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Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students With Mild Disabilities

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Prentice-Hall · 2001년 10월 01일
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  • Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students With Mild Disabilities 대표 이미지
    Characteristics of and Strategies for Teaching Students With Mild Disabilities 대표 이미지
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  • Preface xi
    PART ONE Characteristics of Students with Mild
    Foundations of Special Education for Students 1 (44)
    with Mild Disabilities
    Vignette: Jake, Mary, Felipe 3 (1)
    The Roots of Special Education 4 (3)
    Diversity 7 (2)
    Handicappism 9 (3)
    Litigation and Legislation 10 (2)
    Federal Laws 12 (11)
    Who Receives Special Education? 23 (6)
    Physical Reasons for Needing Special 24 (1)
    Cognitive Reasons for Needing Special 25 (3)
    Academic Reasons for Needing Special 28 (1)
    Communication Reasons for Needing Special 28 (1)
    Behavioral-Emotional Reasons for Needing 29 (1)
    Special Education
    How Many Students Receive Special Education? 29 (3)
    Students with Mild Disabilities 32 (2)
    Labeling 34 (2)
    Advantages of Labeling 34 (1)
    Disadvantages of Labeling 35 (1)
    Focus on What to Teach Students 36 (1)
    Individual Education Program 36 (1)
    Focus on Where to Teach Students 37 (4)
    Regular Classroom Placement 38 (1)
    Resource Room Placement 38 (1)
    Special Class Placement 38 (2)
    Special Day School Placement 40 (1)
    Homebound Programs 40 (1)
    Other Domiciled Settings 40 (1)
    Residential Programs 40 (1)
    Focus on How to Teach Students with Mild 41 (2)
    Comparing General and Special Education 42 (1)
    Summary 43 (1)
    Activities 43 (2)
    Students with Mild Mental Retardation 45 (45)
    Vignette: Larry 47 (1)
    Intelligence 48 (3)
    Alfred Binet 49 (1)
    Intelligence Tests 49 (2)
    Definition and Identification 51 (5)
    Types of Mental Retardation 53 (2)
    Prevalence 55 (1)
    Causes of Mental Retardation 56 (6)
    Organic Causes 56 (2)
    Environmental Causes 58 (4)
    Disproportionate Representation of 62 (1)
    Characteristics 63 (16)
    Cognitive 63 (5)
    Mental Processing 68 (2)
    Academics 70 (2)
    Communication 72 (3)
    Perception / Mothor 75 (2)
    Social / Adaptive 77 (2)
    Teaching Strategies 79 (8)
    Instructions 79 (2)
    Thinking Skills 81 (1)
    Reading 82 (1)
    Functional Skills 83 (1)
    Adaptive Behavior 84 (2)
    Daily Living and Work Skills 86 (1)
    Summary 87 (1)
    Activities 88 (2)
    Students with Behavior Disorders 90 (42)
    Vignette: Fred Peterson 92 (2)
    Foundations of Behavior Disorders 94 (1)
    Historical Perspective 94 (1)
    Definition and Identification 95 (3)
    Issues and Concerns 96 (1)
    Levels of Behavior Disorders 97 (1)
    Prevalece of Emotional Behavior Disorders 98 (3)
    Causes of Behavior Disorders 101(12)
    Biophysical Causes 101(8)
    Psychodynamic Causes 109(1)
    Psychoeducational Causes 110(1)
    Behavioral Causes 111(2)
    Disturbed or Disturbing? 113(2)
    The Ecological Model 115(2)
    Characteristics 117(7)
    Cognitive 119(1)
    Academic 120(1)
    Communication 121(1)
    Social-Adaptive 122(2)
    Strategies for Teaching Students with 124(5)
    Behavior Disorders
    Discipline 125(1)
    Improving Emotional Problems 125(1)
    Improving Social Problems 125(4)
    Integration of Treatment Approaches 129(1)
    Summary 129(1)
    Activites 130(2)
    Students with Specific Learning Disabilities 132(44)
    Vignette: David 134(1)
    Foundations of Learning Disabilities 135(11)
    Early Research on Learning Disabilities 138(3)
    Brain Research 141(4)
    Causes of Learning Disabilities 145(1)
    Definition and Identification 146(4)
    Major Concepts and Key Phrases 146(3)
    Discrepancy between Achievement and 149(1)
    Intellectual Ability
    Prevalence of Learning Disabilities 150(1)
    Characteristics 151(9)
    Cognitive 152(1)
    Mental Processing 153(2)
    Academics 155(1)
    Communication 156(2)
    Perceptual-Motor 158(1)
    Social/Adaptive 159(1)
    Strategies for Teaching Students with 160(8)
    Learning Disabilities
    Medical Model 162(1)
    Psychological Process Model 162(2)
    Behavioral Model 164(2)
    Cognitive Model 166(2)
    Young Adults 168(3)
    Characteristics 170(1)
    Alternative Strategies 171(1)
    Looking to the Future 171(2)
    Summary 173(1)
    Activities 174(2)
    Overview of Students with Mild Disabilities 176(38)
    Tale of Three Students: Vignettes 178(1)
    Cross-Categorical Characteristics of 179(8)
    Generalities about Mild Learning Disorders 182(5)
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 187(5)
    Educational Strategies for ADHD 190(2)
    Causes of Mild Disabilities 192(9)
    Organic Causes 194(3)
    Environmental Causes 197(4)
    Special Populations at Risk 201(10)
    Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers 201(1)
    At-Risk School-Aged Youth 202(1)
    School Dropouts 203(2)
    Identification of Learning Problems 205(2)
    Prereferral Intervention 207(1)
    Referral to Special Education 208(1)
    Multidisciplinary Evaluation and 209(2)
    Summary 211(2)
    Activities 213(1)
    PART TWO Teaching Students with Mild
    The Inclusive Classroom 214(33)
    Vignette: Marsha 216(3)
    Least Restrictive Environment 219(2)
    Mainstreaming 221(1)
    Inclusion 222(5)
    Organizing Inclusion Programs 224(2)
    Court Cases 226(1)
    Collaboration 227(4)
    Characteristics of Collaboration 228(2)
    Collaboration as an Interdependent Style 230(1)
    Inclusion Models 231(5)
    Consulting Teacher 231(2)
    Co-Teacher Model 233(2)
    The Co-Teaching Plan 235(1)
    Tips to Remember about Co- Teaching 236(1)
    Collaborative Learning 236(5)
    Peer Tutoring 237(2)
    Cooperative Learning 239(2)
    Working Together 241(3)
    Teacher Expectations 241(1)
    Classroom Organization 242(1)
    Standardized Tests 243(1)
    Administration 244(1)
    Summary 244(2)
    Activities 246(1)
    Learning and Teaching 247(31)
    Vignette 249(1)
    The Purpose of School 250(5)
    Student Perceptions of School 250(1)
    Child and Adolescent Development 251(2)
    The Hidden Curriculum 253(2)
    Student Learning Styles 255(3)
    Instructional Models 258(17)
    Direct Instruction 259(1)
    Precision Teaching 260(3)
    Brain-Compatible Instruction 263(2)
    Student-Centered Learning 265(3)
    Learning Strategies 268(3)
    Multisensory Instruction 271(1)
    Task Analysis 271(1)
    Functional Curriculum 272(3)
    Integrated Teaching 275(2)
    Summary 277(1)
    Activities 277(1)
    Instructional Modifications 278(33)
    Vignette: Shirley Allen 280(1)
    Instructing Students with Mild Disabilities 281(1)
    Time Management 282(3)
    Allocated Time 283(1)
    Engaged Time 283(1)
    Academic Learning Time 284(1)
    The Physical Environment 285(2)
    Climate 286(1)
    Grouping for Instruction 286(1)
    Selecting Instructional Materials 287(3)
    Modification of Materials 288(1)
    Reading 288(2)
    Testing and Grading 290(2)
    Alternatives to Tests 290(1)
    Grades 291(1)
    Communucation between Teachers and Students 292(2)
    Attention 292(1)
    Clarity of Language 293(1)
    Questioning Skills 294(1)
    Student Performance 294(7)
    Self-Esteem 294(1)
    Study Skills 295(2)
    Organizational Skills 297(4)
    Individualized Education Program 301(6)
    Transition Plan 302(1)
    Curriculum-Based Assessment 302(1)
    Curriculum-Based Planning 303(1)
    Curriculum-Based Monitoring 304(3)
    The Educator's Tool Kit 307(2)
    Summary 309(1)
    Activities 310(1)
    Classroom Management 311(31)
    Vignette: Mr. Mellon 312(2)
    Discipline---An Overview 314(1)
    Preventive Discipline 315(6)
    Know Yourself 315(3)
    Know Your Students 318(1)
    Classroom Organization 319(2)
    Positive Behavioral Support 321(3)
    Functional Behavioral Assessement 323(1)
    Managing Student Behavior 324(8)
    Behavior Modification 324(4)
    Nonverbal and Verbal Techniques 328(2)
    Verbal Interventions 330(2)
    Conflict Situations 332(7)
    Life Space Intervention 332(3)
    Emotional First Aid 335(2)
    Punishment 337(2)
    Getting Rudy to Behave: Putting Theory Into 339(1)
    Summary 340(1)
    Activities 341(1)
    Teaching Social Skills 342(27)
    Vignette: Debbie 343(1)
    Emotional Intelligence 344(2)
    Teaching Social Skills 346(5)
    Selecting a Social Skills Curriculum 348(3)
    A Sample Social Skills Curriculum 351(7)
    Character Education 358(4)
    Moral Development 362(2)
    A Functional Model for Problem Behaviors 364(3)
    Summary 367(1)
    Activities 368(1)
    Building Family Partnerships 369(36)
    Vignette: Eileen 371(1)
    America's Children 372(3)
    Parents and Teachers: Valuable Partners 375(2)
    Benefits of Parent-Teacher Cooperation 377(3)
    Understanding Fam


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ISBN 9780205340699 ( 0205340695 )
발행(출시)일자 2001년 10월 01일
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