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M2m Communications

Revised | 양장본 Hardcover
Wiley · 2012년 04월 30일
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Focusing on the latest technological developments, Machine to Machine (M2M) Communications: A systems and market approach is an advanced introduction to this popular and evolving topic. It provides a global perspective on M2M services and the major telecommunications relevant technologies, with a focus on standards currently in progress by ETSI and 3GPP, the leading standards entities in telecommunication networks and solutions. The structure of the book is inspired by ongoing standards developments and uses a systems-based approach for describing the problems which may be encountered, as well as offering proposed solutions. It follows a logical sequence beginning with introduction and business, before moving to technology summary and analysis and service opportunities. The authors provide comprehensive technical information on M2M architecture, protocols and applications, especially in M2M service architecture, access and core network optimizations, M2M area networks technologies. The book addresses the end to end landscape for M2M including: M2M Devices (constrained and non constrained), M2M area networks (Home Area Networks, Body Area Networks, etc.), access and core network optimizations for M2M, M2M Service Delivery Platform and M2M network applications. It also covers important application areas such as Smart Metering, Smart Grid, eHealth and connected cars. Aimed as an advanced introduction to this complex technical field, the book will provide an essential end to end overview of M2M and details on key areas for professionals working in the industry and advanced students.
Focusing on the latest technological developments, Machine to Machine (M2M) Communications: A systems and market approach is an advanced introduction to this popular and evolving topic.
This guide provides the advanced reader with a practical and comprehensive understanding of this "hot topic" as a complete single source. The book addresses the end-to-end landscape for M2M including: M2M Devices, M2M area networks, access and core network optimizations for M2M, M2M Service Delivery Platform and M2M network applications.

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▶ 이 책은 사물지능통신 M2M에 대해 다룬 도서입니다. 사물지능통신 M2M의 기초적이고 전반적인 내용을 학습할 수 있도록 구성했습니다.


사물지능통신 M2M: 시스템 접근 방식

David Boswarthick 외 2명


저자(글) Palisca

저자(글) Grout, Donald


  • Foreword List of Contributors List of Acronyms 1 Introduction to M2M 1.1 What is M2M? 1.2 The Business of M2M 1.3 Accelerating M2M Maturity 1.3.1 High-Level M2M Frameworks 1.3.2 Policy and Government Incentives 1.4 M2M Standards 1.4.1 Which Standards for M2M? 1.5 Roadmap of the Book References Part I M2M CURRENT LANDSCAPE 2 The Business of M2M 2.1 The M2M Market 2.1.1 Healthcare 2.1.2 Transportation 2.1.3 Energy 2.2 The M2M Market Adoption: Drivers and Barriers 2.3 The M2M Value Chain 2.4 Market Size Projections 2.5 Business Models 2.5.1 Network Operator- or CSP-Led Model 2.5.2 MVNO-Led Model 2.5.3 Corporate Customer-Led Model 2.6 M2M Business Metrics 2.7 Market Evolution Reference 3 Lessons Learned from Early M2M Deployments 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Early M2M Operational Deployments 3.2.1 Introduction 3.2.2 Early M2M Operational Deployment Examples 3.2.3 Common Questions in Early M2M Deployments 3.2.4 Possible Optimization of M2M Deployments 3.3 Chapter Conclusion Reference Part II M2M ARCHITECTURE AND PROTOCOLS 4 M2M Requirements and High-Level Architectural Principles 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Use-Case-Driven Approach to M2M Requirements 4.2.1 What is a Use Case? 4.2.2 ETSI M2M Work on Use Cases 4.2.3 Methodology for Developing Use Cases 4.3 Smart Metering Approach in ETSI M2M 4.3.1 Introduction 4.3.2 Typical Smart Metering Deployment Scenario 4.4 eHealth Approach in ETSI M2M 4.4.1 Introduction 4.5 ETSI M2M Service Requirements: High-Level Summary and Applicability to Different Market Segments 4.6 Traffic Models-/Characteristics-Approach to M2M Requirements and Considerations for Network Architecture Design 4.6.1 Why Focus on Wireless Networks? 4.7 Description of M2M Market Segments/Applications 4.7.1 Automotive 4.7.2 Smart Telemetry 4.7.3 Surveillance and Security 4.7.4 Point of Sale (PoS) 4.7.5 Vending Machines 4.7.6 eHealth 4.7.7 Live Video 4.7.8 Building Automation 4.7.9 M2M Industrial Automation 4.8 M2M Traffic Characterization 4.8.1 Detailed Traffic Characterization for Smart Metering 4.8.2 Global Traffic Characterization 4.9 High-Level Architecture Principles for M2M Communications 4.10 Chapter Conclusions References 5 ETSI M2M Services Architecture 5.1 Introduction 5.2 High-Level System Architecture 5.3 ETSI TC M2M Service Capabilities Framework 5.4 ETSI TC M2M Release 1 Scenarios 5.5 ETSI M2M Service Capabilities 5.5.1 Reachability, Addressing, and Repository Capability (xRAR) 5.5.2 Remote Entity Management Capability (x REM) 5.5.3 Security Capability (xSEC) 5.6 Introducing REST Architectural Style for M2M 5.6.1 Introduction to REST 5.6.2 Why REST for M2M? 5.6.3 REST Basics 5.6.4 Applying REST to M2M 5.6.5 Additional Functionalities 5.7 ETSI TC M2M Resource-Based M2M Communication and Procedures 5.7.1 Introduction 5.7.2 Definitions Used in this Section 5.7.3 Resource Structure 5.7.4 Interface Procedures 5.8 Chapter Conclusion References 6 M2M Optimizations in Public Mobile Networks 6.1 Chapter Overview 6.2 M2M over a Telecommunications Network 6.2.1 Introduction 6.2.2 M2M Communication Scenarios 6.2.3 Mobile or Fixed Networks 6.2.4 Data Connections for M2M Applications 6.3 Network Optimizations for M2M 6.3.1 Introduction 6.3.2 3GPP Standardization of Network Improvements for Machine Type Communications 6.3.3 Cost Reduction 6.3.4 M2M Value-Added Services 6.3.5 Numbering, Identifiers, and Addressing 6.3.6 Triggering Optimizations 6.3.7 Overload and Congestion Control References 7 The Role of IP in M2M 7.1 Introduction 7.1.1 IPv6 in Brief 7.1.2 Neighbor Discovery Protocol 7.2 IPv6 for M2M 7.3 6LoWPAN 7.3.1 Framework 7.3.2 Header Compression 7.3.3 Neighbor Discovery 7.4 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) 7.4.1 RPL Topology 7.5 CoRE 7.5.1 Message Formats 7.5.2 Transport Protocol 7.5.3 REST Architecture References 8 M2M Security 8.1 Introduction 8.1.1 Security Characteristics of Cellular M2M 8.2 Trust Relationships in the M2M Ecosystem 8.3 Security Requirements 8.3.1 Customer/M2M Device User 8.3.2 Access Network Provider 8.3.3 M2M Service Provider 8.3.4 Application Provider 8.3.5 Bootstrapping Requirements 8.4 Which Types of Solutions are Suitable? 8.4.1 Approaches Against Hijacking 8.4.2 Public Key Solutions 8.4.3 Smart Card-Based Solutions 8.4.4 Methods Based on Pre-Provisioned Symmetric Keys 8.4.5 Protocol for Automated Bootstrapping Based on Identity-Based Encryption 8.4.6 Security for Groups of M2M Devices 8.5 Standardization Efforts on Securing M2M and MTC Communications 8.5.1 ETSI M2M Security 8.5.2 3GPP Security Related to Network Improvements for Machine Type Communications References 9 M2M Terminals and Modules 9.1 M2M Module Categorization 9.1.1 Access Technology 9.1.2 Physical Form Factors 9.2 Hardware Interfaces 9.2.1 Power Interface 9.2.2 USB (Universal Serial Bus) Interface 9.2.3 UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter) Interface 9.2.4 Antenna Interface 9.2.5 UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card) Interface 9.2.6 GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output Port) Interface 9.2.7 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Interface 9.2.8 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus) Interface 9.2.9 ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) Interface 9.2.10 PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) Interface 9.2.11 PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Interface 9.2.12 Analog Audio Interface 9.3 Temperature and Durability 9.4 Services 9.4.1 Application Execution Environment 9.4.2 Connectivity Services 9.4.3 Management Services 9.4.4 Application Services 9.5 Software Interface 9.5.1 AT Commands 9.5.2 SDK Interface 9.6 Cellular Certification 9.6.1 Telecom Industry Certification 9.6.2 MNO Certification 10 Smart Cards in M2M Communication 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Security and Privacy Issues in M2M Communication 10.3 The Grounds for Hardware-Based Security Solutions 10.4 Independent Secure Elements and Trusted Environments 10.4.1 Trusted Environments in M2M Devices 10.4.2 Trusting Unknown Devices: The Need for Security Certification 10.4.3 Advantages of the Smart Card Model 10.5 Specific Smart Card Properties for M2M Environments 10.5.1 Removable Smart Cards versus Embedded Secure Elements 10.5.2 UICC Resistance to Environmental Constraints 10.5.3 Adapting the Card Application Toolkit to Unattended Devices 10.5.4 Reaching UICC Peripheral Devices with Toolkit Commands 10.5.5 Confidential Remote Management of Third-Party Applications 10.6 Smart Card Future Evolutions in M2M Environments 10.6.1 UICC-Based M2M Service Identity Module Application 10.6.2 Internet Protocol Integration of the UICC 10.7 Remote Administration of M2M Secure Elements 10.7.1 Overview 10.7.2 Late Personalization of Subscription 10.7.3 Remote Management of Subscriptions on the Field References Part III BOOK CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE VISION 11 Conclusions Index


상품정보 테이블로 ISBN, 발행(출시)일자 , 쪽수, 크기, 총권수, 언어을(를) 나타낸 표입니다.
ISBN 9781119994756 ( 1119994756 )
발행(출시)일자 2012년 04월 30일
쪽수 336쪽
173 * 249 * 23 mm / 703 g
총권수 1권
언어 영어

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