Rewind It Back
And when I was nineteen, we broke each other's hearts. Six years later, I've landed an internship with a big-name interior designer in a new city. Unfortunately, that city just so happens to be the one he plays hockey for.
I thought Chicago was big enough to avoid him, until I get the surprise of a lifetime and unknowingly move in right next door. Even worse? The renovation project I'm assigned to in hopes of turning that internship into my full-time dream job... It's his house.
But how am I supposed to update his bachelor pad into a family home when we can't even stand to be in the same room?I may have loved Rio DeLuca once, but I'm not that same girl anymore. RioI never thought I'd be the only single one left in my friend group. But after years of trying to find love, I've concluded it may not exist for me anymore.
That is, until I accidentally hire Hallie Hart to renovate my house and our jaded history has me rewinding memories I've kept secret for years. You see, there's something that my friends don't know. That connection I've been looking for since I moved to Chicago, that one person some search their entire lives to find .
. . I had already found her when I was twelve years old.
And now the only girl I've ever loved is moving into the house next door. Again. Rewind It Back is the fifth and FINAL book in the sensational Windy City series which has gripped over a million readers across the world.
But don't worry if you're new round here, you'll still love it as a standalone!Don't just take our word for it . . .
저자(글) Tomforde, Liz
Born and raised in Northern California, Liz Tomforde is the youngest of five children. She loves all things romance, traveling, dogs, and sports. Before writing, Liz was a private flight attendant for an NHL team, which gave her the inspiration to write her debut novel MILE HIGH. When she's not writing, Liz can be found reading a good book or taking her Golden Retriever, Luke, on a hike in her hometown.
ISBN | 9781399746427 ( 1399746421 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2025년 05월 20일 |
쪽수 | 준비중 |
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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