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The Age of Agile

How Smart Companies Are Transforming the Way Work Gets Done | 양장본 Hardcover
Denning, Stephen 저자(글)
Amacom · 2018년 02월 08일
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More value from less work. An unstoppable business revolution is under way-and it is Agile. Companies that embrace Agile Management learn to connect everyone and everything . . . all the time. They can deliver instant, intimate, frictionless value on a large scale. Agile began emerging many decades ago, but truly took off in the software development industry. Sparking dramatic improvements in quality, innovation, and speed-to-market, the Agile movement is now spreading quickly throughout all kinds of companies. It enables a team, a unit, or an enterprise to nimbly adapt and upgrade products and services to meet rapidly changing technology and customer needs. And the process is applicable anywhere-companies don't need to be born Agile, like Spotify. Even centuries-old Barclays is making the transition and reaping rewards. Filled with examples from every sector, The Age of Agile helps readers: Master the three laws of Agile Management (team, customer, network) * Embrace the new mindset * Overcome constraints * Employ meaningful metrics * Make the entire organization Agile * And more With this breakthrough approach, even global giants can learn to act entrepreneurially. Their future depends on it.

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어떻게 애자일한 조직을 만들 수 있을까?

스포티파이, 엣시와 같은 스타트업부터 바클레이, C.H. 에릭슨, 마이크로소프트와 같은 글로벌 대기업까지 애자일을 수용하는 데 성공한 조직들의 세 가지 핵심적인 특징을 생생한 사례와 함께 소개하는 『애자일, 민첩하고 유연한 조직의 비밀』. ‘애자일(agile)’은 민첩하고 기민하다는 뜻으로, 이 책에서는 민첩하게 변화를 감지하고 유연하게 혁신하는 조직을 목표로 하는 경영 패러다임을 가리킨다.

2000년대 초반 보다 나은 소프트웨어 개발 방식을 만들기 위해 개발자들이 발표한 선언에서 시작된 애자일 패러다임은 실리콘밸리를 중심으로 기술, 제조, 제약, 통신, 항공기 등 업종과 분야에 상관없이 모든 조직에 급격하게 퍼지고 있다. 이 책에서는 애자일 경영을 바탕으로 각자의 조직에 적합한 프로세스를 찾고 나아가 수십 억 달러의 시장을 창조하는 혁신을 이뤄내는 데 성공한 기업들의 이야기를 들려준다.

300년이 넘는 역사의 은행 바클레이는 21세기 고객들이 원하는 서비스를 위해 무엇을 혁신했을까? 이라크에 파병된 매크리스털 부대는 어떻게 권위 중심의 피라미드 구조를 역량 중심의 네트워크 구조로 전환했을까? 애자일 조직은 그 규모와 역사, 분야를 넘나들며 놀라운 결과를 만들어내고 있는데, 이 책은 애자일은 대규모 조직에 어울리지 않는다거나 애자일로는 리스크가 큰일은 해낼 수 없다는 잘못된 통념과 편견을 바로잡는 풍부한 사례를 제공한다.


애자일, 민첩하고 유연한 조직의 비밀

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저자(글) Denning, Stephen

STEPHEN DENNING is a renowned management innovator and popular Forbes.com columnist. A former World Bank executive, he serves on the advisory board for the Drucker Forum and is the author of several books including The Leader's Guide to Radical Management.


  • Foreword by Gary Hamel xi
    Introduction xiii
    Chapter 1: More Value from Less Work 3
    BOX 1-1: Manifesto for Agile Software Development 22
    BOX 1-2: Glossary: Definitions of Agile, Scrum, DevOps, Kanban, Lean 23
    Chapter 2: The Law of the Small Team 27
    Chapter 3: The Law of the Customer 49
    BOX 3-1 Paradigm Shifts in Science 67
    BOX 3-2 Ultimate Customers, Internal Customers, and End-Users 69
    BOX 3-3 Practices of the Law of the Customer 70
    BOX 3-4 Aligning People Management with Agile Management at Cerner 73
    Chapter 4: The Law of the Network 81
    BOX 4-1 Agility Through Market-Based Approaches 94
    BOX 4-2 Achieving Large-Scale Operations Through Platforms 96
    BOX 4-3 "Big Bang" Change: Six Mistakes Salesforce Didn't Make 97
    Chapter 5: Implementing Agile at Scale: Microsoft 103
    Get the Right Balance of Alignment and Autonomy 106
    Master the Role of the Agile Manager 108
    Handle Dependencies at the Team Level 108
    Ensure Continuous Integration 109
    Keep on Top of Technical Debt 110
    Embrace DevOps and Continuous Delivery 110
    Continuously Monitor Progress 111
    Listen to Customer Wants, but Meet Their Needs 112
    Deal with Directions from Above 113
    Use Self-Forming Teams to Encourage Team Ownership 113
    Recognize the Team Is the Product 114
    Build Quality from the Beginning 114
    Use Coaching Carefully 115
    Ensure Top-Level Support 115
    Box 5-1 Flattening the Hierarchy Isn't the Answer 116
    Chapter 6: From Operational to Strategic Agility 119
    The Principles of Strategic Agility 122
    Four Components of a Market-Creating Value Proposition 127
    BOX 6-1 The Collapse of Sector Boundaries 134
    BOX 6-2 The Path from Operational Agility to Strategic Agility 135
    Chapter 7: Changing the Organizational Culture 139
    BOX 7-1 SRI's "NABC Value Proposition" for Siri 155
    Chapter 8: The Trap of Shareholder Value 163
    BOX 8-1 The Unsound Legal Case for Shareholder Value 182
    BOX 8-2 What Is True Shareholder Value? 183
    BOX 8-3 Adam Smith and the Philosophical Origins of Shareholder Value Thinking 185
    BOX 8-4 The Unanticipated Risks of Shareholder Value 187
    Chapter 9: The Trap of Share Buybacks 193
    The Challenge for Public Policymakers 199
    The Challenge for Agile Leaders in Dealing with the Stock Market 199
    The Challenge for Agile Managers Within the Corporation 201
    BOX 9-1 Defending Share Buybacks 203
    Chapter 10: The Cost-Oriented Economics Trap 205
    The Case of Dell Inc. 206
    The Urge to Offshore 209
    A Permanent Loss of Expertise 211
    Explaining Agile Management to a CFO 213
    Throughput Accounting 213
    BOX 10-1 Technical Debt, Regulatory Debt, and Brand Debt 216
    BOX 10-2 U.S. vs. German Manufacturing 218
    Chapter 11: The Trap of Backward-Looking Strategy 221
    BOX 11-1 The Strategy of "Doing More of the Same" 233
    BOX 11-2 Options Reasoning and the Portfolio Approach 234
    EPILOGUE 237
    Chapter 12: Nuclear Winters and Golden Ages 239
    BOX 12-1 The History of Golden Ages and Nuclear Winters 251
    BOX 12-2 How the Change Might Happen: An Agenda for Action 255
    Acknowledgments 265
    About Steve Denning 269
    Notes 273
    Index 305

출판사 서평


" The Age of Agile is an indispensable guide to building an organization that can thrive in a world of unrelenting change."-- Gary Hamel, Professor, London Business School, and Director, MLab

" The Age of Agile should be a go-to reference for navigating the transient advantage economy." -- Rita Gunther McGrath, Professor, Columbia Business School

" The Age of Agile vividly demonstrates why an organization needs a new manage-ment paradigm to thrive in a world of rapid and continuous change." -- W. Chan Kim, The BCG Professor of Strategy at INSEAD and New York Times bestselling coauthor of Blue Ocean Strategy and Blue Ocean Shift

"This eye-opening book challenges us to think, not just about which technologies will shape the future, but about which organizations will be able to handle -- and develop -- them." -- Carlota Perez, author of Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital

" The Age of Agile demystifies a fuzzy topic, delivers a stinging critique of flawed management practices, provides practical advice, and is an enjoyable read. A great book." -- Scott Anthony, Managing Partner of Innosight and lead author of Dual Transformation

" The Age of Agile provides a compelling and actionable overview of the new mindset that will create significant new value." -- John Hagel, Co-Chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9780814439098 ( 0814439098 )
발행(출시)일자 2018년 02월 08일
쪽수 336쪽
160 * 231 mm
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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