The School for Good Mothers
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Longlisted for the 2023 Carnegie Medal for Excellence
Shortlisted for The Center for Fiction 2022 First Novel Prize
Selected as One of Barack Obama’s Favorite Books of 2022!
Frida Liu is struggling. She doesn’t have a career worthy of her Chinese immigrant parents’ sacrifices. She can’t persuade her husband, Gust, to give up his wellness-obsessed younger mistress. Only with Harriet, their cherubic daughter, does Frida finally attain the perfection expected of her. Harriet may be all she has, but she is just enough.
Until Frida has a very bad day.
The state has its eye on mothers like Frida. The ones who check their phones, letting their children get injured on the playground; who let their children walk home alone. Because of one moment of poor judgement, a host of government officials will now determine if Frida is a candidate for a Big Brother-like institution that measures the success or failure of a mother’s devotion.
Faced with the possibility of losing Harriet, Frida must prove that a bad mother can be redeemed. That she can learn to be good.
An “intense” (Oprah Daily), “captivating” (Today) page-turner that is also a transgressive novel of ideas about the perils of “perfect” upper-middle class parenting; the violence enacted upon women by both the state and, at times, one another; the systems that separate families; and the boundlessness of love, The School for Good Mothers introduces, in Frida, an everywoman for the ages. Using dark wit to explore the pains and joys of the deepest ties that bind us, Chan has written a modern literary classic.
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©2022 Jessamine Chan. All rights reserved. (P)2022 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved.
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아무리 노력해도 충분치 않다는 ‘좋은 엄마’의 굴레
그 정답 없는 시험대에 선 어느 엄마의 육아 서바이벌
2022년 미국 ‘올해의 책’을 휩쓴 문제적 데뷔작
엄마-신인-작가의 첫 장편소설에 바랄 수 있는 모든 것
“감시, 통제, 첨단기술을 소재로 마거릿 애트우드와 가즈오 이시구로의 계보를 잇는 동시에, 자신만의 주제를 설득력 있게 밀고 나간다.”
“좋은 문장, 흥미진진한 플롯, 사회에 대한 도발적 질문.”
2022년 12월, 버락 오바마 전 미국 대통령은 ‘올해의 책’ 리스트를 발표한다. 압둘라자크 구르나(2021년 노벨문학상 수상작가), 조지 손더스(2017년 부커상 수상작가), 제니퍼 이건(2011년 퓰리처상 수상작가) 등 기라성 같은 작가들의 작품 사이로 어느 신인작가의 작품이 당당히 이름을 올렸다. 그 책은 《뉴욕 타임스》, 《뉴요커》, 《타임》, 《NPR》을 비롯한 유력 매체의 ‘올해의 책’에 연달아 선정되었고, 앤드루 카네기상, 펜/헤밍웨이상, 존 레너드상 등에 노미네이트되며 뛰어난 작품성을 인정받았다. 무명에 가까운 신인작가에서 단숨에 미국에서 가장 주목받는 소설가가 된 제서민 챈(Jessamine Chan)이 장편소설 『좋은 엄마 학교』로 국내에 첫선을 보인다.
저자(글) Jessamine Chan
소설가, 서평가이다. 브라운 대학교에서 영문학을 전공했으며, 컬럼비아 대학교 대학원에서 예술학 석사 학위(MFA)를 받았다. 시카고 대학교 출판부에서 편집자로, 《퍼블리셔스 위클리》(Publishers’ Weekly)에서 서평 담당자로 일했다. 《틴 하우스》(Tin House), 《에포크》(Epoch) 등에 여러 단편소설을 발표했다. 2022년 미국에서 출간된 그녀의 첫 장편소설 『좋은 엄마 학교』는 《뉴욕 타임스》, 《뉴요커》, 《타임》, 《NPR》 등 다수의 매체에서 ‘올해의 책’으로 선정되었으며, 전미도서비평가협회 존 레너드상을 비롯해 여러 문학상 후보에 올랐다. 현재 가족들과 시카고에 거주하고 있다.
출판사 서평
"Jessamine Chan’s infuriatingly timely debut novel, The School for Good Mothers, takes this widely accepted armchair quarterbacking of motherhood and ratchets it up to the level of a surveillance state — one that may read more like a preview than a dystopia, depending on your faith in the future of Roe v. Wade...chilling...clever." —THE NEW YORK TIMES REVIEW
“The School for Good Mothers picks up the mantle of writers like Margaret Atwood and Kazuo Ishiguro, with their skin-crawling themes of surveillance, control, and technology; but it also stands on its own as a remarkable, propulsive novel. At a moment when state control over women’s bodies (and autonomy) feels ever more chilling, the book feels horrifyingly unbelievable and eerily prescient all at once.” —VOGUE
"A surreal, dazzling witty tale." —PEOPLE
"This debut novel was so captivating, thought-provoking and beautifully written, everything I tried to pick up next paled in comparison...It was all I wanted to talk about, think about and read." —THE TODAY SHOW
"Intense, unputdownable debut that will doubtless spark conversation about what makes a good or bad mother." —OPRAH.COM
"It sounds dark and weird, and it is kind of dark and weird, but I found it really, really absorbing." —Linda Holmes, NPR
"It’s about Big Things like state violence, family separation, so-called “perfect parenting,” and the unrealistic demands of motherhood, with a little sci-fi fun!" —NYLON
"Insightful." —BUSTLE
"This scarily prescient novel that's reminiscent of Orwell and Vonnegut explores the depths of parents' love, how strictly we judge mothers and each other and the terrifying potential of government overreach." —GOOD HOUSEKEEPING
"An incisive thriller on modern-day parenting." —HEY ALMA
"In this debut novel about the launch of a government program meant to correct "bad" mothering, Chan collects the judgments and pressures that society places on women who deign to be multifaceted and translates them into a propulsive, perceptive story." —ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
"Chan’s stunning debut could not be timelier, leaving no stone unturned in its allusion to the real-life legal assaults constraining women today. Part-dystopian, part-prescient, impossible to put down and impossible to forget." —LIBRARY JOURNAL
"Enthralling....Woven seamlessly throughout are societal assumptions and stereotypes about mothers, especially mothers of color, and their consequences. Chan’s imaginative flourishes render the mothers’ vulnerability to social pressures and governmental whims nightmarish and palpable. It’s a powerful story, made more so by its empathetic and complicated heroine." —PUBLISHERS WEEKLY
"Sinister and surreal... Stark social commentary and questions of authority and attachment play out in Frida’s desperate gambit to atone for her one very bad day." —BOOKLIST
"An enthralling dystopian drama that makes complex points about parenting with depth and feeling." —KIRKUS REVIEWS
"If good writing, gripping plot and provocative questions about the world we live in are your priorities, then The School for Good Mothers needs to be on your reading list, whether or not you are a parent, or someday want to be." —BOOKPAGE
"Gutting and terrifying. Vivid and exquisite. In The School for Good Mothers, you'll find not only your favorite novel of the year, but also a new cultural touchstone, a reference point for the everyday horrors all parents experience and take for granted. This book is sharp, shocking, anxiety-provoking, superb. It is exactly what you want, and need, to read." —JULIA PHILLIPS, author of Disappearing Earth
"A terrifying novel about mass surveillance, loneliness, and the impossible measurements of motherhood—The School for Good Mothers is a timely and remarkable debut." —CARMEN MARIA MACHADO, author of In the Dream House
"The School for Good Mothers is an astonishing novel. Heartbreaking and daring, propulsive and wise. In the way that The Handmaid's Tale made us fear for women's bodies, The School for Good Mothers makes us fear for women's souls. It's hard to distill all the love and longing this book contains, and how electrifying it is to be immersed in Chan's world. So let me just say, I read with my heart in my throat and I held my kids tight." —DIANE COOK, author of The New Wilderness
“This book is like nothing I've read before--a tightly plotted, deeply moving novel that also offers profound insights into the state of contemporary motherhood within a country that offers very little in the way of societal support for parents. I found myself moved to tears by its conclusion. The School for Good Mothers is haunting and unforgettable, and I'm in awe of Jessamine Chan's mind.” —LIZ MOORE, author of Long Bright River
“This taut, explosive novel is all the more terrifying because it edges so close to reality. With the story of one woman struggling to get her daughter back, Jessamine Chan spotlights the punishing scrutiny and judgment aimed at mothers everywhere—especially those who aren’t wealthy or white. Frida’s predicament embodies the fraught question so many women are taught to ask: Am I good enough?” —LENI ZUMAS, author of Red Clocks
“Jessamine Chan captures, in heartbreaking tones, the exacting price women pay in a patriarchal society that despises them, that reduces their worth to their viability for procreation and capacity for mothering. The School for Good Mothers is not so much a warning for some possible dystopian nightmare as much as it is an alarm announcing that the nightmare is here. The book is, thus, a weeping testimony, a haunting song, and a piercing rebuke of both the misogynist social order and the traps it lays for women, girls, and femmes. Good Mothers deserves an honored place next to the works of Margaret Atwood and Octavia Butler.” —ROBERT JONES, JR., author of The Prophets and creator of Son of Baldwin
ISBN | 9781529158526 ( 1529158524 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2022년 12월 08일 |
쪽수 | 336쪽 |
크기 |
197 * 124
* 27
/ 238 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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