Perspectives in Nutrition
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로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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저자(글) Carol Byrd-Bredbenner
- Part 1 Nutrition Basics
Chapter: 1 The Science of Nutrition
Chapter: 2 Designing a Healthy Eating Pattern
Chapter: 3 The Food Supply
Chapter: 4 Human Digestion and Absorption
Part 2 Energy-Yielding Nutrients and Alcohol
Chapter: 5 Carbohydrates
Chapter: 6 Lipids
Chapter: 7 Protein
Chapter: 8 Alcohol
Part 3 Metabolism and Energy Balance
Chapter: 9 Energy Metabolism
Chapter: 10 Energy Balance, Weight Control, & Eating Disorders
Chapter: 11 Nutrition, Exercise, and Sports Part 4 Vitamins and Minerals
Chapter: 12 Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Chapter: 13 Water-Soluble Vitamins
Chapter: 14 Water and Major Minerals
Chapter: 15 Trace Minerals
Part 5 Nutrition Applications in the Life Cycle
Chapter: 16 Nutritional Aspects of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Chapter: 17 Nutrition during the Growing Years
Chapter: 18 Nutrition throughout Adulthood Appendixes
A Human Physiology
B Chemistry
C Glycolysis, Citric Acid Cycle, , Electron Transport Chain, Eicosanoids, and Homocysteine Metabolism
D Dietary Advice for Canadians
E Food Lists for Diabetes
F Fatty Acids in Foods
G Height-Weight Tables
H Nutrition Calculations
I English-Metric Conversions
J Estimated Average Requirements (EARs) for Nutrients
K CDC Growth Charts
L Sources of Nutrition Information
M Dietary Intake and Energy Expenditure Assessment
ISBN | 9781260092202 ( 1260092208 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2018년 10월 01일 |
쪽수 | 964쪽 |
크기 |
226 * 274
* 38
/ 1859 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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