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Accounting for Sustainability

Hopwood, Anthony 저자(글)
Routledge · 2010년 06월 23일
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Anthony Hopwood is a world-leading academic in the field of accounting. A former Dean and Professor at the Sid Business School of the University of Oxford, he was inducted into the USA's Accounting Hall of Fame in 2008. Jeffrey Unerman is Professor of Accounting and Accountability at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. He has a long standing research record in sustainability accounting. Jessica Fries is Director of The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project, on secondment from PricewaterhouseCoopers where she has worked with a wide range of organizations to help them to embed sustainability.
Anthony Hopwood is a professor at the S+id Business School of the University of Oxford. A former Dean of the School, he was inducted into the USA's Accounting Hall of Fame in 2008.Jeffrey Unerman is Professor of Accounting and Accountability at Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. He has a long standing research record in sustainability accounting.Jessica Fries is Project Director of The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project, on secondment from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. She has worked with companies over many years to help them integrate sustainability into mainstream business practices.The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project was launched by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales in 2004 "To help ensure that sustainability - considering what we do not only in terms of ourselves and today, but also of others and tomorrow - is not just talked and worried about, but becomes embedded in organisations' "DNA". The Project works with businesses, investors, the public sector, accounting bodies, NGOs and academics to develop practical guidance and tools for embedding sustainability into decision-making and reporting processes.
If businesses and other organizations are to meet the many and complex challenges of sustainable development, then they all, both public and private, need to embed sustainability considerations into their decision-making and reporting. However, the translation of this aspiration into effective action is often inhibited by the lack of systems and procedures that take sustainability into account.Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights will help organizations to address these issues. The book sets out a number of tools and approaches that have been developed and applied by leading organizations to:- embed sustainability into decision-making, extending beyond an organization's boundaries to take into account suppliers, customers and other stakeholders;- measure and link sustainability and financial performance; - integrate sustainability into 'mainstream' reporting, both to management and external stakeholders. In-depth cases studies from Aviva, BT, the Environment Agency, EDF Energy, HSBC, Novo Nordisk, Sainsbury's and West Sussex County Council show in detail how accounting for sustainability works in practice in a wide range of organizational contexts.
'A rich and diverse collection of case studies to help all those organisations looking for a practical way of addressing ... sustainability-related issues.'Charles Tilley, Chief Executive, CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)'A good overview of the challenges and dilemmas companies face as they evolve their sustainability thinking ... a useful addition to the body of emerging knowledge in this space.'Elaine Cohen, sustainability consultant and reporter at Beyond Business, for CSRWire'This fascinating book presents a great opportunity for pro-active quality professionals to rise beyond our roots and contribute to mankind's future... an inspiring book that I would thoroughly recommend reading.'Qualityworld Magazine'Most companies still don't have a clue about the full extent of their impacts on the environment - let alone the full monetized cost of those impacts. The eight case studies provide an invaluable starting point in terms of accounting more intelligently for those impacts.' Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director, Forum for the Future'A comprehensive and wide-ranging series of case studies that collectively make the business case for connected reporting, while providing a rich source of practical advice on how to make sustainability part of an organization's DNA.' Lord Sharman of Redlynch OBE, Chairman, Aviva plc'Increasingly, a company's market value reflects the value attributed by investors to people, knowledge, trust and relationships, none of which are visible in traditional financial and management information. Accounting for Sustainability is a thoughtful assessment of how we can develop accounting and reporting to better reflect what is material to assessing corporate performance today.' Lise Kingo, Executive Vice President, Novo Nordisk Ltd'The Connected Reporting Framework is the most practical way of reporting an organisation's strategic approach to sustainability available today. This publication will provide helpful guidance to anyone keen to learn from early adopters of the methodology.' Sir Michael Rake, Chairman, BT Group plc'Accounting for Sustainability provides a rich and diverse collection of case studies to help all those organisations looking for a practical way of addressing the major challenges and risks posed by sustainability-related issues.'Charles Tilley, Chief Executive, CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)'All too often when discussing sustainability issues the focus is on performance reporting and assurance - whilst the real focus of our attention really ought to be the embedding of sustainability principles, resulting in real change. This text provides excellent examples of real change in action and will be of interest to a broad spectrum of managers and accounting professionals.' Helen Brand, Chief Executive, ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)'This book is a significant contribution to the practice of sustainability, demonstrating why and how it can be embedded in an organisation's thinking and action. This is done through a series of very perceptive case studies that move us beyond the theoretical to the practical.'Michael Izza, Chief Executive, ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) 'This book provides major learning points on how environmental sustainability can be embedded in organisations and reported on, and the issues likely to arise. This should significantly reduce any 'reinventing the wheel' in embedding sustainability in corporate culture.' Alan Thomson, President, ICAS (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland)
'Most companies still don't have a clue about the full extent of their impacts on the environment - let alone the full monetized cost of those impacts. The eight case studies provide an invaluable starting point in terms of accounting more intelligently for those impacts.' Jonathon Porritt, Founder Director, Forum for the Future'A comprehensive and wide-ranging series of case studies that collectively make the business case for connected reporting, while providing a rich source of practical advice on how to make sustainability part of an organization's DNA.' Lord Sharman of Redlynch OBE, Chairman, Aviva plc'Increasingly, a company's market value reflects the value attributed by investors to people, knowledge, trust and relationships, none of which are visible in traditional financial and management information. Accounting for Sustainability is a thoughtful assessment of how we can develop accounting and reporting to better reflect what is material to assessing corporate performance today.' Lise Kingo, Executive Vice President, Novo Nordisk Ltd'The Connected Reporting Framework is the most practical way of reporting an organisation's strategic approach to sustainability available today. This publication will provide helpful guidance to anyone keen to learn from early adopters of the methodology.' Sir Michael Rake, Chairman, BT Group plc'Accounting for Sustainability provides a rich and diverse collection of case studies to help all those organisations looking for a practical way of addressing the major challenges and risks posed by sustainability-related issues.'Charles Tilley, Chief Executive, CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)'All too often when discussing sustainability issues the focus is on performance reporting and assurance - whilst the real focus of our attention really ought to be the embedding of sustainability principles, resulting in real change. This text provides excellent examples of real change in action and will be of interest to a broad spectrum of managers and accounting professionals.' Helen Brand, Chief Executive, ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)'This book is a significant contribution to the practice of sustainability, demonstrating why and how it can be embedded in an organisation's thinking and action. This is done through a series of very perceptive case studies that move us beyond the theoretical to the practical.'Michael Izza, Chief Executive, ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) 'This book provides major learning points on how environmental sustainability can be embedded in organisations and reported on, and the issues likely to arise. This should significantly reduce any 'reinventing the wheel' in embedding sustainability in corporate culture.' Alan Thomson, Chief Executive, ICAS (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland)
The Prince of Wales innovative Accounting for Sustainability Project has developed an innovative Connected Reporting Framework (CRF) to provide organizations with the accounting tools and principles to embed sustainability into their DNA. This book outlines the framework.


저자(글) Hopwood, Anthony


  • Foreword by His Royal Highness The Prince of Walesp. xiii
    List of Figures, Tables and Boxesp. xv
    List of Contributorsp. xvii
    Acknowledgementsp. xxiv
    List of Acronyms and Abbreviationsp. xxv
    Introduction to the Accounting for Sustainability Case Studiesp. 1
    Sustainability, sustainable development and climate changep. 3
    The role and significance of sustainability for organizationsp. 8
    Embedding sustainability considerations into business practice through accounting for sustainabilityp. 15
    Summary of the case studiesp. 19
    Conclusionsp. 26
    The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project: Creating 21st-Century Decision-Making and Reporting Systems to Respond to 21st-Century Challenges and Opportunitiesp. 29
    Introductionp. 29
    The ten main elements to embed sustainability into decision-makingp. 32
    An overview of the A4S decision-making toolp. 32
    An introduction to the concept of connected reporting and the Connected Reporting Framework (CRF)p. 36
    Next steps: The creation of an International Integrated Reporting Committeep. 44
    Sainsbury's: Embedding Sustainability within the Supermarket Supply Chainp. 47
    Introductionp. 47
    The context of the A4S decision-making tool at Sainsbury'sp. 49
    The lamb supply chain and sustainabilityp. 51
    Sainsbury's perspective on embedding sustainabilityp. 54
    The supplier perspectivep. 63
    The next step for Sainsbury's: The Connected Reporting Framework (CRF)?p. 65
    Conclusionsp. 69
    Using the Connected Reporting Framework as a Driver of Change within EDF Energyp. 73
    Introduction: EDF Energyp. 73
    The case studyp. 74
    Background and history of EDF Energy and accounting for sustainabilityp. 74
    EDF Energy's sustainability journeyp. 81
    Conclusionsp. 89
    A Golden Thread for Embedding Sustainability in a Local Government Context: The Case of West Sussex County Councilp. 95
    Introductionp. 95
    Chapter overviewp. 96
    Background: Local government and West Sussex County Councilp. 97
    Embedding sustainability within the county councilp. 99
    Policies, performance structures and toolsp. 107
    Conclusionsp. 123
    Building from the Bottom, Inspired from the Top: Accounting for Sustainability and the Environment Agencyp. 129
    Introductionp. 129
    The Environment Agency: Background informationp. 131
    Environmental management and strategyp. 132
    Environmental accounting: A systems approachp. 134
    Connected actions, connected reporting, carbon reduction, staff mileage, key performance indicators (KPIs) and corporate scorecardsp. 136
    The Prince's Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S), the Connected Reporting Framework (CRF) and the Environment Agencyp. 142
    Conclusionsp. 144
    Evolution of Risk, Opportunity and the Business Case in Embedding Connected Reporting at BTp. 149
    Introductionp. 149
    Changes in directions of causality: Reporting driving action, action driving reportingp. 150
    Evolution of risk and opportunity considerations in sustainability decisions: Making the business casep. 151
    Nuancing the business case: Degrees of uncertainty and appealing to the interests of managers at different levelsp. 153
    Materiality helping to determine the content of connected sustainability reportingp. 155
    Case example: Supply-chain initiatives - Sourcing with Human Dignityp. 162
    Conclusionsp. 170
    Sustainability and Organizational Connectivity at HSBCp. 173
    Introductionp. 173
    Linking financial and non-financial performance and riskp. 174
    Implementation of the Equator Principles and sector policiesp. 175
    Integration of responses to environmental impacts of HSBC's business and culturep. 180
    The role of sustainability reportingp. 185
    Conclusionsp. 188
    'One Aviva, Twice the Value': Connecting Sustainability at Aviva plcp. 191
    'One Aviva, one world'p. 192
    Linking responsibility and sustainabilityp. 193
    Connected reportingp. 197
    Climate change and carbon-neutral Avivap. 199
    Stakeholders and the value chainp. 201
    Embedding sustainable and responsible investment practicesp. 203
    Reporting practicesp. 207
    Conclusions and lessons from Avivap. 209
    Integrated Reporting at Novo Nordiskp. 215
    Introductionp. 215
    Context and backgroundp. 216
    The Novo Nordisk 'Way of Management'p. 219
    Triple bottom line (TBL) managementp. 222
    'Sarb-Oxing' the non-financial control environmentp. 224
    The balanced scorecardp. 225
    Facilitationp. 228
    Full integration at Novo Nordisk: Embedding sustainabilityp. 229
    Summary and Conclusionsp. 233
    Introductionp. 233
    Lessons learnedp. 234
    Summaryp. 242
    Glossaryp. 243
    Indexp. 251
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781849710671 ( 1849710678 )
발행(출시)일자 2010년 06월 23일
쪽수 288쪽
155 * 231 * 23 mm / 454 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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