Compass Children's Classics Level 1
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15,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
20,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
15,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
1Box 기준 : 도서 10권
로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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1권 구매 시 결제 단계에서 적용 가능합니다.
해외주문/바로드림/제휴사주문/업체배송건의 경우 1+1 증정상품이 발송되지 않습니다.
이 책의 상품구성
자세한 상품구성정보에 대한 문의사항은 도서·정보 1:1상담을 이용해 주세요.
상품명 | 저자 | 출시일 | 쪽수 | 크기/중량 (mm/g) |
The North Wind and the Sun | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Crow and the Pitcher | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Boy Who Cried Wolf | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Fox and the Crow | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Ants and the Grasshopper | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Lion and the Mouse | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
A Dog and His Bone | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Tortoise and the Hare | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Honest Woodcutter | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Little Red Hen | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Enormous Turnip | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Three Little Pigs | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Magic Porridge Pot | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Princess and The Pea | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
Three Billy Goats Gruff | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Elves and the Shoemaker | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Boy and the Violin | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Lizard and the Sun | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The North Wind and the Sun | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Crow and the Pitcher | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Boy Who Cried Wolf | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Fox and the Crow | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Ants and the Grasshopper | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Lion and the Mouse | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
A Dog and His Bone | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Tortoise and the Hare | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Honest Woodcutter | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Little Red Hen | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Enormous Turnip | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Three Little Pigs | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Magic Porridge Pot | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Princess and The Pea | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
Three Billy Goats Gruff | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Elves and the Shoemaker | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Boy and the Violin | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
The Lizard and the Sun | Compass Publishing | 2022.08.31 | 32 | 210 * 210 * 0 mm / 0g |
저자(글) Compass Publishing
- The North Wind and the Sun
The Crow and the Pitcher
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Fox and the Crow
The Ants and the Grasshopper
The Lion and the Mouse
A Dog and His Bone
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Honest Woodcutter
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Little Red Hen
The Enormous Turnip
The Three Little Pigs
Goldilocs and the Three Bears
The Magic Porridge Pot
The Princess and the Pea
Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Boy and the Violin
The Lizard and the Sun
ISBN | 9781640157934 ( 164015793X ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2023년 01월 01일 |
쪽수 | 640쪽 |
크기 |
234 * 246
* 61
/ 2229 g
총권수 | 20권 |
언어 | 영어 |
제품안전인증 |
KC마크는 이 제품이 공통 안전기준에 적합하였음을 의미합니다. |
크기/중량 | 234 * 246 * 61 mm / 2229 g |
제조자 (수입자) | Compass Publishing |
A/S책임자&연락처 | 웅진컴퍼스 |
제조일자 | 2023.01.01 | ||
색상 | 이미지참고 | ||
재질 | 정보준비중 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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