Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant
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- Acknowledgments xiAbout the Companion Website xiiiChapter 1 Introduction to the Veterinary (or Assistant) Profession 1Ethics 3References 3Chapter 2 Medical Terminology 5Medical terms 5Prefixes 6Suffixes 7Root words 7Common abbreviations used in veterinary medicine 8References 9Chapter 3 Anatomy 11Anatomical directional terms 11Skeletal system 13Branches of science 14Body systems 15External anatomy 15Common veins 16Muscles 17Internal organs 17Urogenital system 18Internal structures of the thorax 19Conclusion 19References 19Chapter 4 Behavior, Handling, and Restraint 21Social behavior 21Animal body language 22Fear Free(r) 28Identification 30Avian restraint 30Reptile restraint 31Rabbit restraint 31Handling rodents 31References 32Chapter 5 Office Procedures and Telephone Techniques 33Telephone techniques 34Office procedures 35References 37Chapter 6 Nutrition 39Overview 39Proteins 39Carbohydrates 40Fats 40Vitamins 40Minerals 40Water 41Palatability 41Recommendations 41Weight management 42Summary 48References 48Chapter 7 Breeds 49Cat breeds 49Dog breeds 58References 61Chapter 8 Breeding and Genetics 63Introduction 63Dogs 63Cats 67Determining gender in puppies and kittens 68Breeding management 69References 69Chapter 9 General Nursing Care and Physical Exams 71Taking a history 71Physical exam 71Determining and recording vitals 72General nursing care 75Common diseases 79References 82Chapter 10 Exam Room Procedures 83Recognizing ectoparasites 83Nail trimming 83Ear cleaning 86Eye medications 87Anal glands 88Bathing animals 89Administering oral medications 89Maintaining exam room equipment 90Chapter 11 Immunology 93Innate immunity 93Acquired immunity 94Cell-mediated immunity 94Vaccination 94References 95Chapter 12 Laboratory Procedures 97Laboratory considerations 97Safety 97Equipment 98Quality control 100Sample collection 100References 104Chapter 13 Pharmacology 105Drug classifications 107Storage and disposal of drugs 109References 110Chapter 14 Radiology 111Radiology safety measures and guidelines 111Cleaning screens 112Labeling, filing, and storage of radiographs 112Radiographic positioning 113Processing 114Quality control 116Conclusion 117References 117Chapter 15 Surgical Assisting 119The sterilization process 119Wrapping a surgical pack 119Cold sterilization 120Instruments 121Suture material and suture needles 122Gowns and Drapes 123The sterile field 125Preparing for surgery 125Opening and passing sterile items 127Preparing the patient 128Postsurgical procedures 129Surgical positioning 130Surgical monitoring 130Surgical log 131Surgical room conduct 131Chapter 16 Avian, Exotics, and Rodents 133Avian 133Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish 136Rabbits 138Guinea pigs 140Mice and rats 141Gerbils 142Hamsters 143Ferrets 143Hedgehogs 144Sugar gliders 144Chinchillas 144References 145Resources 145Chapter 17 Equine 147Skeletal system 147Digestive tract 149Nutrition 149Behavior and handling 151Nursing care and husbandry of horses 152References 153Chapter 18 Preparing for Internships and Employment 155Interview 155Resume writing 155Cover letter 156References 157Resources 157Chapter 19 Inventory 159What will be inventoried in your clinic or hospital? 159A well-run pharmacy 159The want list 160The veterinary assistant's role 160Drug inventory 161Human versus computer: both needed! 162Organizing inventory 162References 163Chapter 20 Euthanasia and Pet Loss 165The five stages of grief 169References 169Chapter 21 Client Management 171Evaluating your clients 171Client management; essential skills for the veterinary assistant 172Employee roles 172References 173Chapter 22 Medical Records 175References 181Chapter 23 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 183What is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration? 183Material safety data sheets 183OSHA labeling of secondary containers 183OSHA inspections 184Common OSHA veterinary violations 184Fines 184References 184Chapter 24 Pet Health Insurance 187References 189Resources 189Glossary 191Index 203
ISBN | 9781119565314 ( 1119565316 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2022년 02월 23일 |
쪽수 | 224쪽 |
크기 |
214 * 274
* 14
/ 635 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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