Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer
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디자인에 관한 170여 권의 책을 집필한 스티븐 헬러가 핵심 역량을 집중시킨 네 번째 개정판 『기술과 디자인』. 전 세계 수많은 디자이너로부터 호평을 받아온 앞서 책에서 일부만 수정한 단순 개정판이길 거부하고 내용과 형태를 완전히 재구성했다. 디자인의 정의를 ‘다양한 플랫폼에 기반을 둔 미적, 창의적, 기술적 활동 및 전문 능력’이라고 새롭게 내린 데서부터 출발했다는 점에서 관심을 끈다. 전통적인 아날로그에서부터 새로운 미디어 환경의 디지털에 이르기까지 디자인의 모든 분야와 작업 범주를 넘나든다.
저자(글) Heller, Steven
디자인 평론가이자 뉴욕 스쿨오브비주얼아츠(School of Visual Arts, SVA)의 디자인 석사 과정 공동 학장이다. 최근 템즈 & 허드슨에서 출간된 '그래픽, 손글씨, 새로운 빈티지 활자와 장식'을 비롯한 130권이 넘는 그래픽 디자인 및 대중문화 관련 책을 쓰고 편집했다.
- Foreword viiiGlossary xJob Opportunities xiiJob Seeking xiiThe Optimum Portfolio xiiiFirst Impressions xiiiOne: Graphic Design1 Inspirations and MotivationsMichael Bierut: On Being a Graphic Designer 17Stephen Doyle: Selfish-In a Good Way 23Stefan Sagmeister: On Being Self-Motivated 27Arnold Schwartzman: Still Designing after All These Years 30Gail Anderson: The Joys of Print Design 332 Starting A Studio or Working for Someone ElseLynda Decker: Mapping Out the Future 37Fernando Music: From Boss to Employee 40Allison Henry Aver: Working Holistically 43Romain Raclin: Creative Space 46Alexander Isley: Staying Independent 49Agnieszka Gasparska: Small Is Sensible 54Bobby Martin and Jennifer Kinon: Championing Design 58Antonio Alcala: What a Dream Client Looks Like 62Mark Pernice: From Band Member to Design Leader 65Tamara Gildengers Connolly: Balancing Studio and Home 68Araba Simpson: One Person, All Alone 72Matt Luckhurst: Designing for Design Firms 743 Partners on PartneringHjalti Karlsson and Jan Wilker: Not a Lot of Verbalizing 79Stuart Rogers and Sam Eckersley: Sharing Responsibilities 82Justin Colt and Jose Fresneda: How Partners Becomes Partners 86Greg D'Onofrio and Patricia Belen: Two Partners, One Passion 90Scott Buschkuhl: At Present We Are Three 93Two: Design Genres4 Letters and TypeMarian Bantjes: Lettering as Art and Business 98Andy Cruz and Rich Roat: There's a Type Designer in the House 100Pierre di Scuillo: Typography That Speaks Up 104Ross MacDonald: An Illustrator's Passion for Type 108Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich: For the Love of Type 112How Many Typefaces Can You Love? (sidebar) 1155 Making Logos and MarksMark Fox: The Mark Maker 1176 Books and Book JacketsScott-Martin Kosofsky: Making a Living Doing Books 123Michael Carabetta: Books and E-Books 127Paul Buckley: The Bookkeeper 130Jim Heimann: Making Visual Books 1347 Editorial DesignLen Small: Print Is Bouncing Back 141Susanna Shannon: Art Director Becomes Editor 1448 Social InnovationMark Randall: Citizen Designer 149Bob McKinnon: Socially Impactful Design 1549 Branding and PackagingSharon Werner: Approachable Design 15710 Illustration DesignMichel Bouvet: Poster Man 163Mirko Ilic: Design Is Like Classical Ballet 166Steve Brodner: Graphic Commentary and Design 170Steven Guarnaccia: The Old New Illustration 174Neil Gower: Fraudulent Graphic Designer 178Craig Frazier: Designing Pictures 182Three: Transitional Design11 Understanding ChangeRichard Saul Wurman: The Architect of Understanding 189Crossing Disciplines (sidebar) 191Petrula Vrontikis: Creating Interactions 193Erik Adigard: The Experience of the Information 196Veronique Marrier: Graphic Design as a Cause 200Making Transitions: Returning to School with Barbara DeWilde (sidebar) 20312 Eccentrics and Design QuirkinessCharles S. Anderson: Celebrating Commercial Art 205Antoine Audiau and Manuel Varosz: Over-the-top Digita D.I.Y. 208Ludovic Houplain/H5: Getting an Oscar for Graphic Design 210Cary Murnion: Designing Cooties 214Nick Ace: Speaking Frankly 21713 What Comes NextTimothy Goodman: Disposable Ideas 221Ryan Feerer: Making Design Meals 224Design Entrepreneurship (sidebar) 227Franco Cervi: "I Am Reckless!" 228Four: Digital Design14 Interactive Multimedia Installations and InterfacesDebugging the Language of Digital Job Titles (sidebar) 233Jeroen Barendse: Subverting the Mental Map 234Julien Gachadoat: Demomaking for a Living 237Ada Whitney: The New Motion 240Defining the New Animation: Popularity, by J.J. Sedelmeir (sidebar) 241Defining the New Animation: Technology's Perks, by J.J. Sedelmeir (sidebar) 242Jean-Louis Frechin: Asking the Right Questions 243Alexander Chen: Working for Google (sidebar) 24515 Designing Apps for Mobile DevicesSean Bumgarner: Between Text and Images 247Michel Chanaud: Always Learning 250John Kilpatrick: Designer as Accelerator 255Nicolas Ledoux and Pascal Bejean: Digital Books and Magazines by Contemporary Artists 256Typography on the Web, by Jason Santa Maria (sidebar) 258Frederique Krupa: Games as Powerful Motivators 260Girls and Games (sidebar) 26216 E-Commerce with a SoulRandy J. Hunt: Growing into a Job 265Lucy Sisman: Online Editorial Ventures 269Nancy Kruger Cohen: Addicted to Startups 27217 User Experience SpecialistsBruce Charonnat: Understanding Human-Computer Interaction 277Michael Aidan: Using the Audience as Media 279Hugh Dubberly: Mapping the Relationship between Ideas 282Matthew Stadler: To Publish: To Create a Public for Books 28818 Geeks, Programmers, Developers, TinkerersFrieder Nake: Controlling Computers with Our Thoughts 293Mark Webster: Iterations and Algorithms 296Five: Design Education19 Making ChoicesAndrea Marks: Old School, New School 308Lita Talarico: Educating Design Entrepreneurs 311Rudi Meyer: Developing the Righ Attitude 314Lucille Tenazas: Idiosyncratic Contexts 317Liz Danzico: Interfacing with UX 320Allan Chochinov: The Maker Generation 322David Carroll: Students and Surveillance 325APPS That Track, by David Carroll (sidebar) 327Appendix 1 College Directory 328Appendix 2 Additional Reading 330Index 332
ISBN | 9781118771983 ( 1118771982 ) |
발행(출시)일자 | 2015년 04월 27일 |
쪽수 | 336쪽 |
크기 |
188 * 229
* 18
/ 726 g
총권수 | 1권 |
언어 | 영어 |
구매 후 리뷰 작성 시, e교환권 200원 적립
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* 오픈마켓, 해외배송 주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1 상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터 (1544-1900) -
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2) 소비자의 사용, 포장 개봉에 의해 상품 등의 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
예) 화장품, 식품, 가전제품(악세서리 포함) 등
3) 복제가 가능한 상품 등의 포장을 훼손한 경우
예) 음반/DVD/비디오, 소프트웨어, 만화책, 잡지, 영상 화보집
4) 소비자의 요청에 따라 개별적으로 주문 제작되는 상품의 경우 ((1)해외주문도서)
5) 디지털 컨텐츠인 ebook, 오디오북 등을 1회이상 ‘다운로드’를 받았거나 '바로보기'로 열람한 경우
6) 시간의 경과에 의해 재판매가 곤란한 정도로 가치가 현저히 감소한 경우
7) 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률이 정하는 소비자 청약철회 제한 내용에 해당되는 경우
(1) 해외주문도서 : 이용자의 요청에 의한 개인주문상품으로 단순변심 및 착오로 인한 취소/교환/반품 시 ‘해외주문 반품/취소 수수료’ 고객 부담 (해외주문 반품/취소 수수료 : ①서양도서-판매정가의 12%, ②일본도서-판매정가의 7%를 적용) -
상품 품절
소비자 피해보상 환불 지연에 따른 배상
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