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NGO Management

2/E | Paperback
Fowler, Alan 저자(글)
Routledge · 2010년 11월 30일
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Alan Fowler is an adviser to and writer about civil society and international development NGOs. Chiku Malunga is a development writer and consultant, and works with the organization CADECO to promote African centred organizational improvement models.
With some thirty years of experience, Alan Fowler is an adviser to and writer about civil society and international development NGOs. He is author of Striking a Balance: A Guide to Enhancing the Effectiveness of NGOs in International Development; The Virtuous Spiral: A Guide to Sustainability for NGOs in International Development and is co-editor of a forthcoming book, Capacity Development in Practice [all published by Earthscan].Chiku Malunga is a development writer and consultant with many years experience in organization development work with African, European and American NGOs and Civil Society Organizations. He is author of 'Understanding Organizational Sustainability through African Proverbs', 'Making Strategic Plans Work: Insights from African Indigenous Wisdom', 'Understanding Organizational Leadership through Ubuntu'; and 'Oblivion or Utopia: The Prospects for Africa'. He works with the organization CADECO to promote African centered organizational improvement models.
Alan Fowleris an adviser to and writer about civil society and international development NGOs. Chiku Malungais a development writer and consultant with many years experience in organization development work with African, European and American NGOs and civil society organizations. He works with the organization CADECO to promote African centered organizational improvement models.
The task environment of NGOs is changing rapidly and significantly, making new demands on their management and leadership. This Companiondiscusses the complexities involved. It illustrates how NGOs can maintain performance and remain agile amid increasing uncertainties. These factors include the position of NGOs in civil society, their involvement in governance and coping with the effects of the securitization of international aid. Complementing The Earthscan Reader in NGO Management, selected contributions and specially commissioned pieces from NGO thought leaders and practitioners provide the reader with insights on the emerging thinking, competences and practices needed for success in managing and leading tomorrow's NGOs.
The task environment of NGOs is changing rapidly and significantly making new demands on their management and leadership. This Companion discusses the complexities involved. It illustrates how NGOs can maintain performance and remain agile amidst increasing uncertainties. These factors include the position of NGOs in civil society, their involvement in governance and coping with the effects of the securitisation of international aid. Complementing The Earthscan Reader in NGO Management, selected contributions and specially commissioned pieces from NGO thought leaders and practitioners, provide the reader with insights on the emerging thinking, competences and practices needed for success in managing and leading tomorrow's NGOs.
The task environment of NGOs is changing rapidly and significantly making new demands on their management and leadership. This Companiondiscusses the complexities involved. It illustrates how NGOs can maintain performance and remain agile amidst increasing uncertainties. These factors include the position of NGOs in civil society, their involvement in governance and coping with the effects of the securitization of international aid. Complementing The Earthscan Reader in NGO Management, selected contributions and specially commissioned pieces from NGO thought leaders and practitioners, provide the reader with insights on the emerging thinking, competences and practices needed for success in managing and leading tomorrow's NGOs.
'Everyone needs a good companion, and this book will be of enormous help to NGOs as they navigate through the contradictory pressures of international development and social change. Fowler and Malunga have drawn together a wonderful collection of insights and experiences that should be on every manager's desk.' Michael Edwards, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Demos'This book makes a critical contribution to the development literature on the changing demands, dilemmas and creative responses of NGOs in a rapidly evolving world system. It is both timely and thought provoking.' Prof. Margaret Kroma, Program Manager, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research'This book is essential reading, especially for those who perceive development and NGO management as avenues for enabling individuals, groups, organizations and communities to learn to develop new ways of thinking in order to build a better history for themselves and the world.' Mosi Kisare, Executive Director and facilitator at the EASUN Centre for Organizational Learning, Arusha, Tanzania'Managers and practitioners will go a long way before they find a more useful compendium of knowledge and experience. For those seeking to understand NGOs, here is the one-stop shop you have been looking for.' Ian Smillie, author of The Alms Bazaar and Blood on the Stone: Greed, Corruption and War in the Global Diamond Trade
The task environment of NGOs is changing rapidly and significantly making new demands on their management and leadership. This Companion discusses the complexities involved. It illustrates how NGOs can maintain performance and remain agile amidst increasing uncertainties. These factors include the position of NGOs in civil society, their involvement in governance and coping with the effects of the securitisation of international aid.


저자(글) Fowler, Alan


  • List of Figures, Tables and Boxesp. viii
    List of Contributorsp. x
    List of Sourcesp. xiii
    List of Acronyms and Abbreviationsp. xvi
    Introduction: NGOs in a World of Uncertaintiesp. 1
    Retro-perspective: NGO-ism in a Changing World Order
    Have NGOs 'Made a Difference'? From Manchester to Birmingham with an Elephant in the Roomp. 13
    NGOs and Development Alternatives - Revisitedp. 26
    The Global War on Terror, Development and Civil Societyp. 40
    From NGOs to Civil Society
    'Seeing Like a Citizen': Re-claiming Citizenship in a Neoliberal Worldp. 59
    Civic-driven Change: A Concise Guide to the Basicsp. 70
    Civic-driven Change and Developmental Democracyp. 81
    Civil Society and the Legitimation of Global Governancep. 98
    Managing Responsibly
    Civil Society Legitimacy and Accountability: Issues and Challengesp. 115
    Listen First: A Pilot System for Managing Downward Accountability in NGOsp. 136
    Governing for Accountability: Principles in Practicep. 150
    Managing Strategically
    Strategic Issues Facing NGOs into the Foreseeable Futurep. 165
    Strategic Planning: The Cultivation of Organizational Beautyp. 175
    Managing Organizational Change
    The Phase of Organization Developmentp. 191
    The Change Challenge: Achieving Transformational Organizational Change in International NGOsp. 202
    Management Applications
    Rights-based Development Approaches: Combining Politics, Creativity and Organization: ActionAidp. 217
    Participation: Institute of Development Studiesp. 226
    Trust, Accountability and Face-to-face Interaction in North-South NGO Relationsp. 230
    Briefing Paper: Policy Engagement for Poverty Reduction - How Civil Society Can be More Effectivep. 236
    Is There Life after Gender Mainstreaming?p. 243
    Managing NGOs with Spiritp. 255
    Civil Society Networks: Of Ants and Elephantsp. 269
    South African NGOs and the Public Sphere: Between Popular Movements and Partnerships for Developmentp. 281
    Bridging Gaps: Collaboration between Research and Operational Organizationsp. 295
    NGOs and Communication: Divorce over the Toothpastep. 303
    Managing for Performance
    Development Effectiveness: Towards New Understandingsp. 315
    Measurement in Developmental Practice: From the Mundane to the Transformationalp. 323
    Managing for Learning and Knowledge
    Accountability and Learning: Exploding the Myth of Incompatibility Between Accountability and Learningp. 339
    Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: An International Development Perspectivep. 353
    Managing Resources
    Options, Strategies and Trade-offs in Resource Mobilizationp. 371
    Social Entrepreneurship: A Convergence of NGOs and the Market Economy?p. 391
    'Trees Die from the Top': International Perspectives on NGO Leadership Developmentp. 405
    Developing Leaders? Developing Countries?p. 414
    Indexp. 427
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781849711203 ( 1849711208 )
발행(출시)일자 2010년 11월 30일
쪽수 456쪽
161 * 231 * 33 mm / 694 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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