Knowing What We Know
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Addressing these questions, Simon Winchester explores how humans have attained, stored, and disseminated knowledge. Examining such disciplines as education, journalism, encyclopedia creation, museum curation, photography, and broadcasting, he looks at a whole range of knowledge diffusion—from the cuneiform writings of Babylon to the machine-made genius of artificial intelligence, by way of Gutenberg, Google, and Wikipedia to the huge Victorian assemblage of the Mundanaeum, the collection of everything ever known, currently stored in a damp basement in northern Belgium.
Studded with strange and fascinating details, Knowing What We Know is a deep dive into learning and the human mind. Throughout this fascinating tour, Winchester forces us to ponder what rational humans are becoming. What good is all this knowledge if it leads to lack of thought? What is information without wisdom? Does Rene Descartes’s Cogito, ergo sum—“I think therefore I am,” the foundation for human knowledge widely accepted since the Enlightenment—still hold?
And what will the world be like if no one in it is wise?
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배움의 시작부터 지성의 종말까지, 지식의 기원을 찾아가는 놀라운 연대기
인터넷과 스마트폰의 등장으로 우리는 알고 싶은 모든 것을 곧바로 확인할 수 있다. 자동완성기능과 맞춤법 검사기로 더 이상 어렵고 긴 단어를 외울 필요가 없고, 원하는 목적지에 가기 위해 길을 찾거나 더 저렴한 물건을 사기 위해 발품을 팔아야 할 필요도 없다. 어려운 계산은 컴퓨터가 대신하고 복잡한 사고는 인공지능이 수행하는, 손끝으로 수많은 지식을 얻을 수 있게 된 지금, 우리에게 ‘안다는 것’은 무엇을 의미하는가. 최초의 인간 이래 다양한 경험과 배움을 통해 지식을 쌓아온 인간의 뇌는 이제 무엇을 해야 하는가.
《교수와 광인》, 《세계를 바꾼 지도》, 《완벽주의자들》 등 세계의 곳곳을 탐험하며 전 세계 수백만의 독자를 사로잡았던 최고의 지성 사이먼 윈체스터가 물리적 세계가 아닌, 인간의 지식 세계를 탐구하는 새로운 책을 집필했다. 《지식의 탄생(Knowing What We Know)》은 지식이란 무엇이며, 어떤 방식으로 수많은 원천에서 인류에게 전수되었는지, 그 전달 수단이 수천 년 동안 어떻게 진화해왔는지를 이야기한다. 지식을 가르치는 학교부터 경험을 통해 전해 내려오는 지식을 보관하기 위해 만들어진 도서관, 백과사전과 정보 검색의 탄생, 인간의 지적 노동을 대신해주는 현대의 인공지능까지 앎에 대한 모든 것이 한 권의 책에 담겨 있다.
20세기 가장 뜨거운 현장의 목격자였으며, 21세기 변화하는 역사의 증인으로 세계적인 명성을 쌓아온 사이먼 윈체스터는 박식한 입담과 유려한 문체로 지식의 가치가 사라져가고 있는 현대 사회에 지혜의 회복이라는 커다란 질문을 던진다.
저자(글) Winchester, Simon
Simon Winchester is the acclaimed author of many books, including The Professor and the Madman, The Men Who United the States, The Map That Changed the World, The Man Who Loved China, A Crack in the Edge of the World, and Krakatoa, all of which were New York Times bestsellers and appeared on numerous best and notable lists. In 2006, Winchester was made an officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) by Her Majesty the Queen. He resides in western Massachusetts.
출판사 서평
“A book about transmitting knowledge by someone who has made his name by doing just that in the most erudite and entertaining way possible….a delightful compendium of the kind of facts you immediately want to share with anyone you encounter . . . . Simon Winchester has firmly earned his place in history . . . as a promulgator of knowledge of every variety, perhaps the last of the famous explorers who crisscrossed the now-vanished British Empire and reported what they found to an astonished world . . . .” — New York Times
“With his typical fluency and range, Mr. Winchester . . . traces the intertwined evolution of knowledge, society and the individual, from ancient illiteracy to the wisdom of the hour, artificial intelligence . . . . Winchester is adroit at arranging information in pursuit of knowledge, and he has an eye for the anecdote . . . . Winchester is a knowledge keeper for our times, and he does us all a service by writing it down.” — Wall Street Journal
“[This] genial and much admired author . . . might be appropriately dubbed the One-Man Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge of our own era. Whatever his subject, Winchester leavens deep research and the crisp factual writing of a reporter . . . with an abundance of curious anecdotes, footnotes and digressions. His prose is always clear, but it is also invigorated with pleasingly elegant diction. . . . He is a pleasure to read, or even to listen to, as devotees of his audiobooks can testify. . . . Informative and entertaining throughout.” — Michael Dirda, Washington Post
"Winchester has written about information systems before, as in his 1998 book The Professor and the Madman, about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary. In his robust new compendium, the author examines those systems in far grander scope, from mankind’s earliest attempts at language to the digital worlds we now keep in our pockets. This isn’t just a rollicking look back; Winchester asks what these systems do to our minds, for good and ill." — Los Angeles Times
“[An] ebullient, irrepressible spirit invests this book. It is erudite and sprightly in a way that will be familiar to anyone who has read Winchester’s wonderful histories of the Krakatoa eruption, the origins of the Oxford English Dictionary and the Atlantic (among others).” — Sunday Times (London)
“A testament to [Winchester’s] abiding interest in history, human innovation, and his distinctive ability to share his insatiable curiosity with enthusiastic readers. . . . Winchester’s sheer joy in imparting what he learns is evident on every page. . . . [His] ebullient style and countless irresistible anecdotes and strange facts inspire the reader to knowledge for themselves. . . . Essential reading.” — Booklist, starred review
“…erudite and discursive…. Winchester gathers fascinating and varied examples from throughout history and around the world…. a stimulating cabinet of wonders.” — Publishers Weekly
“Erudite, digressive, and brimming with fascinating information.” — Kirkus Reviews
"The historical episodes recorded in this book are gorgeous in their detail." — Sydney Morning Herald
"The acclaimed Winchester leaps nimbly from cuneiform writings through Gutenberg to Google and Wikipedia as he examines Knowing What We Know—that is, how we acquire, retain, and pass on information—and how technology’s current capability to do those things for us might be threatening our ability to think." — Library Journal
"In classic Winchester style, [the book] combines a panoramic and microscopic view of this imposing subject, one that simultaneously enlightens and stimulates intellectual curiosity . . . . One of the delights of Knowing What We Know is Winchester’s skill at character sketches of figures who almost certainly aren’t familiar to the general reader, but who nonetheless he considers vital contributors to the advancement of human knowledge." — Bookreporter
ISBN | 9780063142893 ( 0063142899 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2024년 04월 23일 |
쪽수 | 432쪽 |
크기 |
135 * 202
* 26
/ 313 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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