Proceedings of the International Conference on Heavy Vehicles, Hvtt10
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로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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- Foreword 1 - P. COURTIER 1 Avant-Propos 1 - P. COURTIER 3 Foreword 2 - J. ROUDIER 5 Avant-Propos 2 - J. ROUDIER 7 Preface (in English) - B. JACOB 9 Preface (en francais) - B. JACOB 12 International Forum for Road Transport Technology 15 International Society for Weigh-in-Motion 17 Panel Discussion 19 Plenary Session 21 The EU's rules on weights and dimensions and the realities of sustainable mobility - J. BERRY 23 A history of freight transport prior to the modern truck - M. LAY 35 Intelligent freight - J.-F. JANIN 49 Measures promoting intermodal transport as an alternative to pure road transport H. SILBORN 57 Session 1. Performance Based Standards 71 An initiative to introduce a performance-based standards (pbs) approach for heavy vehicule design and operations in South Africa - P. NORDENGEN, H. PREM, and L. MAI 73 A discussion of the high-speed offtracking perfromance standard J. BILLING and J. PATTEN 85 Development of an innovative steerable double extendable trailer under performance based standard (pbs) - M. JOHNSTON and L. BRUZSA 97 Session 2. European Modular Concept 109 Working group on longer and heavier goods vehicles: A multidisciplinary approach to the issue - W. DEBAUCHE 111 Experiences with longer and heavier vehicles in the Netherlands L. AARTS and G. FEDDES 123 Driving dynamics and stability issues of the European road train concepts G. BÓZSVÁRI, T. FULEP and L. PALKOVICS 137 Session 3. Vehicle Road Interaction 145 Pavement building costs allocation to HGV comparison betwwen the French case and the eurovignette directive recommendations - G. DURAND, P. COUSIN and H. GUIRAUD 147 A brief review of tyre-pavement interaction and an insight on new regulation on tyre rolling resistance in Europe - C. PENANT 159 Effect of axle configurations on fatigue and faulting of concrete pavements K. CHATTI, A. MANIK, and N. BRAKE 171 The danger of ramps for heavy goods vehicles - V. CEREZO, M. GOTHIE and G. DUPRE 185 A new vehicle-pavement interaction test facility at BASt - K.-P. GLAESER 195 Steady state flow algorithm for modeling the impact of trucks on road S. MAIOLINO, H. MAITOURNAM and V. CEREZO 203 How can the binder properties influence the road surface durability? An advanced method based on the bearing ration curve - M. ECH, S. YOTTE, D. BREYSSE and B. POUTEAU 211 Session 4. Safety 223 Rollover crash analysis of a road tanker with self-steer axles - H. PREM, L. MAI, G. GORHAM, D. HUTCHINSON and J. LONG 225 Oversize/overweight commercial vehicle safety - D. TURNER, L.A. NICHOLSON and K. AGENT 243 Heavy vehicle driver involvment in road safety and multiple vehicle accidents in Bangladesh - T. ANJUMAN, C. KAWSAR AREFIN SIDDIQUI, S. HASANAT-E-RABBI and MD. MAZHARUL HOQUE 257 Crash compatibility between heavy goods vehicles and passenger cars: structural interaction analysis and in-depth accident analysis - A. KRUSPER and R. THOMSON 269 Improvement of safety barriers on German bridges - results of impact test with heavy lorries - J. KUEBLER 281 Rollover risk prevention of heavy vehicles by reliability-based analysis Y. SELLAMI, H. IMINE, B. JACOB, F. BERNARDIN and J. C. CADIOU 293 Analysis of heavy truck accidents with regard to yaw and roll instability - using LTCSS database - S. KHARRAZI and R. THOMSON 305 Relationship between road infrastructure characterisitcs and HGV accidents M. GOTHIE, V. CEREZO and F. CONCHE 319 Session 5. Routing 333 Heavyroute - intelligent route guidance for heavy vehicles A. IHS, D. OMASITS and G. LINDBERG 335 Australia's intelligent access program - J. BARING and C. KONIDITSIOTIS 349 Methodology and effects of heavy goods vehicle transport management in urban areas - E. TANIGUCHI and Y. IMANISHI 359 A generic software architecture for a driver information system to organize and operate truck platoons - A. FRIEDRICHS, P. MEISEN and K. HENNING 375 A data-mining technique for the planning and organization of truck platoons P. MEISEN, T. SEIDL and K. HENNING 389 HGV guidance, road data and applications - L. SJÖGREN and M. ÖGREN 403 Session 6. Vehicle Performance 411 A new steerable wheel system for road transport applications H. PREM, L. MAI and G. DAVEY 413 Design concept for an alternative heavy vehicle slip control brake actuator J. MILLER, F. KIENHOFER and D. CEBON 429 Compatibility of long and heavy cargo vehicles with the geometric design standards of Brazilian rural roads and highways - W. PEREIRA NETO and J. WIDMER 443 The effect of wind on heavy vehicles - J. BILLING 455 Tyre scuffing forces from multi-axle groups - J. DE PONT and N. TARAMOEROA 467 Implementation of active rear steering of a tractor - semi-trailer B. JUJNOVICH, R. ROEBUCK, A. ODHAMS and D. CEBON 479 Improved brakes on heavy commercial vehicles - M. JOHANSSON 493 Session 7. Road Transport Policies and Operation 503 Vehicle infrastructure integration (VII) for heavy trucks: a new perspective of truck research - P. SWEATMAN 505 Heavy goods vehicle overtaking bans some information to assist decision-making - M. BERENI 517 Correctly loaded heavy commercial vehicles - M. JOHANSSON 531 Transportation of raw forest products in northern Ontario by trucks J. HAJEK, D. HEIN and D. SWAN 541 Optimising log truck configurations - J. DE PONT 553 A proposal of an international vehicle designation structure for cargo combination vehicles - J. WIDMER 567 Index of authors 581
ISBN | 9781848210585 ( 1848210582 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2009년 04월 13일 |
쪽수 | 598쪽 |
크기 |
157 * 239
* 38
/ 1020 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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