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Planet Aqua

Rethinking Our Home in the Universe | 양장본 Hardcover
Jeremy Rifkin 저자(글)
Polity Press · 2024년 09월 03일
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What would happen if we were to awaken one day and suddenly realize that the world we live in appeared eerily alien, as if we’d been teleported to some other distant world? That frightening prospect is now. Our planetary hydrosphere, which animates all of life on Earth, is rebelling in the wake of a global warming climate, spurring biblical spring floods, devastating summer droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires and powerful autumn hurricanes and typhoons, wreaking havoc on ecosystems and society.

For too long we have misjudged the very nature of our existence and to what we owe our lifeline. We have come to believe that we live on a land planet when the reality is that we live on a water planet, and now the Earth’s hydrosphere is rewilding in the throes of a changing climate, taking our species and our fellow creatures into a mass extinction event as it searches for a new equilibrium.

Jeremy Rifkin calls on us to rethink our place in the universe and realize that we live on Planet Aqua. He takes us on a new journey into the future where we will need to reassess every aspect of the way we live – how we engage nature, govern society, conceptualize economic life, educate our children, and even orient ourselves in time and space. The next stage in the human journey is to rebrand our home Planet Aqua and learn how to readapt to the waters of life.

Underpinned by robust research, this major new work by one of the world’s leading public intellectuals aims to redefine the very core of our existence on Planet Aqua.

Also available as an audiobook.

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“인간은 물의 행성에 살고 있으며
이 사실이 모든 것을 바꾼다”

거주 불능 지구에서
모든 생명이 번성하는 플래닛 아쿠아로
위기의 인류와 지구를 위한 변혁의 내러티브

지구가 완전히 새로운 방식으로 진화하고 있다. 기후가 점점 뜨거워지면서 전 세계의 생태계가 무너지고 인프라가 파괴되며 인류와 동료 생물들의 거주와 생존이 위협받고 있다. 전례 없는 기후 재난과 대량 멸종 위기에 직면해 우리는 어디로 가야 하는가? 세계적인 미래학자 제러미 리프킨이 회복력 시대를 맞아 지구와의 관계를 전면적으로 재설정할 새로운 질서를 제시한다.
인간은 땅이 아니라 물의 행성에 살고 있다. 그러나 이제 지구의 수권(水圈)이 온난화의 여파로 새로운 균형을 찾아 움직이기 시작했다. 리프킨은 수권의 재배치에 따라 인류의 6000년 도시 수력 문명이 막을 내리고 신유목 시대와 임시 사회(ephemeral society)가 부상할 것이라 말하며, 이에 따라 산업, 경제, 사회, 정치, 교육 등 삶의 전 영역에 도래할 변화상을 안내한다.
2024년 9월 3일 한국을 포함한 전 세계 주요 국가에서 동시 출간하는 『플래닛 아쿠아』는 글로벌 경제와 산업 구조, 기술과 에너지 혁명, 기후 변화, 거버넌스 등 50년에 걸친 리프킨의 연구를 집대성해 기후 위기 담론의 다음 장을 펼치는 획기적 여정으로 독자를 이끈다. 물 스트레스 국가로 분류되며(FAO 물 스트레스 수준 보고서) 에너지와 반도체를 주요 산업으로 보유한 한국에서도 주목해야 할 논의다.


플래닛 아쿠아

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저자(글) Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin is the best-selling author of twenty-three books, translated into thirty-five languages. He is a principal architect of the European Union's and China's economic plans for transitioning into a Third Industrial Revolution to address climate change; and he served as an advisor to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer on the U.S. infrastructure plan. He is listed among the top ten most influential economic thinkers in The Huffington Post's global survey of "The World's Most Influential Voices."


  • Detailed Contents vii

    Acknowledgments x


    Part I The Imminent Collapse of Hydraulic Civilization

    1 First There Was the Waters
    2 The Earth Be Dammed: The Dawn of Hydraulic Civilization
    3 Gender Wars: The Struggle Between Terra Firma and Planet Aqua
    4 The Paradigmatic Transformation from Capitalism to Hydroism

    Part II The Canary in the Mine: How the Mediterranean Eco-Region Became Day Zero on a Warming Earth and a Bellwether of the Second Coming of Life

    5 The Near Death and Rebirth of the Mediterranean
    6 Location, Location, Location: The Eurasian Pangaea

    Part III We Live on Planet Aqua and That Changes Everything

    7 Freeing the Waters
    8 The Great Migration and the Rise of Ephemeral Society
    9 Rethinking Attachment to Place: Where We've Come from and Where We're Heading
    10 Bringing High-Tech Agriculture Indoors
    11 The Eclipse of Sovereign Nation States and the Gestation of Bioregional Governance

    Part IV Sublime Waters and a New Ontology of Life on Earth

    12 Two Ways to Listen to the Waters
    13 Swallowed by the Metaverse or Buoyed by the Aquaverse



출판사 서평

“Forget the idea that we live on a land planet. After reading Rifkin’s eye-opening account of our Planet Aqua, a water planet, you will never look at the Earth in the same way again. It’s a much-needed new dimension of the climate conversation, and a smart read for business leaders navigating our changing world.”
Paul Polman, former CEO of Unilever and past President of the International Chamber of Commerce

“Planet Aqua will shock most people. Rifkin points out that instead of living on a land planet, we actually live on a water planet – fresh, salt, and frozen – and this changes all of our long-held beliefs. Now, climate change is rapidly disrupting the hydrosphere, taking us into a foreboding future of floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and hurricanes, pushing many species to extinction, including our own. Rifkin’s Planet Aqua gives us an entirely new story about our home in the universe that hopefully will change the way we think, act, and thrive alongside our fellow creatures on a water planet.”
Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace

“With Planet Aqua, Jeremy Rifkin presents a thought-provoking and absorbing vision of humanity’s future that centers on water as the ‘the animating source of life.’ It’s a compelling and persuasive read that redefines our relationship with the Earth’s most complex and vital sphere.”
Sir Richard Branson, Founder of the Virgin Group

“Rifkin’s prescient Planet Aqua is a beck and call to humanity, like God’s instruction to Noah in the face of the catastrophic deluge in the book of Genesis. He reminds us that the future of the planetary hydrosphere will determine our own fate and the fate of our fellow creatures – a prophetic message that we need to absorb, reflect, and act on.”
Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

“An energetic, urgent call for imaginative, radical responses to environmental crises.”
Kirkus Reviews


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781509563739 ( 1509563733 )
발행(출시)일자 2024년 09월 03일
쪽수 360쪽
160 * 235 * 36 mm / 595 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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