Approaches to Early Childhood Education
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- Part I Introduction
Chapter 1: History of Early childhood Education in Multicultural Perspective by Blythe F. Hinitz, The College of New Jersey
Chapter 2: The Program for Infant Toddler Care by J. Ronald Lally and Peter L. Mangione, West Ed., San Francisco, California
Chapter 3: The Head Start Program by Douglas R. Powell, Purdue University
Chapter 4: The Portage Model: An International Home Approach to Early Intervention of Young Children and Their Families by David E. Shearer, The International Portage Association, Tampa Florida and Darlene L. Shearer, Lawton & Rhea Chiles Center for Healthy Mothers and Babies, University of South Florida
Part II Integral Dimensions
Chapter 5: Including Everyone: A Model Preschool Program for Children With and Without Disabilities by Ellen Barnes, Jowonio School, Syracuse, New York and David Smukler, The State University of New York College at Cortland
Chapter 6: A Framework for Culturally Relevant Multicultural, and Antibias Education in the Twenty-First Century by Louise Derman-Sparks, Pacific Oaks College and Patricia G. Ramsey, Mount Holyoke College
Chapter 7: Early Prevention Initiatives by Karen L. Bierman, Celene Domitrovich, and Harriet Darling, The Pennsylvania State University
Chapter 8: Early Development and Education Programs in Public School by James E. Johnson and Jennifer Chestnut, The Pennsylvania State University
Part III Specific Approaches/USA
Chapter 9: the High/Scope Model of Early Childhood Education by David P. Weikart (deceased) and Lawrence J.Schweinhart, High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Chapter 10: Tools of the Mind: The Vygotskian Approach to Early Childhood Education by Elena Bodrava, Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning, and Deborah J. Leong, Metro State College
Chapter 11: From Spectrum to Bridging: Approaches to Integrating Assessment with Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Classrooms by Jie-Qi Chen and Gillian McNamee, Erikson Institute, Chicago
Chapter 12: The Developmental-Interaction Approach at Bank Street College of Education by Harriet K. Cuffaro and Nancy Nager, Bank Street College of Education, New York
Chapter 13: The Project Approach: An Overview by Lillian G. Katz, University of Illinois, and Sylvia C. Chard, University of Alberta, Canada
Part IV Specific Approaches/European
Chapter 14: The Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Care and Education: Creating Contexts for Discussion by Rebecca S. New, Tufts University, and Rebecca Kantor, The Ohio State University
Chapter 15: The Waldorf Approach to Early Childhood Education by Christy L. Husek, Fairbrook First Steps Christian Preschool, Pennsylvania Furnace, Pennsylvania, and James E. Johnson, The Pennsylvania State University
Chapter 16: Montessori Education Today by Martha Torrence, Cambridge, Massachusetts and John Chattin-McNichols, Seattle University
Chapter 17: The Pyramid Method by Jef J. van Kuyk, Citogroep, Arnhem, The Netherlands
ISBN | 9780135126288 ( 0135126282 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2008년 08월 22일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
크기 |
188 * 231
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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