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Power to the Middle

Why Managers Hold the Keys to the Future of Work | 양장본 Hardcover
Harvard Business Review Press · 2023년 07월 18일
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    Power to the Middle 사이즈 비교 241x236
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Power to the Middle 상세 이미지
If you're thinking of cutting your midlevel managers in the new world of work, think again.
"Middle manager." The term evokes a bygone industrial era in which managers functioned like cogs in a vast bureaucratic machine. In recent decades, midlevel managers became a favorite target for the chopping block—underappreciated, often considered a superfluous layer of the organization.

Not only does this outdated perspective need to change, but the future demands it. In Power to the Middle, McKinsey thought leaders Bill Schaninger, Bryan Hancock, and Emily Field call for a profound reimagining of managers and their roles. They explain how middle managers are uniquely positioned close to the ground but with a crucial connection to company strategy, enabling them to guide their organizations through periods of rapid and complex change, as well as to help shape the new world of work.

The authors compellingly illustrate this deep shift in the workplace, showing how:

Managers are the key to winning the war for talent, which requires strong people skills to attract and retain the best talent.
Managers must shift from merely enforcing rules to challenging them, serving as critical stopgaps for rules that are ineffective or obsolete.
Crucially, good managers must not be promoted out of their jobs. Instead, their title and compensation should reflect their high value and allow them to advance within their roles.
With rich stories and cutting-edge research, Power to the Middle offers a new model for companies to radically alter the way they hire, train, and reward their midlevel managers—their most valuable asset.


저자(글) Schaninger, Bill

Bill Schaninger is a senior partner emeritus in McKinsey's Philadelphia office. He is an international speaker, author, and adviser to senior leaders and government officials on the topics of talent, culture, values, and the broad impact of "how you run the place" on performance.

저자(글) Hancock, Bryan

Bryan Hancock is a partner in McKinsey's Washington, DC, office and one of the global leaders of McKinsey's talent work. Through his research and client service, he has focused on connecting workers to opportunities, building their skills, and improving their day-to-day experience on the job.

저자(글) Field, Emily

Emily Field is a partner in McKinsey's Seattle office. She advises organizations globally across industries to deliver on their performance goals and people aspirations, with the role of the middle manager front and center.

Connect with the authors at mckinsey.com.


  • Chapter Page
    Introduction 1
    Seeing Managers Differently in a New World of Work
    Part I Wasting Our Most Valuable Players
    1. Why Managers Are So Frustrated 17
    A Neglect of Their Primary Purpose
    2. A Look at the Forces That Got Us Here 37
    A Technology Boom, a Financial Crash, and Then Covid-19
    Part II Putting Middle Managers at the Center
    3. The Case for Staying in the Middle 61
    From Way Station to Destination
    4. The Great Rebundling 77
    From Job Eliminator to Job Re-imaginer
    5. Winning the Twenty-First Century War for Talent 99
    From Transactions to Interactions
    6. Melding Performance and Purpose 123
    From Infrequent Evaluator to Continuous Coach
    7. At the Center of Problem-Solving 147
    From Bureaucrat to Data Detective
    8. Taking the Lead on Talent Management 167
    From Preservers to Challengers of the Status Quo
    9. Connecting the Work to the People 187
    From Manager of Work to Manager of Inspiration
    Concision 207
    The Success of Managers Starts With Senior Leaders
    Learning to Share the Power
    Notes 225
    Index 233
    Acknowledgments 241
    About the Authors 245

출판사 서평

"In this timely book, the authors describe the value that middle managers provide in organizations that are complex and adaptive to disruptions. This book integrates best practices in management for the new workplace." — TD magazine (Association for Talent Development)

Named one of the Ten Best Business Books of 2023 by Forbes

Named one of the Top 23 Leadership Books of 2023 by The Next Big Idea Club

"This is a surprisingly sprightly book, full of personal insights, experiences and regrets." — the Financial Times

Advance Praise for Power to the Middle:

"Now more than ever, we at Walmart are underscoring the critical role our managers play in communities around the world, and we continue to invest in their growth and development. This welcome research from McKinsey reinforces how critical these investments are." — Donna Morris, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer, Walmart

"Delta's success is driven by our ninety thousand people worldwide, and our leaders and managers play a critical role in maintaining that momentum. This book provides practical ideas on how to support midlevel managers and celebrate their important impact." — Ed Bastian, CEO, Delta Air Lines

"A playbook to unleash the power of your talent, drive strategy execution, and elevate your business performance." — Mona Malone, Chief Human Resources Officer and Head of People & Culture, BMO Financial Group

"An illuminating and inspiring read on why investing in your people managers matters now more than ever, with actionable insights for leaders navigating the evolution of the workplace and workforce." — Michael Fraccaro, Chief People Officer, Mastercard

"Middle managers are the key to driving sustained value creation in organizations. Power to the Middle demonstrates why and provides business leaders with the tools they need to optimize the performance of these mission-critical people." — Eric Kutsenda, cofounder and Managing Partner, Seidler Equity Partners

"Our talent strategy helps us to reach more patients more quickly with life-changing thera-pies. Middle managers are at the center of this process, and this book helps CEOs understand why and how they should reimagine the role of managers in their organizations." — Tim Walbert, Chairman, President, and CEO, Horizon Therapeutics

"It's inspiring to read this recognition and celebration of middle managers and to have a guide to their engagement. They are the leaders who hold the keys to deep customer and front-line employee relationships." — David Baiada, CEO, BAYADA Home Health Care


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781647824853 ( 1647824850 )
발행(출시)일자 2023년 07월 18일
쪽수 256쪽
241 * 236 * 28 mm / 544 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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