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Principles of Brownfield Regeneration

0002/ENone | 양장본 Hardcover
Island Press · 2010년 09월 02일
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Justin B. Hollander is Assistant Professor in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is the author of Polluted and Dangerous: America's Worst Abandoned Properties and What Can Be Done About Them. Niall G. Kirkwood is Professor of Landscape Architecture and Technology and Director of the Center for Technology and Environment at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University. He is the author of Manufactured Sites: Rethinking the Post-Industrial Landscape. Julia L. Gold is Assistant Director of Renewable Energy and Green Jobs at Bristol Community College.
Principles of Brownfield Regeneration presents compelling reasons for redeveloping brownfield sites and describes the steps for creating viable land for development or open space. Use of these idle properties is central to a sustainable strategy of thwarting sprawl, preserving or regenerating open space, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reinvesting in urbanized areas. This is the first book to provide an accessible introduction to the design, policy, and technical issues related to brownfield redevelopment. Book jacket.
The US. EPA defines brownfields as "idle real property, the development or improvement of which is impaired by real or perceived contamination." The authors of Principles of Brownfield Regenerationargue that, compared to "greenfields"-farmland, forest, or pasturelands that have never been developed-brownfields offer a more sustainable land development choice. They believe that brownfields are central to a sustainable planning strategy of thwarting sprawl, preserving or regenerating open space, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reinvesting in urbanized areas. This is the first book to provide an accessible introduction to the design, policy, and technical issues related to brownfield redevelopment. After defining brownfields and advocating for their redevelopment, the book describes the steps for cleaning up a site and creating viable land for development or open space. Land use and design considerations are addressed in a separate chapter and again in each of five case studies that make up the heart of the volume: The Steel Yard, Providence, RI; Assunpink Greenway, Trenton, NJ; June Key Community Center Demonstration Project, Portland, OR; Eastern Manufacturing Facility, Brewer, ME; and The Watershed at Hillsdale, Portland, OR. Throughout, the authors draw on interviews with people involved in brownfield projects as well as on their own considerable expertise.
The US. EPA defines brownfields as "idle real property, the development or improvement of which is impaired by real or perceived contamination." The authors ofPrinciples of Brownfield Regenerationargue that, compared to "greenfields"-farmland, forest, or pasturelands that have never been developed-brownfields offer a more sustainable land development choice. They believe that brownfields are central to a sustainable planning strategy of thwarting sprawl, preserving or regenerating open space, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reinvesting in urbanized areas. This is the first book to provide an accessible introduction to the design, policy, and technical issues related to brownfield redevelopment. After defining brownfields and advocating for their redevelopment, the book describes the steps for cleaning up a site and creating viable land for development or open space. Land use and design considerations are addressed in a separate chapter and again in each of five case studies that make up the heart of the volume: The Steel Yard, Providence, RI; Assunpink Greenway, Trenton, NJ; June Key Community Center Demonstration Project, Portland, OR; Eastern Manufacturing Facility, Brewer, ME; and The Watershed at Hillsdale, Portland, OR. Throughout, the authors draw on interviews with people involved in brownfield projects as well as on their own considerable expertise.
"Anyone who needs to get up to speed on brownfields will wear this book out."
"Intense interest in brownfields has produced many technical books on remediation. Principles of Brownfield Regeneration(its title a nod to John Lyle''s regenerative approach) aims to be ''a brief, concise, clear primer'' to guide professionals, officials, and activists in planning brownfield projects. For the most part. it succeeds very well. . . . Several landscape architecture firms are making good livings from brownfields; some are consultants, while others buy and remediate not-too-toxic sites suitable for regeneration via planting and soil treatment. Many more landscape professionals could get involved, but lack the basics to take the plunge. This book provides a real service, an economic opportunity in hard times. . . . Without explicitly saying so, Principles of Brownfield Regenerationis an extremely timely condemnation of bottom-line values, lacking creativity or civic conscience, that accept land dereliction as a nonnal cost of doing business."
"This book presents a comprehensive roadmap for redeveloping brownfields in the twenty-first century. The authors take the reader through the process from A to Z, identify potential pitfalls, and provide practical case studies."
"This concise, accessible book is packed with updated information, web links, and insights from the field. It demystifies common pollutants and remediation processes, and elucidates the strategies behind brownfield redevelopment and site design. Nice diagrams and photos appear throughout, and the case studies are diverse, non-technical, and interesting."
The U.S. EPA defines brownfields as "idle real property, the development or improvement of which is impaired by real or perceived contamination." The authors of Principles of Brownfield Regenerationargue that, compared to "greenfields"-farmland, forest, or pasturelands that have never been developed-brownfields offer a more sustainable land development choice. They believe that brownfields are central to a sustainable strategy of thwarting sprawl, preserving or regenerating open space, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reinvesting in urbanized areas. Drawing on interviews with people involved in brownfield projects as well as on their own considerable expertise, the authors use five case studies to describe the steps for cleaning up a site and creating viable land for development or open space.
The U.S. EPA defines brownfields as "idle real property, the development or improvement of which is impaired by real or perceived contamination." The authors ofPrinciples of Brownfield Regenerationargue that, compared to "greenfields"-farmland, forest, or pasturelands that have never been developed-brownfields offer a more sustainable land development choice. They believe that brownfields are central to a sustainable strategy of thwarting sprawl, preserving or regenerating open space, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reinvesting in urbanized areas. Drawing on interviews with people involved in brownfield projects as well as on their own considerable expertise, the authors use five case studies to describe the steps for cleaning up a site and creating viable land for development or open space.

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저자(글) Kirkwood, Niall

저자(글) Gold, Julia


  • Introductionp. 1
    Approaching Brownfield Redevelopmentp. 7
    Remediationp. 21
    Land Use and Design Considerationsp. 51
    Case Studiesp. 65
    The Steel Yard, Providence, Rhode Islandp. 68
    Assunpink Greenway, Trenton, New Jerseyp. 80
    June Key Community Center Demonstration Project, Portland, Oregonp. 91
    Eastern Manufacturing Facility, Brewer, Mainep. 98
    The Watershed at Hillsdale, Portland, Oregonp. 110
    Additional Resourcesp. 121
    Notesp. 125
    Indexp. 129
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781597267229 ( 1597267228 )
발행(출시)일자 2010년 09월 02일
쪽수 152쪽
152 * 231 * 13 mm / 340 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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