Intensive Care Medicine in 10 Years
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1Box 기준 : 도서 10권
로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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From the reviews: "Critical care is distinguished by the absolute need for its clinical leaders to understand and practice interdisciplinary teamwork a? . This is a? a book that may facilitate or help initiate a planning process for leaders who recognize the imperative for change and adaptation in critical care. Accordingly, I recommend this book to individuals and groups engaged in all aspects of critical care. Accordingly, I recommend this book to individuals and groups engaged in all aspects of critical care management, now and in the future." (J. Christopher Farmer, Respiratory Care, Vol. 52 (3), 2007)
Setting the StageSetting the Scene (J.L. Vincent).- Managing and Leading in Critical Care (W.J. Sibbald).- Critical Care from 50,000 Feet (D.C. Angus).- Expectations around Intensive Care '? 10 Years on (K. Hillman).- The Safety and Quality Agenda in Critical Care Medicine (T. Dorman).- The Challenge of Emerging Infections and Progressive Antibiotic Resistance (S.M. Opal).- Health Technology Assessment (J. Bakker and P. Verboom).- Trends in Pediatric and Neonatal Critical Care in the next 10 Years (R.C. Tasker).-Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Information Technologies Ten Years from NowThe Patient Process as the Basis for the Design of an ICU (B. Regli and J. Takala).- Information Technology (G.D. Martich, D. Van Pelt and D. Lovasik).- Diagnostic Technologies to Assess Tissue Perfusion and Cardiorespiratory Performance (M.R. Pinsky).- Microcirculatory Distress in Critically Ill Patients: Meaning and Future (C. Ince).- Managing Infection: From Agar Plate to Genome Scan (J. Cohen).- Immunological Monitoring, Functional Genomics and Proteomics (E. Abraham).- Improving Organ Function (M. Singer).- The Profile and Management of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (L. Gattinoni, P. Caironi and E. Carlesso).- The Ventilator of Tomorrow (L. Brochard, M. Dojat and F. Lellouche).- My NeuroICU 10 Years from Now (D.K. Menon).- Disaster Medicine (P.E. Pepe, K.J. Rinnert and J.G. Wigginton).-How Might Critical Care Medicine be Organized and Regulated?Hospital and Medical School Organization of Critical Care Services (P. Fink).- Physician Staffing in the ICU 10 Years from Now (J.A. Russell and A. Sutherland).- ICU Research '? One Decade from Now (J.J. Marini and D.J. Dries).- Organizing Clinical Critical Care Research and Implementing the Results (D. Cook and S. Finfer).- Funding Models and Accountability Relationships (P.M. Suter).- Measuring Performance (G.D. Rubenfeld).- Ethics and End-of-Life Care (J.R. Curtis).- Rationing in the ICU: Fear, Fiction and Fact (M.M. Levy)Training Training Pathways '? Physician and Non-Physician (J. Bion, H. Barrett, and T. Clutton-Brock).- Simulation Training in Critical Care Medicine (P.B. Angood).-The Critical Care "Agenda"The Agenda for the Intensivist (V.M. Ranieri and G.L. Rosboch).- Transforming Adult Critical Care Service Delivery in Ontario (H. MacLeod).-Index
Setting the scene p. 3 Managing and leading in critical care p. 23 Critical care from 50,000 feet p. 41 Expectations around intensive care - 10 years on p. 55 The safety and quality agenda in critical care medicine p. 61 The challenge of emerging infections and progressive antibiotic resistance p. 69 Technology assessment p. 87 Trends in pediatric and neonatal critical care in the next 10 years p. 99 The patient process as the basis for the design of an ICU p. 115 Information technology p. 133 Diagnostic technologies to assess tissue perfusion and cardiorespiratory performance p. 153 Microcirculatory distress in critically ill patients : meaning and future p. 165 Managing infection : from agar plate to genome scan p. 177 Immunological monitoring, functional genomics and proteomics p. 189 Improving organ function p. 201 The profile and management of acute respiratory distress syndrome p. 213 The ventilator of tomorrow p. 227 My NueroICU 10 years from now p. 239 Disaster medicine p. 257 Hospital and medical school organization of critical care services p. 273 Physician staffing in the ICU 10 years from now p. 279 ICU research - one decade from now p. 291 Organizing clinical critical care research and implementing the results p. 311 Funding and accounting systems p. 325 Measuring performance p. 335 Ethics and end-of-life care p. 345 Rationing in the ICU : fear, fiction and fact p. 363 Training pathways - physician and non-physician p. 377 Simulation training in critical care medicine p. 389 The agenda for the intensivist p. 401 Transforming adult critical care service delivery in Ontario p. 413 Table of Contents provided by Blackwell. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9783540260929 ( 3540260927 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2005년 09월 29일 |
쪽수 | 436쪽 |
크기 |
156 * 234
* 25
/ 803 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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