Antonio Gramsci
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저자(글) Martin, James
- Intellectual And Political Context General introduction Introduction to Volume 1
The Young Gramsci
A New Look at the Young Gramsci boundary 2 [1986]
On Gramsci's Theatre Criticism boundary 2 [1986]
Studi storici [1976]
Intellectual and Political Influences
Gramsci and Italian Political Culture Belfagor [1978]
From Spaventa to Gramsci Telos [1977]
Gramsci, Croce and the Italian Political Tradition History of Political Thought [1990]
Two Views of the Revolution: Gramsci and Sorel, 1916-1920 History of European Ideas [1990]
Alistair Davidson Gramsci and Lenin 1917-1922 The Socialist Register [1974]
The Factory Council Struggles, 1919-1920
Antonio Gramsci and the Soviet Experiment in Italy Societas [1974]
A History of the Turin Communists Written by a Liberal
La Rivoluzione Liberale [1922]
Gramsci, Gentile and the Theory of the Ethical State in Italy History of Political Thought [1990]
Factory Councils, Gramsci and the Industrialists Telos [1977]
The Ideology of Labour and Capitalist Rationality in Gramsci Telos [1977]
Communism and Fascism
Antonio Gramsci and the Bolshevization of the PCI
Journal of Contemporary History [1976]
Towards the Prison Notebooks: The Evolution of Gramsci's Thinking on Political Organization 1918-1926 Polity [1979]
The Gramsci-Trotsky Question (1922-1932) Social Text [1984/85]
Gramsci's Interpretation of Fascism Journal of the History of Ideas [1980]
Marxism, Philosophy And Politics Introduction to Volume 2
Marxism as a Philosophy of Praxis
Theory and Practice in Gramsci's Marxism Socialist Register^ N [1968]
Gramsci's Hegelian Marxism Political Theory [1974]
Interpretive Sociology and the Philosophy of Praxis: Comparing Max Weber and Antonio Gramsci Praxis International [1985]
The Concept of Nature in Gramsci The Philosophical Forum [1996]
And the Contemporary Debate on Marxism Philosophy of the Social Sciences [1986]
Gramsci `s `Anti-Croce'
Antonio Gramsci's Reformulation of Bendetto Croce's Speculative Idealism Idealistic Studies [1985]
Gramsci's Crocean Marxism Telos [1979]
Epistemology and Science
Gramsci, Marxism and Philosophy Rethinking Marxism [1989]
Gramsci's Concept of Constitution Philosophy and Social Criticism [1978]
Science and Praxis in Gramsci's Critique of Bukharin Philosophy and Social Criticism [1979]
Gramsci's Realism Science and Society [1989]
The Concept of Hegemony
The Concept of Egemonia in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci: Some Notes on Interpretation Journal of the History of Ideas [1960]
Gramsci and the Theory o
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9780415217477 ( 0415217474 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2001년 11월 09일 |
쪽수 | 1880쪽 |
크기 |
171 * 235
* 114
/ 3288 g
총권수 | 1권 |
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