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Time Traveler

Basic Books · 2007년 11월 09일
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Ronald L. Mallett, Ph.D., served in the U.S. Air Force for four years. He received his B.S. in Physics in 1969, M.S. in 1970, and Ph.D. in physics in 1973, all lfrom Pennsylvania State University. In 1975 he joined the faculty at the University of Connecticut, where he is a professor of theoretical physics. He has published many papers on theoretical physics in professional journals. His time travel research has been featured in an hour-long TV special, "The World's First Time Machine," as well as publications as diverse as The Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, New Scientist, The Village Voice, The Boston Globe and Pravda.
This is the dramatic and inspirational first-person story of theoretical physicist, Dr. Ronald Mallett, who recently discovered the basic equations for a working time machine that he believes can be used as a transport vehicle to the past. Combining elements of Rocket Boys and Elegant Universe, Time Traveler follows Mallett's discovery of Einstein's work on space-time, his study of Godel's work on a solution of Einstein's equation that might allow for time travel, and his own research in theoretical physics spanning thirty years that culminated in his recent discovery of the effects of circulating laser light and its application to time travel. The foundation for Mallett's historic time-travel work is Einstein's theory of general relativity, a sound platform for any physicist. Through his years of reading and studying Einstein, Mallett became a buff well before he had any notion of the importance of the grand old relativist's theories to his own career. One interesting subtext to the story is Mallett's identification with, and keen interest in, Einstein. Mallett provides easy-to-understand explanations of the famous physicist's seminal work.
Time Traveler is the compelling and very human story of a man whose deep childhood trauma-the loss of his father at the age of ten-propelled him toward scientific achievement. As a boy, Ronald L. Mallett threw himself into a quest to find his own Holy Grail-a means to travel back in time and save his father from an untimely death. Remarkably, the working-class African-American boy from the Bronx stuck with this vision, struggling with poverty and prejudice to become one of America's first black PhDs in theoretical physics. Mallett explains in simple language and elegant metaphors the physics that makes time travel possible, and lays out his theories and presents the reader with what is, according to New Scientist's respected editor and physicist Michael Brooks, an actual blueprint for a time machine. Book jacket.
This is the dramatic and inspirational first-person story of theoretical physicist, Dr. Ronald Mallett, who recently discovered the basic equations for a working time machine that he believes can be used as a transport vehicle to the past. Combining elements of Rocket Boys and Elegant Universe,Time Travelerfollows Mallett's discovery of Einstein's work on space-time, his study of Godel's work on a solution of Einstein's equation that might allow for time travel, and his own research in theoretical physics spanning thirty years that culminated in his recent discovery of the effects of circulating laser light and its application to time travel. The foundation for Mallett's historic time-travel work is Einstein's theory of general relativity, a sound platform for any physicist. Through his years of reading and studying Einstein, Mallett became a buff well before he had any notion of the importance of the grand old relativist's theories to his own career. One interesting subtext to the story is Mallett's identification with, and keen interest in, Einstein. Mallett provides easy-to-understand explanations of the famous physicist's seminal work.
This is the dramatic and inspirational first-person story of theoretical physicist, Dr. Ronald Mallett, who recently discovered the basic equations for a working time machine that he believes can be used as a transport vehicle to the past. Combining elements of Rocket Boys and Elegant Universe, "Time Traveler" follows Mallett's discovery of Einstein's work on space-time, his study of Godel's work on a solution of Einstein's equation that might allow for time travel, and his own research in theoretical physics spanning thirty years that culminated in his recent discovery of the effects of circulating laser light and its application to time travel. The foundation for Mallett's historic time-travel work is Einstein's theory of general relativity, a sound platform for any physicist. Through his years of reading and studying Einstein, Mallett became a buff well before he had any notion of the importance of the grand old relativist's theories to his own career. One interesting subtext to the story is Mallett's identification with, and keen interest in, Einstein. Mallett provides easy-to-understand explanations of the famous physicist's seminal work.
This is the dramatic and inspirational first-person story of theoretical physicist, Dr. Ronald Mallett, who recently discovered the basic equations for a working time machine that he believes can be used as a transport vehicle to the past. Combining elements of Rocket Boys and Elegant Universe, Time Travelerfollows Mallett's discovery of Einstein's work on space-time, his study of Godel's work on a solution of Einstein's equation that might allow for time travel, and his own research in theoretical physics spanning thirty years that culminated in his recent discovery of the effects of circulating laser light and its application to time travel. The foundation for Mallett's historic time-travel work is Einstein's theory of general relativity, a sound platform for any physicist. Through his years of reading and studying Einstein, Mallett became a buff well before he had any notion of the importance of the grand old relativist's theories to his own career. One interesting subtext to the story is Mallett's identification with, and keen interest in, Einstein. Mallett provides easy-to-understand explanations of the famous physicist's seminal work.

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  • Prologuep. ix
    A Death in the Beginningp. 1
    My Secret Missionp. 9
    Einstein and Mep. 19
    In My Father's Footstepsp. 25
    A Project Under Developmentp. 35
    The Education of a Physicistp. 53
    My Introduction to Lasersp. 83
    Finding My Academic Homep. 97
    My Expanding Universep. 107
    Deeper into Black Holesp. 115
    Back from the Brinkp. 139
    The Sweetness of Technologyp. 155
    Building the Machinep. 175
    Time Travel Paradoxesp. 191
    Endnotesp. 199
    Indexp. 207
    Table of Contents provided by Ingram. All Rights Reserved.


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781568583631 ( 156858363X )
발행(출시)일자 2007년 11월 09일
쪽수 240쪽
127 * 211 * 18 mm / 227 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어


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