpose of human existence.... The breadth of the issues covered is astonishing: from the soul's redemption and justification to discipleship and our growth in grace to death and the state of our existence in heaven.... Second, I am struck by the accessibility of this book. I'm fully aware that the issues discussed here are of immense importance, yet it is all so understandable, so readable, so applicable.... Third, I am stuck by the depth of this book. Willard is a master at capturing the central insight of Jesus' teachings. Perhaps this is because he takes Jesus seriously as an intelligent, fully competent Teacher. He writes "Jesus is not just nice, he is brilliant."... My fourth and final observation ... I am struck by the warmth of this book. Rarely have I found an author with so penetrating an intellect combined with so generous a spirit. Clearly he has descended with the mind into the heart and from this place he touches us, both mind and heart. -From the foreword by Richard J. Foster author of Celebration of Discipline.
Dallas Willard's groundbreaking books IN SEARCH OF GUIDANCE and THE SPIRIT OF THE DISCIPLINES forever changed the way thousands of Christians experience their faith. Now Willard explores a revolutionary way for Christians to experience God. Offering a practical plan for discipleship, Willard challenges Christians to become truly Christ-like in a world of remote and lukewarm faith.
All of Dallas Willard s books merit careful attention, but this goes to the heart of the matter. To be a disciple is to be a disciple of Jesus, living in his presence to learn from and become like him. Just as the disciples did in the Gospels.
'?his book belongs in the tradition of the great devotional classics . . . The comprehensiveness of his study, its accessibility, its fervor, its freshness of phrasing, and its command of Scripture should prompt Christians to give this book serious attention.'?9780060693336
"This book belongs in the tradition of the great devotional classics . . . The comprehensiveness of his study, its accessibility, its fervor, its freshness of phrasing, and its command of Scripture should prompt Christians to give this book serious attention."
'?illard is a master at capturing the central insight of Jesus' teachings. . . . Rarely have I found an author with so penetrating an intellect combined with so generous a spirit.'?9780060693336
"Willard is a master at capturing the central insight of Jesus' teachings. . . . Rarely have I found an author with so penetrating an intellect combined with so generous a spirit."
'?ith The Divine Conspiracy, Willard joins the line of a Kempis, Luther, Fenelon, Brother Lawrence, Zinzendorf, Wesley, and other master apprentices of Jesus . . . What distinguishes The Divine Conspiracy is an extraordinary combination of simplicity and depth . . . If you read only one book, make it this one.'?9780060693336
"With The Divine Conspiracy, Willard joins the line of a Kempis, Luther, Fenelon, Brother Lawrence, Zinzendorf, Wesley, and other master apprentices of Jesus . . . What distinguishes The Divine Conspiracy is an extraordinary combination of simplicity and depth . . . If you read only one book, make it this one."


저자(글) Willard, Dallas

신학자이자 인문학자인 그는 오랫동안 우리의 일상생활을 향한 하나님의 관여하심을 대변하는 감동의 목소리 역할을 해왔다. 이미 우리 시대의 기독교 고전이 된 '하나님의 모략'(The Divine Conspiracy)을 비롯해 '마음의 혁신'(Renovation of the Heart), '영성 훈련'(The Spirit of the Disciplines), '하나님의 음성'(Hearing God), '잊혀진 제자도'(The Great Omission) 등 그의 저서들은 수많은 그리스도인들의 신앙 경험 방식을 영원히 바꿔 놓았다. 그는 남캘리포니아 대학교(University of Southern California) 철학과 교수이자 UCLA와 콜로라도 대학교(University of Colorado)의 객원 교수로 재직하고 있다. 또한 목회자로서 설교와 강연을 통해 오늘을 살아가는 그리스도인의 제자도와 영성에 깊은 영향을 미치고 있다.

저자(글) Foster, Richard J.

Foster, Richard J.

Richard J. Foster is the author of several bestselling books, including "Celebration of Discipline", "Streams of Living Water", "Life with God", and "Prayer", which was "Christianity Today"''s Book of the Year and the winner of the Gold Medallion Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. He is the founder of Renovar?, an organization and a movement committed to the renewal of the church of Jesus Christ in all its multifaceted expressions, and the editor of "The Life with God Bible".


  • Forewordp. ix
    Introductionp. xiii
    Acknowledgmentsp. xix
    Entering the Eternal Kind of Life Nowp. 1
    Gospels of Sin Managementp. 35
    What Jesus Knew: Our God-Bathed Worldp. 61
    Who is Really Well Off?--the Beatitudesp. 97
    The Rightness of the Kingdom Heart: Beyond the Goodness of Scribes and Phariseesp. 129
    Investing in the Heavens: Escaping the Deceptions of Reputation and Wealthp. 187
    The Community of Prayerful Lovep. 215
    On Being A Disciple, Or Student, of Jesusp. 271
    A Curriculum for Christlikenessp. 311
    The Restoration of All Thingsp. 375
    Notesp. 401
    Indexp. 420
    Table of Contents provided by Syndetics. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780060693336 ( 0060693339 )
발행(출시)일자 1998년 03월 24일
쪽수 448쪽
140 * 211 * 41 mm / 522 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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