CEO Excellence
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For those who shoulder the burden of being the one on whom everyone counts, a manual for excellence is sorely needed.
To identify the 21st century’s best CEOs, the authors of CEO Excellence started with a pool of over 2400 public company CEOs. Extensive screening distilled that group into an elite corps, sixty-seven of whom agreed to in-depth, multi-hour interviews. Among those sharing their views: Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase), Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Reed Hastings (Netflix), Kazuo Hirai (Sony), Ken Chenault (American Express), Mary Barra (GM), and Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Nestl?).
What came out of those frank, no-holds-barred conversations is a rich array of mindsets and actions that deliver outsized performance. Compelling, practical, and unprecedented in scope, CEO Excellence is a treasure trove of wisdom from today’s most elite business leaders.
원서번역서 내용 엿보기
어떤 사람이 최고의 자리를 빛내는가?
압도적 성과를 이끌어낸 글로벌 리더들의 머릿속과 행동 원칙
마이크로소프트, 알파벳, JP모건체이스, 넷플릭스, 제너럴 모터스 등
글로벌 최정상 기업의 CEO 67명과의 초밀착 인터뷰
★ 아마존 경제경영 1위 ★ 뉴욕타임스, 월스트리트저널 베스트셀러
★ 세계 최고 컨설팅 회사 맥킨지의 화제작
기업의 CEO 자리는 모든 비즈니스 역할을 통틀어 가장 어려운 자리다. CEO의 손에 몇 십억에서 몇 조가 왔다 갔다 하고, 수백, 수만 명 직원들의 운명이 달려 있기도 하다. 그렇다면 CEO는 정확히 어떤 역할을 하며, 압도적 성과를 이끌어낸 최고의 CEO들은 어떻게 일하는 것일까? 세계 최고의 컨설팅 회사 맥킨지앤드컴퍼니의 최고 직급 리더들로, CEO들의 코칭과 카운슬링 역할을 담당하는 이 책의 세 저자들이 이 질문에 직접 답을 찾아보기로 했다.
이들은 2,400명이 넘는 기업의 CEO 리스트를 분석하고 객관적인 선별 과정을 거쳐 자신의 업계에서 지속적이고 탁월한 성과를 이룬 최정상 CEO 67명과 초밀착 심층 인터뷰를 진행했다. 이 책에서 자신의 인사이트와 경험을 나눠주고 경영 전략과 리더십 스킬을 공개해준 CEO로는 제이미 다이먼(JP모건체이스), 순다르 피차이(알파벳, 구글), 사티아 나델라(마이크로소프트), 리드 헤이스팅스(넷플릭스), 히라이 가즈오(소니), 켄 체놀트(아메리칸 익스프레스), 메리 배라(GM) 등이 있다. 맥킨지의 데이터 분석력과 솔직하고 심도 높은 CEO들과의 대화를 통해 세계 정상들의 특징을 6가지 마인드셋으로 압축하고, 그 구체적인 실천 방법들을 펼쳐 보이는 이 책은 오늘날 또는 미래의 비즈니스 리더들에게 어디에서도 만나보지 못한 지혜의 보고가 되어줄 것이다.
저자(글) Dewar, Carolyn

Carolyn Dewar is a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company. She has published over thirty articles in the Harvard Business Review and the McKinsey Quarterly and is a frequent keynote speaker.
저자(글) Keller, Scott
Scott Keller is a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company. He is the author of six books, including Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Create Ultimate Competitive Advantage.
저자(글) Malhotra, Vikram
Vikram (Vik) Malhotra is a Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company where he has worked since 1986. He has served on McKinsey’s Board of Directors and as McKinsey’s Managing Partner of the Americas.
출판사 서평
“CEO Excellence pulls back the curtain on how some of the world’s greatest business leaders have achieved success. Readers from the classroom to the boardroom will find valuable lessons they can apply to their own careers.”
?Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO, and cofounder of Blackstone
“McKinsey’s access to the best corporate CEOs has produced a remarkable and highly readable analysis of what makes leaders’ jobs so difficult in this age of constant social media focus, shareholder activism, great board involvement, enhanced ESG needs, growing global challenges, and increased government oversight. Any smart CEO looking to not just survive but thrive would do well to read and heed this book’s insights.”
?David Rubenstein, co-founder and co-executive chairman of The Carlyle Group and New York Times bestselling author of How to Lead
“Interviews CEOs (refreshingly, not just the usual suspects), finds out what makes them tick, and formulates a set of maxims and observations…A satisfying handbook for future moguls.”
?Kirkus Reviews
"Leadership is something you learn first by watching and then by doing?and the best leaders never stop learning, which is why this is a book for those who want to sharpen their skills in leading organizations to higher levels."
? Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies, and mayor of New York, 2002-2013
“Do we need another book on leadership at the top? Yes! Having created the world’s first school for incumbent CEOs and studied thousands over forty-five years, I can confirm that Dewar, Keller, and Malhotra provide valuable fresh insight. Instead of selecting clients or cronies to study, they were guided by analytic screening of performance on many key dimensions. Their conclusions show how CEOs shape culture and are shaped by it. By objectively examining character and context together, they transcend vague lists of virtues and reveal that leadership impact is very different from the boastful, backslapping self-promotion we see too often. This book provides leaders at all career stages insight on how to complement and enhance their respective styles.”
?Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Founder and President of the Chief Executive Leadership Institute and Senior Associate Dean for Leadership Studies at the Yale School of Management
“This is a remarkable book by three top-notch business gurus. Vik, Scott, and Carolyn have taken a plunge into the minds of the world's finest CEOs, reached deep into their psyches, retrieved the rarest pearls of wisdom, and strung them together nicely in a most readable narrative. This is not just a book but a veritable guide to becoming a complete leader and leading a complete life. A must read for everyone in the world of ideas and enterprises.”
? Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries
“Illuminating and even inspiring…Perhaps surprisingly, what stands out in this book’s spotlighting of top CEOs’ varied approaches is their willingness to be selfless, to let others shine. Their strategies for building up team members, and the ways they not only craft a vision but make those around them collaborators in it are ones I’m excited to teach in my leadership courses at Harvard.”
?Frances Frei, coauthor of Unleashed: The Unapologetic Leader’s Guide to Empowering Everyone Around You
“This is truly a must-read for everyone who is (or wants to be) a CEO. In a very informative and highly enjoyable style, Vikram, Carolyn, and Scott share leadership wisdom that applies to every conceivable business. I only wish I had the benefit of this wonderful book years ago."
?Jason Flom, former Chairman and CEO of Atlantic Records, Virgin Records, and Capitol Music Group
ISBN | 9781982179670 ( 1982179678 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2022년 03월 15일 |
쪽수 | 384쪽 |
크기 |
152 * 229
* 19
/ 531 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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