The Political and Institutional Effects of Term Limits
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로그아웃 : '서울시 종로구 종로1' 주소 기준
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John Strate directs the Graduate Program in Public Administration in the Department of Political Science at Wayne State University.
Lyke Thompson is the Director of the Center for Urban Studies at Wayne State University and a Professor of Political Science and the College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs.
Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompson is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Wayne State University.
Richard C. Elling is a Professor of Political Science at Wayne State University.
This innovative text examines the effects of term limits by combining statistical analysis of the effects of term limits on electoral competition, campaign contributions and the activities of the Michigan legislature with in-depth interviews with legislators.
Marjorie Sarbaugh-Thompsonis Associate Professor, Charles D. Elderis Professor, Lyke Thompsonis Professor, Richard Ellingis Professor, and John Strateis Associate Professor, all at Wayne State University.
"Scholars, practioners, journalists and voters who read this important contribution to the study of state legislative term limits will have a better understanding the consequences in Michigan, California and around the country. The book examines pre and post term limits data to identify effects in the political environment, personal characteristics of legislators, and governing institutions. While focusing on Michigan, comparisons with California provide additional support for the findings regarding composition, competition, and action." --Rick Farmer, University of Akron "Term limits is one of the most hotly-debated topics in state politics today, and this book provides unexpected findings and new insights that will make compelling reading for scholars, practitioners, and anyone who cares about democracy and policymaking. This carefully-constructed, rigorous study provides an in-depth, detailed picture of the state legislature in electoral politics and governance over time, before and after term limits. The portrait is a troubling one that largely contradicts the aims of term limit reforms - weakening electoral competition, lessening democratic responsiveness, and strengthening the role of lobbyists in policymaking. Beyond the considerable contribution that this study makes to academic research on the topic, its lucid style and concrete policy recommendations should enhance its appeal to the broad audience it deserves." --Karen Mossberger, Kent State University
"Scholars, practioners, journalists and voters who read this important contribution to the study of state legislative term limits will have a better understanding the consequences in Michigan, California and around the country. The book examines pre and post term limits data to identify effects in the political environment, personal characteristics of legislators, and governing institutions. While focusing on Michigan, comparisons with California provide additional support for the findings regarding composition, competition, and action." --Rick Farmer, University of Akron "Term limits is one of the most hotly-debated topics in state politics today, and this book provides unexpected findings and new insights that will make compelling reading for scholars, practitioners, and anyone who cares about democracy and policymaking. This carefully-constructed, rigorous study provides an in-depth, detailed picture of the state legislature in electoral politics and governance over time, before and after term limits. The portrait is a troubling one that largely contradicts the aims of term limit reforms - weakening electoral competition, lessening democratic responsiveness, and strengthening the role of lobbyists in policymaking. Beyond the considerable contribution that this study makes to academic research on the topic, its lucid style and concrete policy recommendations should enhance its appeal to the broad audience it deserves." --Karen Mossberger, Kent State University
Discontent with politics and politicians has led to calls for term limits in the belief that new faces would bring new perspectives and the influence of monied special interests would decrease. This innovative volume examines the effects of term limits by combining statistical analysis of the effects of terms limits on electoral competition, campaign contributions, and the activities of the Michigan legislature with in-depth interviews with legislators. The book sheds important light on the political, institutional and individual effects of terms limits. The authors find many surprises that neither advocates nor opponents anticipated, included shifts in the balance of power, changes within and between political parties, and new career paths for politicians.
Discontent with politics and politicians has led to calls for term limits in the belief that new faces would bring new perspectives and the influence of monied special interests would decrease. This innovative volume examines the effects of term limits by combining statistical analysis of the effects of terms limits on electoral competition, campaign contributions, and the activities of the Michigan legislature with in-depth interviews with legislators. The book sheds important light on the political, institutional and individual effects of terms limits. The authors find many surprises that neither advocates nor opponents anticipated, included shifts in the balance of power, changes within and between political parties, and new career paths for politicians.
"Scholars, practioners, journalists and voters who read this important contribution to the study of state legislative term limits will have a better understanding the consequences in Michigan, California and around the country. The book examines pre and post term limits data to identify effects in the political environment, personal characteristics of legislators, and governing institutions. While focusing on Michigan, comparisons with California provide additional support for the findings regarding composition, competition, and action." --Rick Farmer, University of Akron "Term limits is one of the most hotly-debated topics in state politics today, and this book provides unexpected findings and new insights that will make compelling reading for scholars, practitioners, and anyone who cares about democracy and policymaking. This carefully-constructed, rigorous study provides an in-depth, detailed picture of the state legislature in electoral politics and governance over time, before and after term limits. The portrait is a troubling one that largely contradicts the aims of term limit reforms - weakening electoral competition, lessening democratic responsiveness, and strengthening the role of lobbyists in policymaking. Beyond the considerable contribution that this study makes to academic research on the topic, its lucid style and concrete policy recommendations should enhance its appeal to the broad audience it deserves." --Karen Mossberger, Kent State University
Section I: Political Impacts of Term Limits *Electoral Competition and Incumbency Advantages * Funding Campaigns in a Term Limited House * The Interest Group Connection: Money, Expertise and Support *Section II: Term-Limited Representatives: Who They Are and Where They're Going *Who They Are: Personal Characteristics of Term Limited Representatives * Legislative Careers Under Term Limits: Motives and Aspirations * Home Style Under Term Limits: Responsiveness to Constituents *Section III: Term Limits and the Michigan House as an Institution *How Term-Limited Representatives Make Up Their Minds * Winning Friends and Influencing People in a Term Limited House * Conflict, Compromise and Partisanship: Committees Under Term Limits * Checks and Balances: Relationships Within Government Under Term Limits *Conclusions *The New Term-limited Age: Aquarius or Armageddon
Political Impacts of Term Limits Electoral Competition and Incumbency Advantages Funding Campaigns in a Term Limited House The Interest Group Connection: Money, Expertise and Support Term-Limited Representatives: Who They Are and Where They're Going Who They Are: Personal Characteristics of Term Limited Representatives Legislative Careers Under Term Limits: Motives and Aspirations Home Style Under Term Limits: Responsiveness to Constituents Term Limits and the Michigan House as an Institution How Term-Limited Representatives Make Up Their Minds Winning Friends and Influencing People in a Term Limited House Conflict, Compromise and Partisanship: Committees Under Term Limits Checks and Balances: Relationships Within Government Under Term Limits Conclusions The New Term-limited Age: Aquarius or Armageddon Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN | 9781403965141 ( 1403965145 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2004년 09월 16일 |
쪽수 | 241쪽 |
크기 |
164 * 242
* 21
/ 512 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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기분 좋은 발견
이 분야의 베스트
해외주문 서양도서 베스트
이 분야의 신간
Essentials of Comparative Politics113,376 원
Rethinking Public Governance20% 58,500 원
Trust20% 32,110 원
Stateness, Locality, and Grassroots Governance5% 242,710 원