Iveliz Explains It All (2023 Newbery Honor)
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- 문학상 추천도서 > 어린이문학상 > 뉴베리상 > 2023년 선정
How do you speak up when it feels like no one is listening?
The end of elementary school?
Worst time of my life.
And the start of middle school?
I just wasn’t quite right.
But this year?
Seventh grade is going to be Iveliz’s year. She’s going to make a new friend, help her abuela Mimi get settled after moving from Puerto Rico, and she is not going to get into any more trouble at school. . . .
Except is that what happens? Of course not. Because no matter how hard Iveliz tries, sometimes people say things that just make her so mad. And worse, Mimi keeps saying Iveliz’s medicine is unnecessary—even though it helps Iveliz feel less sad. But how do you explain your feelings to others when you’re not even sure what’s going on yourself?
Powerful and compassionate, Andrea Beatriz Arango’s debut navigates mental health, finding your voice, and discovering that those who really love you will stay by your side no matter what.
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저자(글) Arango, Andrea Beatriz
ANDREA BEATRIZ ARANGO is the Newbery Honor Award-winning author of Iveliz Explains It All. She was born and raised in Puerto Rico, and is a former public school teacher with almost a decade of teaching experience. Andrea now writes the types of children’s books she wishes students had more access to. She balances her life in Virginia with trips home to see her family and eat lots of tostones de pana. When she’s not busy writing, you can find her enjoying nature in the nearest forest or body of water.
출판사 서평
SCBWI Golden Kite Honor Award Winner
Kirkus Reviews Best Book of the Year
YALSA Best Book for Young Adults
ALSC Notable Children's Book
CCBC Choices Selection
"A lyrical, vital, and spunky debut about mental health, grief, and the healing power of self-love. A must read.” —Mariama J. Lockington, author of For Black Girls Like Me
★ "Superbly woven; a bold, deep portrayal of a young voice who needs to be heard.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review
★ "A compassionate, stirring story that readers will not forget." —School Library Journal, starred review
★ "A candid narrative told in quick-moving, rapport-like verse, made accessible by Iveliz’s sarcastically funny, authentically tween voice." —Publishers Weekly, starred review
"A great reminder that no one is truly alone." —Booklist
"Relatable and powerful. . . . Iveliz’s first-person account amplifies the need for finding one’s voice and asking for help at any age." —The Horn Book
"Deeply moving and honest." —CCBC Choices
ISBN | 9780593564004 ( 0593564006 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2023년 10월 03일 |
쪽수 | 272쪽 |
크기 |
132 * 194
* 22
/ 113 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
Klover 리뷰 (1)
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