Intelligent Human Computer Interaction
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- ?Natural Language and Dialouge Systems.-HGAN: Editable Visual Generation from Hindi Descriptions.-Adopting Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Regional Language Tasks: A Case Study.-Analyze research trends with text mining-based GPT.-Effect of Speech Entrainment in Human-Computer conversation: A Review.-HUCMD : Hindi Utterance Corpus for Mental Disorders.-Classification of Cleft Lip and Palate Speech using Fine-tuned Transformer Pretrained Models.-Affective Computing and Human Factors.-Visual-Sensory Information Processing Using Multichannel EEG Signals.-Vision Transformer based Emotion Detection in HCI for Enhanced Interaction.-GenEmo-Net: Generalizable Emotion Recognition using Brain Functional Connections based Neural Network.-Ear-EEG based-Driver Fatigue Detection System Augmented by Computer Vision.-Cross Cultural Comparison of Emotional Functional Networks.-Emotion recognition using Phase-Locking-Value based Functional Brain Connections within-hemisphere and cross-hemisphere.-Facial Emotion Recognition in the Deep CNN.-Human Centred AI.-Exploring Multimodal Features To Understand Cultural Context For Spontaneous Humor Prediction?.-Development of Pneumonia Patient Classification Model using Fair Federated Learning.-Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Enhancing Pneumonia Detection using Wavelet Transform.-Maximizing Accuracy in AI-Driven Pattern Detection in Cardiac Care.-Development of IMU Sensor Based XGBoost Model for Patients with Elbow Joint Damage.-APPLICATION OF DAUBECHIES WAVELETS IN DIGITAL PROCESSING OF BIOMEDICAL SIGNALS AND IMAGES.- An Integrated System for Stroke Rehabilitation Exercise Assessment using KINECT v2 and Machine Learning.-A model based on the MobileNet architecture for recognizing inflamed areas in endoscopic images.-Exploring Quantum Machine Learning for Early Disease Detection: Perspectives, Challenges, and Opportunities.-Human-Robot Interaction and Intelligent Interfaces.-Subject-Independent Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Comparative Study of Attention Mechanism-Driven Deep Learning Models.-PPHR: A Personalized AI System for Proactive Robots.-Classifying Service Robots in Commercial Places based on Communication: Design Elements by Level of Communication.-Cascade Mentoring Experience to Engage High School Learners in AI and Robotics through Project Based Learning.-Leveraging Human-Machine Interactions for Computer Vision Dataset Quality Enhancement.-A Comprehensive Survey on AgriTech to Pioneer the Future of Farming.-RoboRecycle Buddy: Enhancing Early Childhood Green Education and Recycling Habits through Playful Interaction with a Social Robot.-Optimizing Interface and Interaction Design for Non-Immersive VR Firefighting Games: A User Experience Approach.-User Centred Design.-Enhancing E-Rickshaw Driving Experiences: Insights from User-Centric EV Dashboards in India.-Interactive Learning Tutor Service Platform based on Artificial Intelligence in a Virtual Reality Environment.-Voice-activated Pet Monitoring: An Integrated System using and Jetbot for Effective Pet Management.-Fraudulent practice detection in Bullion Trade in selling of Gold Jewellery through AI methods.-MACHINE LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR ANALYZING ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENT.-Attendance Monitoring System Using Facial And GeoLocation Verification.-Blockchain approach to Non-Invasive Gastro-Intestinal Diagnosis System.
ISBN | 9783031538261 ( 3031538269 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2024년 02월 29일 |
쪽수 | 437쪽 |
크기 |
155 * 234
* 24
/ 639 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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