The Rise and Fall of Imperial China
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15,000원 미만 시 2,500원 배송비 부과
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로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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- 서양도서 > 인문/사회 > 역사 > 동양사
- 서양도서 > 인문/사회 > 정치학 > 일반
- 서양도서 > 인문/사회 > 정치학 > 국제정치
- 서양도서 > 인문/사회 > 정치학 > 이데올로기
Wang argues that Chinese rulers faced a fundamental trade-off that he calls the sovereign’s dilemma: a coherent elite that could collectively strengthen the state could also overthrow the ruler. This dilemma emerged because strengthening state capacity and keeping rulers in power for longer required different social networks in which central elites were embedded. Wang examines how these social networks shaped the Chinese state, and vice versa, and he looks at how the ruler’s pursuit of power by fragmenting the elites became the final culprit for China’s fall.
Drawing on more than a thousand years of Chinese history, The Rise and Fall of Imperial China highlights the role of elite social relations in influencing the trajectories of state development.
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저자(글) Wang, Yuhua
Yuhua Wang is the Frederick S. Danziger Associate Professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University. He is the author of Tying the Autocrat's Hands: The Rise of the Rule of Law in China.
출판사 서평
“This rigorous and innovative examination of the state in China shows how states can be durable even when they are weak. Yuhua Wang’s analysis of how elite networks mediated the relationship between rulers and society transforms our understanding of state formation and survival.”―Anna Grzymała-Busse, author of Sacred Foundations
“The Rise and Fall of Imperial China offers up a readable, persuasive, and provocative account of state success and failure that taps into major debates in social science and history. Ambitious, wide-ranging, and theoretically innovative, this superb book makes important contributions to the literatures on state building, historical political economy, and Chinese politics.”―Daniel Mattingly, author of The Art of Political Control in China
“Drawing on network theory to suggest which linkages between state and society are most likely to lead to durable rule, The Rise and Fall of Imperial China covers more than a millennia of history to suggest when and why the Chinese state was most solid. This is a most impressive work of political science.”―David Stasavage, author of The Decline and Rise of Democracy
ISBN | 9780691215167 ( 0691215162 ) | ||
발행(출시)일자 | 2022년 10월 11일 | ||
쪽수 | 352쪽 | ||
크기 |
155 * 231
* 23
/ 522 g
총권수 | 1권 | ||
언어 | 영어 | ||
시리즈명 |
Princeton Studies in Contemporary China #17
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