Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing - Materials, Processes and Systems
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- 1 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF MANUFACTURING1.1 What Is Manufacturing?1.2 Materials in Manufacturing1.3 Manufacturing Processes1.4 Production Systems1.5 Manufacturing EconomicsPart I Engineering Materials and Product Attributes2 THE NATURE OF MATERIALS2.1 Atomic Structure and the Elements2.2 Bonding between Atoms and Molecules2.3 Crystalline Structures2.4 Noncrystalline (Amorphous) Structures2.5 Engineering Materials3 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS3.1 Stress-Strain Relationships3.2 Hardness3.3 Effect of Temperature on Properties3.4 Fluid Properties3.5 Viscoelastic Behavior of Polymers4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS4.1 Volumetric and Melting Properties4.2 Thermal Properties4.3 Mass Diffusion4.4 Electrical Properties4.5 Electrochemical Processes5 ENGINEERING MATERIALS5. 1 Metals and Their Alloys5.2 Ceramics5.3 Polymers5.4 Composite Materials6 DIMENSIONS, SURFACES, AND THEIR MEASUREMENT6.1 Dimensions, Tolerances, and Related Attributes6.2 Conventional Measuring Instruments and Gages6.3 Surfaces6.4 Measurement of Surfaces6.5 Effect of Manufacturing ProcessesPart II Solidification Processes7 FUNDAMENTALS OF METAL CASTING7.1 Overview of Casting Technology7.2 Heating and Pouring7.3 Solidification and Cooling8 METAL CASTING PROCESSES8.1 Sand Casting8.2 Other Expendable-Mold Casting Processes8.3 Permanent-Mold Casting Processes8.4 Foundry Practice8.5 Casting Quality8.6 Castability and Casting Economics8.7 Product Design Considerations9 GLASSWORKING9.1 Raw Materials Preparation and Melting9.2 Shaping Processes in Glassworking9.3 Heat Treatment and Finishing9.4 Product Design Considerations10 SHAPING PROCESSES FOR PLASTICS10.1 Properties of Polymer Melts10.2 Extrusion10.3 Production of Sheet and Film10.4 Fiber and Filament Production (Spinning)10.5 Coating Processes10.6 Injection Molding10.7 Compression and Transfer Molding10.8 Blow Molding and Rotational Molding10.9 Thermoforming10.10 Casting10.11 Polymer Foam Processing and Forming10.12 Product Design Considerations11 PROCESSING OF POLYMER MATRIX COMPOSITES AND RUBBER11.1 Overview of PMC Processing11.2 Open-Mold Processes11.3 Closed-Mold Processes11.4 Other PMC Shaping Processes11.5 Rubber Processing and Shaping11.6 Manufacture of Tires and Other Rubber ProductsPart III Particulate Processing of Metals and Ceramics12 POWDER METALLURGY12.1 Characterization of Engineering Powders12.2 Production of Metallic Powders12.3 Conventional Pressing and Sintering12.4 Alternative Pressing and Sintering Techniques12.5 Powder Metallurgy Materials and Economics12.6 Product Design Considerations in Powder Metallurgy13 PROCESSING OF CERAMICS AND CERMETS13.1 Processing of Traditional Ceramics13.2 Processing of New Ceramics13.3 Processing of Cermets13.4 Product Design ConsiderationsPart IV Metal Forming and Sheet Metalworking14 FUNDAMENTALS OF METAL FORMING14.1 Overview of Metal Forming14.2 Material Behavior in Metal Forming14.3 Temperature in Metal Forming14.4 Strain Rate Sensitivity14.5 Friction and Lubrication in Metal Forming14.6 Forming Limit Diagram15 BULK DEFORMATION PROCESSES IN METAL WORKING15.1 Rolling15.2 Forging15.3 Extrusion15.4 Wire and Bar Drawing16 SHEET METALWORKING16.1 Cutting Operations16.2 Bending Operations16.3 Drawing16.4 Equipment and Economics for Sheet-Metal Pressworking16.5 Other Sheet-Metal-Forming Operations16.6 Sheet-Metal Operations Not Performed on Presses16.7 Bending of Tube StockPart V Material Removal Processes17 THEORY OF METAL MACHINING17.1 Overview of Machining Technology17.2 Theory of Chip Formation in Metal Machining17.3 Force Relationships and the Merchant Equation17.4 Power and Energy Relationships in Machining17.5 Cutting Temperature18 MACHINING OPERATIONS AND MACHINE TOOLS18.1 Machining and Part Geometry18.2 Turning and Related Operations18.3 Drilling and Related Operations18.4 Milling18.5 Machining Centers and Turning Centers18.6 Other Machining Operations18.7 Machining Operations for Special Geometries18.8 High-Speed Machining19 CUTTING-TOOL TECHNOLOGY19.1 Tool Life19.2 Tool Materials19.3 Tool Geometry19.4 Cutting Fluids20 ECONOMIC AND PRODUCT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS IN MACHINING20.1 Machinability20.2 Tolerances and Surface Finish20.3 Machining Economics20.4 Product Design Considerations in Machining21 GRINDING AND OTHER ABRASIVE PROCESSES21.1 Grinding21.2 Related Abrasive Processes22 NONTRADITIONAL MACHINING AND THERMAL CUTTING PROCESSES22.1 Mechanical Energy Processes22.2 Electrochemical Machining Processes22.3 Thermal Energy Processes22.4 Chemical Machining22. 5 Hybrid Machining Systems22.6 Application ConsiderationsPart VI Property Enhancing and Surface Processing Operations23 HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS23.1 Annealing23.2 Martensite Formation in Steel23.3 Precipitation Hardening23.4 Surface Hardening23.5 Heat Treatment Methods and Facilities24 SURFACE PROCESSING OPERATIONS24.1 Industrial Cleaning Processes24.2 Diffusion and Ion Implantation24.3 Plating and Related Processes24.4 Conversion Coating24.5 Vapor Deposition Processes24.6 Organic Coatings24.7 Porcelain Enameling and Other Ceramic Coatings24.8 Thermal and Mechanical Coating ProcessesPart VII Joining and Assembly Processes25 FUNDAMENTALS OF WELDING AND WELDING PROCESSES25.1 Overview of Welding Technology25.2 The Weld Joint25.3 Physics of Welding25.4 Features of a Fusion-Welded Joint25.5 Arc Welding25.6 Resistance Welding25.7 Oxyfuel Gas Welding25.8 Other Fusion-Welding Processes25.9 Solid-State Welding25.10 Weld Quality25.11 Weldability and Welding Economics25.12 Design Considerations in Welding26 BRAZING, SOLDERING, AND ADHESIVE BONDING26.1 Brazing26.2 Soldering26.3 Adhesive Bonding27 MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY27.1 Threaded Fasteners27.2 Rivets and Eyelets27.3 Assembly Methods Based on Interference Fits27.4 Other Mechanical Fastening Methods27.5 Molding Inserts and Integral Fasteners27.6 Design for Assembly27.7 DFMA GuidelinesPart VIII Special Processing and Assembly Technologies (Available in e-text for students)28 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING28.1 Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing28.2 Additive Manufacturing Technologies28.3 Cycle Time and Cost Analysis28.4 Additive Manufacturing Applications28.5 File formats of Additive Manufacturing29 PROCESSING OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS29.1 Overview of IC Processing29.2 Silicon Processing29.3 Lithography29.4 Layer Processes Used in IC Fabrication29.5 Integrating the Fabrication Steps29.6 IC Packaging29.7 Yields in IC Processing30 ELECTRONICS ASSEMBLY AND PACKAGING30.1 Electronics Packaging30.2 Printed Circuit Boards30.3 Printed Circuit Board Assembly30.4 Electrical Connector Technology31 MICROFABRICATION TECHNOLOGIES31.1 Microsystem Products31.2 Microfabrication ProcessesREFERENCESREVIEW QUESTIONS32 NANOFABRICATION TECHNOLOGIES32.1 Nanotechnology Products and Applications32.2 Introduction to Nanoscience32.3 Nanofabrication ProcessesPart IX Manufacturing Systems33 AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS33.1 Automation Fundamentals33.2 Hardware for Automation33.3 Computer Numerical Control33.4 Industrial Robotics34 INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS34.1 Material Handling34.2 Fundamentals of Production Lines34.3 Manual Assembly Lines34.4 Automated Production Lines34.5 Cellular Manufacturing34.6 Flexible Manufacturing Systems34.7 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing34.7.1 Protocols used in Integrated ManufacturingPart X Manufacturing Support Systems35 PROCESS PLANNING AND PRODUCTION CONTROL35.1 Process Planning35.2 Other Manufacturing Engineering Functions35.3 Production Planning and Control35.4 Just-in-Time Delivery Systems35.5 Lean Production35.6 Agile ProductionREFERENCESREVIEW QUESTIONSPROBLEMS36 QUALITY CONTROL AND INSPECTION36.1 Product Quality36.2 Process Capability and Tolerances36.3 Statistical Process Control36.4 Quality Programs in Manufacturing36.5 Inspection Principles36.6 Modern Inspection TechnologiesREFERENCESSTANDARD UNITS USED IN THIS BOOKABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS BOOKINDEX
ISBN | 9781119706427 ( 1119706424 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2021년 07월 12일 |
쪽수 | 1008쪽 |
크기 |
205 * 253
* 32
/ 1847 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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