Late Blooms in Learning at Columbia University
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이 책이 속한 분야
"I will dedicate the remaining third of my life to myself.” After 20 years as a prosecutor and a successful career as a partner at a top law firm, Lee made an unconventional choice—a path that few would consider. From any vantage point, such individuals earn our silent admiration and support. Perhaps it's the unique aura that emanates from those who dare to tread uncharted territory.
At the height of his career, when life seemed most secure, he chose to shake things up. Not just locally, but on the far side of the globe, requiring a journey halfway around the world. The decision to pursue studies abroad in midlife is remarkable in itself, but the fact that this journey unfolded in the Ivy League, one of the world’s premier academic arenas, makes his story even more compelling. His vivid account of what he saw, heard, and learned offers inspiration for anyone contemplating a new chapter in life.
Whether you’re hesitating at the threshold of a life-changing decision or seeking practical insights into studying abroad, this book is a beacon of guidance and encouragement.
It isn’t that special people take on challenges; it’s that those who take on challenges become extraordinary. This is a work that gently, yet powerfully, pushes you forward.
저자(글) Honghoon Lee
Graduated from Hanyang University with a degree in law and began his career as a prosecutor at the Busan District Prosecutors’ Office in 1986. After a distinguished 20-year tenure as a prosecutor, he left public service in 2005, concluding his career as the Chief of the Criminal Division 4 at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office.
He then transitioned to private practice, working as a partner attorney at a major law firm for four years. However, a moment of reflection led him to question a life centered solely on monetary pursuits. This realization prompted him to leave his legal career behind and pursue studies in the United States. Initially, he enrolled at Tompkins Cortland Community College to improve his English. His growing passion for learning eventually led him to transfer to Columbia University.
Upon graduating, he relocated to New Jersey, where he now resides and dedicates himself entirely to writing.
- Preface
Columbia University : Application
Columbia University : Core Curriculum
University Writing Class
Literature Humanities
Masterpieces of Western Art
Masterpieces of Western Music
Columbia University : History Classes
East Asian Historiography
Roman History
Chinese History
Chinese Religion
History of Modern China
Columbia University : Korean History Classes
Intro to Korean History
Korean History to 1900
Women and Gender in Korean History
Community College
ESOL Class
Academic Writing 1
Academic Writing 2
Approach to Literature
American History
Criminal Justice
출판사 서평
"Late Blooms in Learning at Columbia University" is a study abroad essay that captures the honest experiences of a late-blooming student who made a bold decision to pursue a unique challenge. The journey of author Lee Hong-hoon, who set out for Columbia University in search of the "real learning" he desired, offers an opportunity for those who feel lost and aimless in life to reflect on themselves.
This book includes everything from in-depth reports to college life and a variety of lecture subjects, all infused with a shining passion that transcends age and circumstances. For anyone standing at a crossroads in life, grappling with their true goals and values, the writer’s daring story is a must-read.
- Editor recommendation -
ISBN | 9791169296892 |
발행(출시)일자 | 2025년 02월 10일 |
쪽수 | 352쪽 |
크기 |
188 * 254
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To my precious [양장]30,600 원
생생하게 마음속에 살아있는 것들12,000 원
앙네스와 함께, 토닥 토닥 나의 하루15,000 원
앙네스와 함께, 토닥 토닥 나의 하루 [양장]30,000 원
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