Research for Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
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- Chapter 1: The Nature and Scope of Research (Dr Euclid Seeram) · What is Research?· Medical Radiation Sciences Research: AN Overview· The Importance of Research· Steps in Conducting Research? The Research Process Cycle? Identifying a Research Problem? Literature Review? Purpose of Research? Data Collection? Data Analysis and Interpretation? Reporting and Evaluating Research? Use of Statistics· Research Ethics· The Research Proposal· Examples of Research in Medical Radiation Sciences· ReferencesChapter 2: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Research-An Overview of Approaches (Dr Euclid Seeram)· What is Quantitative Research?· What is Qualitative Research?· Characteristics of Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches· Research Designs-Overview· Selection of the Research Approach· Two Examples of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Chapter 3: Planning Your Research (Dr Rob Davidson) . Formulating a Research Question. Justifying a research question. Formulating a Hypothesis. Research Ethics. The Research Proposal Chapter 4: The Literature Review (Dr Rob Davidson) . What is a literature review compared to an annotated bibliography?. Searching the literature. Critical Reading and Analysis. Writing the Review. Acknowledgement of Sources Chapter 5: Quantitative Research Methods (Dr Andrew England-Contributor) · Quantitative Research Methodso Descriptive Researcho Correlational Researcho Quasi-Experimental Researcho Experimental Research Chapter 6: Qualitative Research Methods (Dr Chandra Makanjee-Contributor) o Phenomenological Researcho Grounded Theory Researcho Ethnographic Researcho Explanatory - Descriptive Qualitative Researcho Historical ResearchChapter 7: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (Dr Mark McEntee-Contributor) · Data Collection· Descriptive Statisticso Presentation of Datao Measure of central tendencyo Standard deviationo Varianceo Correlation· Inferential statisticso Hypothesis testingo Sampling Distributions: Parametric and non-parametrico Using Parametric statistics? Dependent samples? Independent sampleso Using Non Parametric statistics? Dependent samples? Independent samples· Observer performance testso ROC methodso sensitivityo specificityo PPV and NPVo Accuracy· Interpreting the outcomes of statistical tests Chapter 8: Communicating Research Findings (Dr Rob Davidson) . Method of Communicating Your Research Findings. Audience and Conference / Journal Selection. Poster / Conference Presentations. Journal Articles· Understanding the journal's requirements· The review process· Alteration / rejection? What to do· Where to from HereChapter 9: Research Examples in Medical Imaging-A Selected Review (Dr Euclid Seeram)
ISBN | 9783030799557 ( 3030799557 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2022년 01월 04일 |
쪽수 | 215쪽 |
크기 |
156 * 234
* 14
/ 508 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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