The Dealmaker
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Insightful and page-turning, The Dealmaker will prove inspirational and essential reading for all those who want to understand how huge business negotiations are done, and what makes one of private equity's biggest players tick.
저자(글) Guy Hands
Guy Hands, who was born in 1959, graduated with an MA in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from Mansfield College, Oxford, and then went to work for Goldman Sachs International where he became Head of Eurobond Trading, and then Head of Goldman Sachs' Global Asset Structuring Group. He left Goldman Sachs in 1994 for Nomura International plc where he established PFG before spinning out Terra Firma as an independent private equity firm in 2002. Since then, he has overseen the investment of €17 billion of equity in 35 businesses with an aggregate value of €48 billion. In 2012, Guy was named the 20th most influential figure in Private Equity International's '100 Most Influential of the Decade'. He established Terra Firma Capital Partners Limited's commitment to donate 10% of annual pre-tax profits to local initiatives in London, while Terra Firma Capital Management Limited supports numerous charities in Guernsey. He is also President of 'Access for Excellence' which promotes access to higher education. Additionally, Guy is a fellow of the Duke of Edinburgh's award scheme. In 2018, Guy was awarded Spear's 'Philanthropist of the Year'. He is also a member of the University of Oxford Chancellor's Court of Benefactors.
- Chapter Page
Prologue ix
1. The First Deal 1
2. Finding My Galling 21
3. Oxford University Politics 41
4. Really, Really Greedy 63
5. Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing 89
6. Maths Maketh the Money 115
7. The Winning Team 141
8. Buying the Dog 167
9. Facing the Music 191
10. Going Down with the Ship 213
11. Pounding the Table 229
12. Pain Plus Reflection 259
13. Hell Has Many Forms 287
14. Heaven Is a Place on Earth 303
Acknowledgements 327
List of Epigraphs 329
Picture Permissions 333
Index 335
출판사 서평
The only book about private equity to read like a thriller. ― The Times
Very far from being the typical business book destined to be forgotten shortly after publication. It grips the reader from the first page . . . [It does] a superb job of explaining how private equity works . . . there are some very useful investment lessons . . . This book should definitely be on your reading list. ― Money Week
If you are curious to learn the secrets of these financial alchemists, here is your chance to do so from the very best. ― Business Standard
A brutally honest book about his world of high-stakes deal-making and the emotional fallout. ― The Times
ISBN | 9781847940575 ( 1847940579 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2022년 08월 04일 |
쪽수 | 288쪽 |
크기 |
127 * 194
* 26
/ 299 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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