Biological Basis of Alcohol-Induced Cancer
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- Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Alcohol and breast cancer: Reconciling epidemiological and molecular dataChapter 3: Genetic-epidemiological evidence for the role of acetaldehyde in cancers related to alcohol drinkingChapter 4: Alcohol and Cancer: an Overview With special Emphasis on the Role of Acetaldehyde and Cytochrome P-4502E1Chapter 5: Implications of acetaldehyde-derived DNA adducts for understanding alcohol related carcinogenesisChapter 6: The role of iron in alcohol-mediated hepatocarcinogenesisChapter 7: Alcoholic Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular CarcinomaChapter 8: TLR4-dependent tumor-initiating stem cell-like cells (TICs) in alcohol-associated hepatocellular carcinogenesisChapter 9: Synergistic Toxic Interactions Between CYP2E1, LPS/TNFa and JNK/p38 MAP Kinase and their Implications in Alcohol-induced Liver InjuryChapter 10: Understanding the tumor suppressor PTEN in chronic alcoholism and hepatocellular carcinomaChapter 11: Alcohol consumption, Wnt/?-catenin signaling and hepatocarcinogensisChapter 12: Alcohol and HCV: Implications for Liver CancerChapter 13: Application of Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics in Identification of Early Noninvasive Biomarkers of Alcohol-Induced Liver Disease Using Mouse ModelChapter 14: Alcohol Metabolism by Oral Streptococci and Interaction with Human Papillomavirus Leads to Malignant Transformation of Oral KeratinocytesChapter 15: Genetic polymorphisms of alcohol dehydrogense-1B and aldehyde dehydrogenase-2, alcohol flushing, mean corpuscular volume, and aerodigestive tract neoplasia in Japanese drinkersChapter 16: Acetaldehyde and Retinaldehyde-Metabolizing Enzymes in Colon and Pancreatic cancersChapter 17: Alcohol, Carcinoembryonic Antigen Processing and Colorectal Liver MetastasesChapter 18: Alcohol Consumption and Antitumor Immunity: Dynamic Changes from Activation to Accelerated Deterioration of the Immune SystemChapter 19: A Perspective on Chemoprevention by Resveratrol in Head and Neck Squamous Cell CarcinomaChapter 20: The effects of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases on disorders of hematopoiesisChapter 21: The effect of alcohol on sirt1 expression and function in animal and human models of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)Chapter 22: Transgenic Mouse Models for Alcohol Metabolism, Toxicity and CancerChapter 23: Fetal alcohol exposure increases susceptibility to carcinogenesis and promotes tumor progression in prostate glandChapter 24: Fetal Alcohol Exposure and Mammary Tumorigenesis in Offspring: Role of the Estrogen and Insulin-like Growth Factor Systems
ISBN | 9783319096131 ( 3319096133 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2014년 12월 09일 |
쪽수 | 436쪽 |
크기 |
156 * 234
* 25
/ 807 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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