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Keith Kyle (1925-2007) worked as a journalist, broadcaster, author and scholar throughout the world over the course of his long career. Among his many publications are Whither Israel?: The Domestic Challenges(with Joel Peters), The Politics of the Independence of Kenyaand his autobiography Keith Kyle: Reporting the World. He remained actively involved in international history and politics until his death in 2007.
On 26 July 1956, the British Empire received a blow from which it would never recover. On this day, Egypt's President Gamal Abdul Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal Company, one of the gems of Britain's imperial portfolio. It was to be a fateful day for Britain as a world power. Britain, France and Israel subsequently colluded in attacking Egypt, ostensibly - in the case of Britain and France - to protect the Suez Canal but in reality in an attempt to depose Nasser. The US opposition to this scheme forced an ignominious withdrawal, leaving Nasser triumphant and marking a decisive end to Britain's imperial era. In this, the seminal work on the Suez Crisis, Keith Kyle draws on a wealth of documentary evidence to tell this fascinating political, military and diplomatic story. Including new introductory material, this revised edition of a classic work will be essential reading for anyone interested in the history of the twentieth century, military history and the end of empire.
"... a superb account ... that rare thing: a compelling read that will also serve to define the context for all future scholarship on the subject" -- The Economist "... the definite work on the subject ... easily surpasses all earlier accounts" -- Anthony Howard, TLS "... has the quality of making everything that has come before ... look like a pamphlet off the top of a partisan's head" -- Roy Jenkins, The Sunday Times "Keith Kyle draws on a wealth of documentary tell this fascinating, political, military and diplomatic story." -- Middle East 'Books in Brief'
저자(글) Kyle, Keith
- Introduction
1. Swing-Door of the British Empire
2. A Jewish State
3. Eden and Nasser
4. Arms and the Dam
5. Turning Against Nasser
6. Code-Word 'De Lesseps'
7. Plotting Nasser's Downfall
8. A Matter of Timetables
9. Musketeer
10. The First London Conference
11. Keightley in Command
12. The Birth of the SCUA
13. Musketeer Revise
14. The Israeli Factor
15. Taking it to the UN
16. Two Frenchmen at Chequers
17. Sevres, Conference of Collusion
18. A Parachute Drop at the Mitla
19. Ultimatum
20. The Die is Cast
21. World Opinion Speaks
22. France's War
23. Slow March to Suez
24. The Empire Strikes Back. Phase I: 5 November 1956
25. The Empire Strikes Back. Phase II: 6 November 1956
26. Picking up the Pieces
27. Forced to Quit
28. Last Stands and New Doctrines
29. The End of the Suez Conflict
30. Suez 1991-2001
31. Epilogue
ISBN | 9781848855335 ( 1848855338 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2011년 01월 30일 |
쪽수 | 712쪽 |
크기 |
155 * 231
* 51
/ 952 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품(악세서리 포함) 등
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이 분야의 베스트
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