At the Same Time : Essays and Speeches
"A writer is someone who pays attention to the world," Susan Sontag said in her 2003 acceptance speech for the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, and no one exemplified this definition more than she. Sontag's incisive intelligence, expressive brilliance, and deep curiosity about art, politics, and the writer's responsibility to bear witness have secured her place as one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century. "At the Same Time "gathers sixteen essays and addresses written in the last years of Sontag's life, when her work was being honored on the international stage, that reflect on the personally liberating nature of literature, her deepest commitment, and on political activism and resistance to injustice as an ethical duty. She considers the works of writers from the little-known Soviet novelist Leonid Tsypkin, who struggled and eventually succeeded in publishing his only book days before his death; to the greats, such as Nadine Gordimer, who enlarge our capacity for moral judgment. Sontag also fearlessly addresses the dilemmas of post-9/11 America, from the degradation of our political rhetoric to the appalling torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib."" "At the Same Time," which includes a foreword by her son, David Rieff, is a passionate, compelling work from an American writer at the height of her powers, who always saw literature "as a passport to enter a larger life, the zone of freedom."
Sontag's incisive intelligence, expressive brilliance, and deep curiosity about art, politics, and the writer's responsibility to bear witness have secured her place as one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century. This collection gathers sixteen essays and addresses written in the last years of Sontag's life, when her work was being honored on the international stage, which reflect on the personally liberating nature of literature, her deepest commitment, and on political activism and resistance to injustice as an ethical duty. She considers the works of writers, from the little-known Soviet novelist Leonid Tsypkin, who struggled and eventually succeeded in publishing his only book days before his death; to the greats, such as Nadine Gordimer, who enlarge our capacity for moral judgment. Sontag also fearlessly addresses the dilemmas of post-9/11 America, from the degradation of our political rhetoric to the appalling torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib.--From publisher description.
"A writer is someone who pays attention to the world," Susan Sontag said in her 2003 acceptance speech for the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, and no one exemplified this definition more than she. Sontag's incisive intelligence, expressive brilliance, and deep curiosity about art, politics, and the writer's responsibility to bear witness have secured her place as one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century.At the Same Timegathers sixteen essays and addresses written in the last years of Sontag's life, when her work was being honored on the international stage, that reflect on the personally liberating nature of literature, her deepest commitment, and on political activism and resistance to injustice as an ethical duty. She considers the works of writers from the little-known Soviet novelist Leonid Tsypkin, who struggled and eventually succeeded in publishing his only book days before his death; to the greats, such as Nadine Gordimer, who enlarge our capacity for moral judgment. Sontag also fearlessly addresses the dilemmas of post-9/11 America, from the degradation of our political rhetoric to the appalling torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. At the Same Time, which includes a foreword by her son, David Rieff, is a passionate, compelling work from an American writer at the height of her powers, who always saw literature "as a passport to enter a larger life, the zone of freedom."
"A writer is someone who pays attention to the world," Susan Sontag said in her 2003 acceptance speech for the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade, and no one exemplified this definition more than she. Sontag's incisive intelligence, expressive brilliance, and deep curiosity about art, politics, and the writer's responsibility to bear witness have secured her place as one of the most important thinkers and writers of the twentieth century. At the Same Timegathers sixteen essays and addresses written in the last years of Sontag's life, when her work was being honored on the international stage, that reflect on the personally liberating nature of literature, her deepest commitment, and on political activism and resistance to injustice as an ethical duty. She considers the works of writers from the little-known Soviet novelist Leonid Tsypkin, who struggled and eventually succeeded in publishing his only book days before his death; to the greats, such as Nadine Gordimer, who enlarge our capacity for moral judgment. Sontag also fearlessly addresses the dilemmas of post-9/11 America, from the degradation of our political rhetoric to the appalling torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib. At the Same Time, which includes a foreword by her son, David Rieff, is a passionate, compelling work from an American writer at the height of her powers, who always saw literature "as a passport to enter a larger life, the zone of freedom."
Praise for Susan Sontag: "Susan Sontag is a powerful thinker, as smart as she's supposed to be, and a better writer, sentence for sentence, than anyone who now wears the tag 'intellectual.'" --Adam Begley,The New York Observer "[Sontag is] one of our very few brand-name intellectuals. . .the bearer of the standard of high seriousness in a culture that has essentially capitulated to the easy lifting of the ironic mode or the ready clasp of pure entertainment." --Sven Birkets,The Yale Review "Not only did [her work] serve what should be an essential function of criticism, that of introducing readers to new work, weird work, things they wouldn't ordinarily encounter . . . it did so in a notable un-weird manner. Thoroughly trained in literature and philospohy, Sontag applied the standard of the past--truth, beauty, transcendence, spirituality--to the new art of the sixties, with its alienation, extremity, perseverity . . . And the writing was marvelous--high-toned, Brahmin, but full of zest and the pleasure of performing." --Joan Acocella,The New Yorker
Praise for Susan Sontag: "Susan Sontag is a powerful thinker, as smart as she's supposed to be, and a better writer, sentence for sentence, than anyone who now wears the tag 'intellectual.'" --Adam Begley, "The New York Observer""" "[Sontag is] one of our very few brand-name intellectuals. . .the bearer of the standard of high seriousness in a culture that has essentially capitulated to the easy lifting of the ironic mode or the ready clasp of pure entertainment." --Sven Birkets, "The Yale Review""" "Not only did [her work] serve what should be an essential function of criticism, that of introducing readers to new work, weird work, things they wouldn't ordinarily encounter . . . it did so in a notable un-weird manner. Thoroughly trained in literature and philospohy, Sontag applied the standard of the past--truth, beauty, transcendence, spirituality--to the new art of the sixties, with its alienation, extremity, perseverity . . . And the writing was marvelous--high-toned, Brahmin, but full of zest and the pleasure of performing." --Joan Acocella, "The New Yorker "
Praise for Susan Sontag: "Susan Sontag is a powerful thinker, as smart as she's supposed to be, and a better writer, sentence for sentence, than anyone who now wears the tag 'intellectual.'" --Adam Begley, "The New York Observer""" "?ontag is?one of our very few brand-name intellectuals. . .the bearer of the standard of high seriousness in a culture that has essentially capitulated to the easy lifting of the ironic mode or the ready clasp of pure entertainment." --Sven Birkets, "The Yale Review""" "Not only did ?er work?serve what should be an essential function of criticism, that of introducing readers to new work, weird work, things they wouldn't ordinarily encounter . . . it did so in a notable un-weird manner. Thoroughly trained in literature and philospohy, Sontag applied the standard of the past--truth, beauty, transcendence, spirituality--to the new art of the sixties, with its alienation, extremity, perseverity . . . And the writing was marvelous--high-toned, Brahmin, but full of zest and the pleasure of performing." --Joan Acocella, "The New Yorker"
Praise for Susan Sontag: "Susan Sontag is a powerful thinker, as smart as she's supposed to be, and a better writer, sentence for sentence, than anyone who now wears the tag 'intellectual.'" --Adam Begley, The New York Observer "[Sontag is] one of our very few brand-name intellectuals. . .the bearer of the standard of high seriousness in a culture that has essentially capitulated to the easy lifting of the ironic mode or the ready clasp of pure entertainment." --Sven Birkets, The Yale Review "Not only did [her work] serve what should be an essential function of criticism, that of introducing readers to new work, weird work, things they wouldn't ordinarily encounter . . . it did so in a notable un-weird manner. Thoroughly trained in literature and philospohy, Sontag applied the standard of the past--truth, beauty, transcendence, spirituality--to the new art of the sixties, with its alienation, extremity, perseverity . . . And the writing was marvelous--high-toned, Brahmin, but full of zest and the pleasure of performing." --Joan Acocella, The New Yorker
"At the Same Time" gathers 16 essays and addresses written in the last years of Sontag's life, when her work was being honored on the international stage, that reflect on the personally liberating nature of literature, her deepest commitment, and on political activism and resistance to injustice as an ethical duty.
저자(글) Sontag, Susan

1933년 1월 28일 뉴욕에서 태어난 수전 손택은 자타가 공인하는 미국 최고의 에세이 작가이자 뛰어난 소설가이며 예술평론가다. 손택은 15세가 되던 1948년 버클리의 캘리포니아에 입학해 일찍부터 대학 생활을 시작했다. 1955년 하버드 대학의 철학 박사학위 과정에 들어간 뒤 1957년 학위를 수여하고, 이듬해 파리 대학, 옥스퍼드 대학, 소르본 대학에서 수학하며 다시 학계로 돌아 왔다. 이때 첫 번째 저서가 될 뻔한 '프로이트 Freud: The Mind of the Moralist'를 남편인 리프와 공저하나, 이 책은 얼마 뒤에 겪은 이혼으로 인해 상호합의 아래 리프의 단독 저서로 출간된다. 그 뒤 1959년부터 뉴욕시립대학, 사라 로렌스 대학, 컬럼비아 대학 등에서 철학 강의를 맡게 된 손택은 1960년부터 각종 신문과 잡지에 활발한 기고 활동을 펼치게 되는데, 이때 첫 번째 소설 '은인'(1963)을 발표하면서 서서히 문단과 학계의 주목을 받게 된다. 1964년에 발표한 '해석에 반대한다'와 ' "캠프"에 관한 단상'은 '은인'을 쓰면서 체계화한 자신의 예술론을 자신 있게 드러낸 글이자, 자신을 1960년대 미국의 '새로운 지식인' 대열에 들게 한 중요한 글이었다
저자(글) Dilonardo, Paolo
저자(글) Jump, Anne
Preface vii
Paolo Dilonardo
Anne Jump
Foreword xi
David Rieff
An Argument About Beauty 3(11)
1926 ... Pasternak, Tsvetayeva, Rilke 14(7)
Loving Dostoyevsky 21(16)
A Double Destiny: On Anna Banti's Artemisia 37(20)
Unextinguished: The Case for Victor Serge 57(32)
Outlandish: On Halldor Laxness's Under the Glacier 89(16)
9.11.01 105(3)
A Few Weeks After 108(10)
One Year After 118(6)
Photography: A Little Summa 124(4)
Regarding the Torture of Others 128(17)
The Conscience of Words 145(11)
The World as India 156(24)
On Courage and Resistance 180(12)
Literature Is Freedom 192(18)
At the Same Time: The Novelist and Moral Reasoning 210(23)
Acknowledgments 233
ISBN | 9780374100728 ( 0374100721 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2007년 03월 06일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
언어 | 영어 |
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