The DevOps Handbook
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다양한 수상 경력이 있는 CTO이자 연구원이다. 트립와이어(Tripwire)의 창립자이며 13년 동안 CTO를 역임했다. 저서로 『데브옵스 핸드북』(에이콘, 2018), 『The Visible Ops Handbook』(Information Technology Processinst, 2005), 『Visible Ops Security』(IT Process Institute, 2008) 등이 있다.
저자(글) Jez Humble
저자(글) Patrick Debois
저자(글) John Willis
레드햇(Red Hat)의 글로벌 트랜스포메이션 사무국의 시니어 디렉터다. 데브옵스 운동의 창시자 중 한 명으로 알려져 있다. 현재 조지아주 애크워스에 거주하고 있다.
저자(글) Nicole Forsgren
- CONTENTS Figures & Tables xii Note from the Publisher on the Second Edition xv Foreword to the Second Edition: Nicole Forsgren xix Foreword to the First Edition: John Allspaw xxi Preface: Aha! xxiii Introduction xxxi Part I-The Three Ways Part I Introduction 3 01 Agile, Continuous Delivery, and the Three Ways 7 NEW Case Study: Approaching Cruising Altitude: American Airlines' DevOps Journey Part 1 (2020) 15 02 The First Way: The Principles of Flow 19 NEW Case Study: Flow and Constraint Management in Healthcare (2021) 29 03 The Second Way: The Principles of Feedback 33 NEW Case Study: Pulling the Andon Cord at Excella (2019) 39 04 The Third Way: The Principles of Continual Learning and Experimentation 45 NEW Case Study: The Story of Bell Labs 54 Part 1 Conclusion 57 Part II-Where to Start Part II Introduction 61 05 Selecting Which Value Stream to Start With 63 Case Study: Nordstrom's DevOps Transformation 63 NEW Case Study: Kessel Run: The Brownfield Transformation of a Mid-Air Refueling System (2020) 69 NEW Case Study: Scaling DevOps Across the Business: American Airlines' DevOps Journey (Part 2) (2020) 74 viii CONTENTS NEW Case Study: Saving the Economy From Ruin (With a Hyperscale PaaS) (2021) 77 06 Understanding the Work in Our Value Stream, Making it Visible, and Expanding it Across the Organization 81 Case Study: Nordstrom's Experience with Value Stream Mapping 81 Case Study: Operation InVersion at LinkedIn (2011) 91 07 How to Design Our Organization and Architecture with Conway's Law in Mind 97 Case Study: Conway's Law at Etsy 98 Case Study: API Enablement at Target (2015) 112 08 How to Get Great Outcomes by Integrating Operations into the Daily Work of Development 115 Case Study: Big Fish Games 115 NEW Case Study: Better Ways of Working at Nationwide Building Society 124 Part II Conclusion 129 Part III-The First Way: The Technical Practices of Flow Part III Introduction 133 09 Create the Foundations of Our Deployment Pipeline 135 Case Study: Enterprise Data Warehouse 135 NEW Case Study: How a Hotel Company Ran $30B of Revenue in Containers (2020) 143 10 Enable Fast and Reliable Automated Testing 147 Case Study: Google Web Server 148 11 Enable and Practice Continuous Integration 167 Case Study: HP LaserJet Firmware 168 Case Study: Continuous Integration of Bazaarvoice (2012) 173 12 Automate and Enable Low-Risk Releases 177 Case Study: Daily Deployments at CSG International (2013) 181 Case Study: Etsy-Self-Service Developer Deployment: An Example of Continuous Deployment (2014) 186 Case Study: Dixons Retail-Blue-Green Deployment for Point-of-Sale System (2008) 193 Case Study: Dark Launch of Facebook Chat (2008) 198 CONTENTS ix NEW Case Study: Creating a Win-Win for Dev & Ops at CSG (2016) 201 13 Architect for Low-Risk Releases 207 Case Study: Evolutionary Architecture at Amazon (2002) 202 Case Study: Strangler Pattern at Blackboard Learn (2011) 215 Part III Conclusion 219 Part IV-The Second Way: The Technical Practices of Feedback Part IV Introduction 223 14 Create Telemetry to Enable Seeing and Solving Problems 225 Case Study: DevOps Transformation at Etsy (2012) 226 Case Study: Creating Self-Service Metrics at LinkedIn (2011) 237 15 Analyze Telemetry to Better Anticipate Problems and Achieve Goals 245 Case Study: Telemetry at Netflix (2012-2020) 245 Case Study: Auto-Scaling Capacity at Netflix (2012) 251 Case Study: Advanced Anomaly Detection (2014) 255 16 Enable Feedback So Development and Operations Can Safely Deploy Code 259 Case Study: Right Media (2006) 259 Case Study: The Launch and Hand-Off Readiness Review Google (2010) 269 17 Integrate Hypothesis-Driven Development and A/B Testing into Our Daily Work 273 Case Study: Hypothesis-Driven Development at Intuit, Inc. (2012) 273 Case Study: Doubling Revenue Growth through Fast Release Cycle Experimentation at Yahoo! Answers (2010) 278 18 Create Review and Coordination Processes to Increase Quality of Our Current Work 281 Case Study: Peer Review at GitHub (2011) 286 NEW Case Study: From Six-Eye Principle to Release at Scale at Adidas (2021) 286 Case Study: Code Reviews at Google (2010) 290 Case Study: Pair Programming Replacing Broken Code Review Processes at Pivotal Labs (2011) 293 Part IV Conclusion 299 x CONTENTS Part V-The Third Way: The Technical Practices of Continual Learning and Experimentation Part V Introduction 303 19 Enable and Inject Learning into Daily Work 305 Case Study: AWS US-EAST and Netflix (2011) 305 NEW Case Study: Turning an Outage into a Powerful Learning Opportunity at CSG (2020) 318 20 Convert Local Discoveries into Global Improvements 321 Case Study: Standardizing a New Technology Stack at Etsy (2010) 332 NEW Case Study: Crowdsourcing Technology Governance at Target (2018) 333 21 Reserve Time to Create Organizational Learning and Improvement 335 Case Study: 30-Day Challenge at Target (2015) 335 Case Study: Internal Technology Conferences at Nationwide Insurance, Capital One, and Target (2014) 342 Part V Conclusion 347 Part VI-The Technological Practices of Integrating Information Security, Change Management, and Compliance Part VI Introduction 351 22 Information Security Is Everyone's Job Every Day 353 Case Study: Static Security Testing at Twitter (2009) 360 Case Study: 18F Automating Compliance for the Federal Government with Compliance Masonry (2016) 369 Case Study: Instrumenting the Environment at Etsy (2010) 373 NEW Case Study: Shifting Security Left at Fannie Mae (2020) 376 23 Protecting the Deployment Pipeline, and Integrating into Change Management and Other Security and Compliance Controls 379 Case Study: Automated Infrastructure Changes as Standard Changes at (2012) 383 CONTENTS xi Case Study: PCI Compliance and a Cautionary Tale of Separating Duties at Etsy (2014) 385 NEW Case Study: Biz and Tech Partnership toward 10 "No Fear Releases" Per Day at Capital One (2020) 387 Case Study: Proving Compliance in Regulated Environments (2015) 389 Case Study: Relying on Production Telemetry for ATM Systems 392 Part VI Conclusion 395 A Call to Action: Conclusion to the DevOps Handbook 397 Afterword to the Second Edition 401 Appendices 409 Bibliography 423 Notes 441 Index 461 Acknowledgments 479 Author Biographies 482
ISBN | 9781950508402 ( 1950508404 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2021년 11월 30일 |
쪽수 | 528쪽 |
크기 |
152 * 226
* 33
/ 612 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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