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The Ten Trusts

Reprint | Paperback
Goodall, Jane 저자(글)
HarperOne · 2003년 10월 21일
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Jane Goodall is one of the world's leading conservationists. The author of many books, she is renowned for her work with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania, as well as for her extensive worldwide lecturing on conservation and preservation of all species Marc Bekoff is professor of biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is the author of many books, and is a former Guggenheim Fellow and a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society. Bekoff is also regional coordinator for Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots program, which promotes environmental awareness and community involvement of young people, senior citizens, and prisoners in over seventy countries through education and hands-on activities
Simple yet profound, 'The Ten Trusts' will not only change your perspective regarding how we live on this planet, it will establish your responsibilities as a steward of the natural world and show how to live with respect for all life.
Now in paperback the ten things we must do to ensure a safe and peaceful world, from legendary environmentalist Jane Goodall and brilliant animal behaviorist, Marc Bekoff. Combining her life's work living among the chimpanzees with her spiritual perspective on the relationship between humans and animals, legendary behavioral scientist Jane Goodall sets forth ten trusts that we as humans have as custodians of the planet: 1. Respect all life 2. Live as part of the Animal Kingdom 3. Educate our children to respect animals 4. Treat animals as you would like to be treated 5. Be a steward 6. Value the sounds of nature and help preserve them 7. Do not harm life in order to learn about it 8. Have the courage of your convictions 9. Act knowing that your actions make a difference 10. Act knowing that you are not alone. Filled with inspirational stories, The Ten Trusts provides lessons Jane Goodall has learned from a lifetime of experience, with the warmth and emotion her readers have come to expect from her. Marc Bekoff, cofounder of the Roots and Shoots program with Jane, also contributes his profound insights and research, which Jane has come to rely on. Together, they share their hope and vision for humanity and all the earth's creatures, distilled into ten eloquent spiritual lessons. Within these ten trusts, Goodall reveals how we can gain true enlightenment by living in harmony with the animal kingdom and honoring the interconnection between all species.
'? powerful credo of compassion. May it stand alongside The Earth Charter as a revolutionary text for this century.'?9780060556112
"A powerful credo of compassion. May it stand alongside The Earth Charter as a revolutionary text for this century."
'? powerful paradigm for the twenty-first century. Read it and be part of the healing of our planet!'?9780060556112
"A powerful paradigm for the twenty-first century. Read it and be part of the healing of our planet!"
'? wonderful mix of science and ethics that deserves the widest audience. Goodall and Bekoff are a marvellous team.'?9780060556112
"A wonderful mix of science and ethics that deserves the widest audience. Goodall and Bekoff are a marvellous team."
'?ane Goodall, with customary good sense and wisdom, reminds us of the tenderness we owe towards all of creation.'?9780060556112
"Jane Goodall, with customary good sense and wisdom, reminds us of the tenderness we owe towards all of creation."
'?en commandments for the future of advanced life of our planet...these too deserve to be chiseled on stone.'?9780060556112
"Ten commandments for the future of advanced life of our planet...these too deserve to be chiseled on stone."
'?he Ten Trusts weaves together science, ethics, and vivid storytelling to inspire us. A beautiful and heart-stirring book.'?9780060556112
"The Ten Trusts weaves together science, ethics, and vivid storytelling to inspire us. A beautiful and heart-stirring book."

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저자(글) Goodall, Jane

Goodall, Jane

Jane Goodall is one of the world's leading conservationists. The author of many books, including the New York Times bestseller, Reason for Hope, she is renowned for her work with the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park in Tanzania, as well as for her extensive worldwide lecturing on conservation and preservation of all species.


  • Introductionp. ix
    Rejoice that We are Part of the Animal Kingdomp. 1
    Respect all Lifep. 19
    Open our Minds, in Humility, to Animals and Learn From Themp. 44
    Teach our Children to Respect and Love Naturep. 68
    Be Wise Stewards of Life on Earthp. 78
    Value and Help Preserve the Sounds of Naturep. 97
    Refrain from Harming Life in Order to Learn About itp. 110
    Have the Courage of our Convictionsp. 120
    Praise and Help Those Who Work for Animals and the Natural Worldp. 137
    Act Knowing we are not Alone and Live with Hopep. 160
    Coda: After all is Said and Done, Silence is Betrayalp. 172
    Acknowledgmentsp. 185
    Sourcesp. 187
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780060556112 ( 0060556110 )
발행(출시)일자 2003년 10월 21일
쪽수 200쪽
136 * 202 * 14 mm / 172 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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