A Pipeline Runs Through It
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로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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이 책이 속한 분야
'An immensely valuable guide to a great and terrible industry' The Economist
'The book I have long been waiting for... Essential reading' Michael Klare
Petroleum has always been used by humans: as an adhesive by Neanderthals, as a waterproofing agent in Noah's Ark and as a weapon during the Crusades. Its eventual extraction from the earth in vast quantities transformed light, heat and power. A Pipeline Runs Through It is a fresh, in-depth look at the social, economic, and geopolitical forces involved in our transition to the modern oil age. It tells an extraordinary origin story, from the pre-industrial history of petroleum through to large-scale production in the mid-nineteenth century and the development of a dominant, fully-fledged oil industry by the early twentieth century.
This was always a story of imperialist violence, economic exploitation and environmental destruction. The near total eradication of the Native Americans of New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio has barely been mentioned as a precondition for the emergence of the first oil region in the United States. The growth of Royal Dutch-Shell involved the genocidal subjugation of people of the Dutch East Indies and the exploitation of oil in the Middle East arose seamlessly out of Britain's prior political and military interventions in the region. Finally, in an entirely new analysis, the book shows how the British navy's increasingly desperate dependence on vulnerable foreign sources of oil may have been a catalytic ingredient in the outbreak of the First World War.
The rise of oil has shaped the modern world, and this is the book to understand it.
저자(글) Keith Fisher
Keith Fisher has worked as a journalist and researcher on corporate and environmental issues. While studying, firstly, the MI6- and CIA-orchestrated coup against Prime Minister Mossadegh in 1953 following his nationalization of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and then the present-day geopolitics of energy supplies from the new republics of the former Soviet Union, he became fascinated both by the deep, yet historically quite recent, roots of the modern oil industry and by our complex, much older global relationship with oil. Following some fifteen years of thinking, researching and writing, A Pipeline Runs Through It is the remarkable result. Fisher lives in Oxford.
출판사 서평
Fascinating revelations ... Fisher has performed a notable service. -- Max Hastings ― Sunday Times
Impressively weighty history ... a wonderfully detailed and colourful book. -- Steven Poole ― Daily Telegraph
Fisher is a diligent and thoughtful guide ... deeply researched and rich in detail ... a valuable contribution to deepening [our] understanding. -- Ed Crooks ― Financial Times
A compelling read, crammed with eyewitness accounts, and an immensely valuable guide to a great and terrible industry. ― The Economist
Offers a foretaste of almost everything that followed in the later 20th century ... Fisher narrates this hefty history with remarkable restraint. -- Barnaby Crowcroft ― Literary Review
Here, at last, is the book I have long been waiting for: an unsparing, comprehensive, and thoroughly documented history of the global oil industry and its pernicious influence on human society and the planet we inhabit... Essential reading. -- Michael Klare
A book that offers the reader a clear-eyed analysis of the global history of oil exploration and exploitation ... very deeply researched, wonderfully illuminating, penetrating in its analysis, and written with great verve. It is a gem of a book, a brave book, a book that will become indispensable in this field. -- Douglas Newton, author of THE DARKEST DAYS
Fisher's extensive research builds upon the foundations of global petroleum histories and then drills deeper to illuminate the intricate contexts of the origins to our oil addiction. A Pipeline Runs Through It is sure to spark some lively debates over the causes and outcomes of petroleum production through the ages. -- Stephen C. Cote, Ph.D., author of OIL AND NATION
Impressively researched and fun to read, A Pipeline Runs Through It provides our deepest understanding yet of oil's early decades, foreshadowing its rise into a vital strategic commodity that determined the fate of nations in the twentieth century.
-- John V. Bowlus, Lecturer and Researcher at Kadir Has University, Istanbul
ISBN | 9780141999630 ( 0141999632 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2024년 07월 25일 |
쪽수 | 944쪽 |
크기 |
129 * 198
* 35
/ 367 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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